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  #2181 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2011, 11:01 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-24: FRX05 on NAND (Testing new RIL)

@Nate: I've just test your "GSM Test " and still can not get GSM work, even after I tried to kill rild service. Anything else:
- WiFi also not work
- New sexy recovery still work like charm.

Here is my dmesg
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File Type: tar dmesg.txt.tar (140.0 KB, 1 views) Click for barcode!
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  #2182 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2011, 11:17 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-24: FRX05 on NAND (Testing new RIL)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Yeah, before you needed androidinstall.tgz, androidupdate.tgz, and recoveryinstall.tgz in your andboot folder, then flash the NBH, then hold the screen to boot into recovery (which installed when not found and then loaded up), then install system from in there, and then reboot.

I just pushed the change to include recovery.tgz in initrd and have it extract it if /recovery/init.recovery is not found. I don't think it will initiate an auto-build, but from here on out, I think ACL's autobuild files will include the new method which allows us to get rid of recoveryinstall.tgz from the sdcard.
Yeah this isnt gonna work out. just synced and saw the binaries pop up. I'll remove it but have autobuild generate this exactly like you have it. When i sync bootevn i can have the latest recovery copied over this method is kept intact without ballooning up git. For all the developers, well this should be no big deal.. the noobs can suffer. But not sure if you agreed or not, but are we stripping the busybox or not?

which reminds me, we need a new thread. Or another place to have dev discussions .. lol. some of the posts are getting to be ridiculous so ill leave it up to one of the young guns to man one of these threads ..

Ok so im back home.. tired but im not sure if ill get to work on LK tonight like i hoped.. but i'll definitely run some more test for the gsm folks. Also i started using mountable modules like cyanogen. My only prob is its hard to script which modules to load.

For example this is how my modules are being generated now

We cant leave it entirely up to android to mount since i dont think its able to determine the uname to know which modules to load. So unfortunately either the initrd will have to do the dirty work or the sysinit. Sysinit might load too late so this may not work out.

Also i was thinking about what you mentioned before, and copying this one file to system/lib/modules may not be a bad idea. this way our data restore will work flawlessly. we will have to make a way to do kernel upgrades but thats down the road.
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  #2183 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2011, 12:24 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-24: FRX05 on NAND (Testing new RIL)

repost! i'm a noob

Last edited by kanavulator; 03-27-2011 at 12:31 AM.
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  #2184 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2011, 12:30 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Yes, su is coming, and we will probably end up using the SuperUser app that gives sudo prompts when an application attempts to act as root. I'll be looking into this today.

I have two methods for doing this. First, I'm messing with su from our rootfs and changing the install script to cat it into bin and sbin under system. The other is using androidupdate.tgz to put them in place and then init sets the perms. If you wanted to test either of those, that would be awesome

I am around, and if you wanted to shoot me a patch, I can take care of that. If it's just init code, I can do a diff, check the changes, and commit. Just let me know
i know it was mentioned some pages ago, but i'm not able to move any apps to the SD card. any solutions to this? even using App 2 SD to indicate which apps can be moved, i'm getting "Failed to move application" notifications at every attempt. i'm using a 4gb microSD card and a sprint cdma tp2
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  #2185 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2011, 01:32 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-24: FRX05 on NAND (Testing new RIL)

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Yeah this isnt gonna work out. just synced and saw the binaries pop up. I'll remove it but have autobuild generate this exactly like you have it. When i sync bootevn i can have the latest recovery copied over this method is kept intact without ballooning up git. For all the developers, well this should be no big deal.. the noobs can suffer. But not sure if you agreed or not, but are we stripping the busybox or not?

which reminds me, we need a new thread. Or another place to have dev discussions .. lol. some of the posts are getting to be ridiculous so ill leave it up to one of the young guns to man one of these threads ..

Ok so im back home.. tired but im not sure if ill get to work on LK tonight like i hoped.. but i'll definitely run some more test for the gsm folks. Also i started using mountable modules like cyanogen. My only prob is its hard to script which modules to load.

For example this is how my modules are being generated now

We cant leave it entirely up to android to mount since i dont think its able to determine the uname to know which modules to load. So unfortunately either the initrd will have to do the dirty work or the sysinit. Sysinit might load too late so this may not work out.

Also i was thinking about what you mentioned before, and copying this one file to system/lib/modules may not be a bad idea. this way our data restore will work flawlessly. we will have to make a way to do kernel upgrades but thats down the road.
Yeah, sorry about the binary, I wasn't sure what was needed for autobuild and didn't want it to kick off a bad image or something. Should have asked first, and thanks for removing it.

