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  #1571 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2010, 04:35 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [8/30] FIXED NOISE!

Originally Posted by quicktek View Post
Forgive me if this has been covered somewhere else in the thread, but I didn't see anything in the FAQ related to this. In the latest BLAZN build, I am unable to get into the market. The screen goes white as if it is going to launch, then just goes away.
Delete your data.img and try again.
  #1572 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2010, 04:37 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [8/30] FIXED NOISE!

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Didnt know where else to really post but since this is the most popular thread i figured i give it a try. I just patched the kernel with some changes that were successful on the nand version. Changes are mostly incall volume fix as well as some speaker stuff.

unfortunately i cant test it fully since im on nand (not haret), so we will need feedback tomorrow. The other devs reported success so im hoping nothing is broken. Glemsom already auto-build the kernel so its ready for download..

thanks fellas
hell yeah! good work ACL... I added your latest kernel to my haret version and i now have in-call volume control! keep up the good work!
  #1573 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2010, 07:53 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [8/30] FIXED NOISE!

Awesome, just updated with the new Kernal.
  #1574 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2010, 09:12 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [8/30] FIXED NOISE!

Just updated the kernel as well. All sounds and volume control are working great; however, I think I may have found a bug introduced by this update. If you have your phone set to vibrate (Sound Off) and receive a phone call, you cannot hear the person on the other end or change the volume. Once I set Sound On, they can call and everything works perfectly. Anyone else able to confirm this on RHOD500?
  #1575 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2010, 10:49 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [8/30] FIXED NOISE!

Can someone please help me, i have searched and still no solution, but i am on metropcs and i have the internet broswer working flawless with android, but when i try to get on the market place it asks me to sign in my google account and it can never connect. And i have already installed marketplace access, so if i am missing a step somewhere, can you please help me.
  #1576 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 07:20 AM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [8/30] FIXED NOISE!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Delete your data.img and try again.
I was trying to avoiding loosing all my data, but I deleted it anyway and now it works. Thanks.
  #1577 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 11:47 AM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [8/30] FIXED NOISE!

Originally Posted by quicktek View Post
I was trying to avoiding loosing all my data, but I deleted it anyway and now it works. Thanks.
You can use an app like Titanium Backup, and it'll backup basically everything for ya so you can easily restore what was lost.

Originally Posted by trinijstn View Post
Can someone please help me, i have searched and still no solution, but i am on metropcs and i have the internet broswer working flawless with android, but when i try to get on the market place it asks me to sign in my google account and it can never connect. And i have already installed marketplace access, so if i am missing a step somewhere, can you please help me.
Sounds like your provider is blocking the traffic. If I'm not mistaken, to use the browser you have to pipe the traffic thru Metropcs' proxy, just like Cricket... am I correct? If that's the case, you gotta figure out how to pipe the proxy thru for the market as well. I thought there were some global proxy settings for the entire system, but I could be wrong.
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  #1578 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 01:07 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2; en-us; MSM Build/MASTER) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty
Just updated the kernel as well. All sounds and volume control are working great; however, I think I may have found a bug introduced by this update. If you have your phone set to vibrate (Sound Off) and receive a phone call, you cannot hear the person on the other end or change the volume. Once I set Sound On, they can call and everything works perfectly. Anyone else able to confirm this on RHOD500?
Another issue I encountered with the latest kernel was that I was on a call and tried to adjust the in-call volume and it put the call on speakerphone, locked up and then rebooted android.
  #1579 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 01:16 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [8/30] FIXED NOISE!

I've seen several references to this, but searching the forums I haven't found much information.

I've read to put 'snd.force_headset=2' in my startup.txt but placing it in my set cmdline ".." section disables all audio (no speaker, no headphone) while placing it in the fields above (below "set initrd initrd.gz") as "set snd.force_headset=2" gives me an error message. Am I doing this wrong?

I've also tried running one of the newer builds 20100908_204144.

Thanks for all the work devs ! I'm just curious if there's already a work around for the 3.5 jack feature on my Sprint TP2.
  #1580 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2010, 03:11 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [8/30] FIXED NOISE!

Originally Posted by InvincibleLiving View Post
As far as housing all the various android files/folders on sdcard, is there anyway to organize some of the extra folders into one place without breaking functionality?

Example: Titaniumbackup creates it's own folder on the sd root. Can this be placed somewhere else, or will it cause the app not to work right?

Basically I want to know if the following folders can be safely moved for organization's sake:
electrum - honestly not sure what app this is related to

I'm curious of other user's thoughts/solutions on this.
I want to bump this question... anyone know?
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