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Old 03-27-2011, 07:28 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-24: FRX05 on NAND (Testing new RIL)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Yeah, sorry about the binary, I wasn't sure what was needed for autobuild and didn't want it to kick off a bad image or something. Should have asked first, and thanks for removing it.

It looks like recovery doesn't need busybox in /recovery/bin. The recovery.tgz I put in the initrd does not have busybox, and it functions just fine. Initially, I had been including it in the recovery.tgz, so it looks like we still have more headroom available in the initrd if we need it for anything else you'd like to include!

I agree about the forming of a new thread for ROM related issues. I'd like to see LMiller write up a post for FRX05 on NAND since I think he did the majority of the work. I'm having a difficult time getting FRX06 working properly, and I don't know what all you guys did to fix it up.

I really would love to see us move modules into system. I wonder if there is a way to reduce the overall size of our modules. They seem so much larger than the modules for other phones.
ahh i was confused. Yes i see busybox is gone but the links are still there. Its cool. dont worry bout it still trying to automate all this. Reason recovery had its own busybox is that it also can serve as an initrd incase you want to boot into a recovery kernel. This way you can wipe kernels in the future, but we are far from that stage so lets not even talk about it until we are there.

Yeah im sure lmiller is cooking up frx6. not a bad idea to create an update tho. Test our update code

for the modules the squashed version brings them down to 6mb. So only 6mb get copied to over system. Best i can do for now. I think once we remove the uneeded ones we can see a reduction in size. Means we would need to go over the defconfig and figure out what we need. (not thrilled about that).

Ok, if we do move modules to the system. Then what do we do about pppd and the other junk in android update so we can get rid of all that nonsense. I think the pppd issue is just bad code on the ril. I can fix that and bring it back to system. not really sure what else we have on android update.
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