It looks like recovery doesn't need busybox in /recovery/bin. The recovery.tgz I put in the initrd does not have busybox, and it functions just fine. Initially, I had been including it in the recovery.tgz, so it looks like we still have more headroom available in the initrd if we need it for anything else you'd like to include!

I agree about the forming of a new thread for ROM related issues. I'd like to see LMiller write up a post for FRX05 on NAND since I think he did the majority of the work. I'm having a difficult time getting FRX06 working properly, and I don't know what all you guys did to fix it up.

I really would love to see us move modules into system. I wonder if there is a way to reduce the overall size of our modules. They seem so much larger than the modules for other phones.
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  #2186 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2011, 01:36 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by kanavulator View Post
i know it was mentioned some pages ago, but i'm not able to move any apps to the SD card. any solutions to this? even using App 2 SD to indicate which apps can be moved, i'm getting "Failed to move application" notifications at every attempt. i'm using a 4gb microSD card and a sprint cdma tp2
I believe this is still due to us not having a real root. It looks like when we took /bin out of the PATH, we no longer had access to /bin/busybox. In our initrd, we have /system/bin/sh pointing to /bin/busybox. I'm testing pushing the latest su to /system/bin/su, copy /bin/busybox to /system/bin/busybox during install, and then ln -s /system/bin/sh /system/bin/busybox. We'll see how that works out.

Last edited by natemcnutty; 03-27-2011 at 03:16 AM.
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  #2187 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2011, 07:28 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-24: FRX05 on NAND (Testing new RIL)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Yeah, sorry about the binary, I wasn't sure what was needed for autobuild and didn't want it to kick off a bad image or something. Should have asked first, and thanks for removing it.

It looks like recovery doesn't need busybox in /recovery/bin. The recovery.tgz I put in the initrd does not have busybox, and it functions just fine. Initially, I had been including it in the recovery.tgz, so it looks like we still have more headroom available in the initrd if we need it for anything else you'd like to include!

I agree about the forming of a new thread for ROM related issues. I'd like to see LMiller write up a post for FRX05 on NAND since I think he did the majority of the work. I'm having a difficult time getting FRX06 working properly, and I don't know what all you guys did to fix it up.

I really would love to see us move modules into system. I wonder if there is a way to reduce the overall size of our modules. They seem so much larger than the modules for other phones.
ahh i was confused. Yes i see busybox is gone but the links are still there. Its cool. dont worry bout it still trying to automate all this. Reason recovery had its own busybox is that it also can serve as an initrd incase you want to boot into a recovery kernel. This way you can wipe kernels in the future, but we are far from that stage so lets not even talk about it until we are there.

Yeah im sure lmiller is cooking up frx6. not a bad idea to create an update tho. Test our update code

for the modules the squashed version brings them down to 6mb. So only 6mb get copied to over system. Best i can do for now. I think once we remove the uneeded ones we can see a reduction in size. Means we would need to go over the defconfig and figure out what we need. (not thrilled about that).

Ok, if we do move modules to the system. Then what do we do about pppd and the other junk in android update so we can get rid of all that nonsense. I think the pppd issue is just bad code on the ril. I can fix that and bring it back to system. not really sure what else we have on android update.
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  #2188 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2011, 07:34 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-24: FRX05 on NAND (Testing new RIL)

Storage system can not open the file URL?
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  #2189 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2011, 08:45 AM
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I have been really busy around the house with spring cleaning! Still have snow in my back yard though... and going to trim my apple trees today!

Ok back on topic! I will try to look at FRXO6 this morning and see if I can getv it working. Nate can you post what you have so far? Save me some time or atleast post what issues you are having.

Thanks for all of your hard work guys! And maybe we can move this over the ACL'S thread and help here with testing and Noobs... Thoughts?
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  #2190 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2011, 09:57 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-24: FRX05 on NAND (Testing new RIL)

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
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I have been really busy around the house with spring cleaning! Still have snow in my back yard though... and going to trim my apple trees today!

Ok back on topic! I will try to look at FRXO6 this morning and see if I can getv it working. Nate can you post what you have so far? Save me some time or atleast post what issues you are having.

Thanks for all of your hard work guys! And maybe we can move this over the ACL'S thread and help here with testing and Noobs... Thoughts?
Its prob best you do it from scratch and try to automate it. I dont think stine will start making us tgz anytime soon, so if we can take the existing imgs and just automate the process, it will make it easier to do updates .

i dunno about the threads. i say start a new one just for chatter..
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