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Old 03-27-2011, 12:30 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Yes, su is coming, and we will probably end up using the SuperUser app that gives sudo prompts when an application attempts to act as root. I'll be looking into this today.

I have two methods for doing this. First, I'm messing with su from our rootfs and changing the install script to cat it into bin and sbin under system. The other is using androidupdate.tgz to put them in place and then init sets the perms. If you wanted to test either of those, that would be awesome

I am around, and if you wanted to shoot me a patch, I can take care of that. If it's just init code, I can do a diff, check the changes, and commit. Just let me know
i know it was mentioned some pages ago, but i'm not able to move any apps to the SD card. any solutions to this? even using App 2 SD to indicate which apps can be moved, i'm getting "Failed to move application" notifications at every attempt. i'm using a 4gb microSD card and a sprint cdma tp2
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