Originally Posted by Lmiller1708
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I have been really busy around the house with spring cleaning! Still have snow in my back yard though... and going to trim my apple trees today!
Ok back on topic! I will try to look at FRXO6 this morning and see if I can getv it working. Nate can you post what you have so far? Save me some time or atleast post what issues you are having.
Thanks for all of your hard work guys! And maybe we can move this over the ACL'S thread and help here with testing and Noobs... Thoughts?
Its prob best you do it from scratch and try to automate it. I dont think stine will start making us tgz anytime soon, so if we can take the existing imgs and just automate the process, it will make it easier to do updates
i dunno about the threads. i say start a new one just for chatter..