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  #2001 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2011, 04:44 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
hey nate.. i didnt test this at all but i did implement the sdcard loop wait for the recovery. pain in the ass to restore and lose the modules .. so im still trying to master mind a way around that.
By the way, tested the sdcard loop just now. Works perfectly. I have some more cleanup that I'd like to do in init, so can you look through this patch and let me know what you think?

Edit: I changed the sdcard partition thing to be more efficient, removed some unnecessary stuff like the install-seq.sh portion, moved /tmp to /cache instead of /data/tmpcache, and removed the auto-mount sections for the mtdparts since we specify them in Tinboot.

Last edited by natemcnutty; 03-22-2011 at 04:49 PM.
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  #2002 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2011, 05:39 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
By the way, tested the sdcard loop just now. Works perfectly. I have some more cleanup that I'd like to do in init, so can you look through this patch and let me know what you think?

Edit: I changed the sdcard partition thing to be more efficient, removed some unnecessary stuff like the install-seq.sh portion, moved /tmp to /cache instead of /data/tmpcache, and removed the auto-mount sections for the mtdparts since we specify them in Tinboot.
This part is confusing

-mkdir -p -m 0777 /data/tmpcache
-mkdir -p -m 0771 /data/shared_prefs
+if [ ! -d /data/shared_prefs ] ; then
+	mkdir -p -m 0771 /data/shared_prefs
 chmod 0771 /data/shared_prefs
 chown 1000:1000 /data/shared_prefs
 ln -s /data/shared_prefs /shared_prefs
-ln -s /data/tmpcache /tmp
+mount /cache /tmp
Does the link /shared_prefs need to exisit?

Also what is stored on /tmp? ifs its true tmp i wonder if we can scrap it

Keep in mind that recovery needs some of this so we need to make sure we arent getting in the way. recovery uses cache lot for its logs and stuff.

I see this on the rc mkdir /data/local/tmp 0771 shell shell . so how many tempts do we really need ..lol

edit: all the other changes are really good. good house keeping . Lets figure this part out "+mount /cache /tmp" before commiting. Everything else will be fine. Did you test it yet?

Last edited by [ACL]; 03-22-2011 at 05:42 PM.
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  #2003 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2011, 05:44 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
This part is confusing

-mkdir -p -m 0777 /data/tmpcache
-mkdir -p -m 0771 /data/shared_prefs
+if [ ! -d /data/shared_prefs ] ; then
+    mkdir -p -m 0771 /data/shared_prefs
 chmod 0771 /data/shared_prefs
 chown 1000:1000 /data/shared_prefs
 ln -s /data/shared_prefs /shared_prefs
-ln -s /data/tmpcache /tmp
+mount /cache /tmp
Does the link /shared_prefs need to exisit?

Also what is stored on /tmp? ifs its true tmp i wonder if we can scrap it

Keep in mind that recovery needs some of this so we need to make sure we arent getting in the way. recovery uses cache lot for its logs and stuff.

I see this on the rc mkdir /data/local/tmp 0771 shell shell . so how many tempts do we really need ..lol
Yeah, so here's how I understand some of this.

shared_prefs is for sharing preferences between standard user and root user in some applications. Not sure if this is some legacy backwards compatibility thing or what.

The ln -s will create a link at /shared_prefs and it doesn't have to exist like a mount does.

The /tmp was already being stored on /data, and I just moved it over to /cache. I have a feeling that /tmp is used by programs that don't support or may not be aware of /cache. In any case, I figured we could leave that one alone but move it to /cache to clean up our /data partition. No point in backing that up when we backup the data partition.

Edit: Well, I just read that /data/local/tmp is what things like the market use to download APK's to. I'm beginning to think maybe /tmp is something we did on XDAndroid...

Last edited by natemcnutty; 03-22-2011 at 05:48 PM.
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  #2004 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2011, 06:20 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
GPS works flawlessly on my phone. Takes about 2 minutes to get the initial lock, but after that, it's great.
oh sh*t, I have to try that now.... nah no lock, ocean
Rockin' The Official TouchPro 2 aka "The dopest phone with keyboard still":
F**k windows mobile, NAND flash to droid....

Last edited by MassStash; 03-22-2011 at 06:51 PM.
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  #2005 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2011, 06:44 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

ACL, you able to cat your recovery to a file that you can upload? I'm going to see if I can simply cat it onto the end of our existing payload before it creates the NB. I'm going to have to pad it to the right offset which could be a real pita to figure out, but this is the only method I can think of that might get this to work.

Figured out I can't use nbtools in any way because the OS.nb ends with the fatfs that we made 8 MB. If we wanted to include it in the NB, we would need to make it part of the imgfs or fatfs, but putting it in either might prevent us from being able to mount and update it. The fatfs was what was overwriting our partitions previously until we fixed that with the new payload.
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  #2006 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2011, 07:03 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Yeah, so here's how I understand some of this.

shared_prefs is for sharing preferences between standard user and root user in some applications. Not sure if this is some legacy backwards compatibility thing or what.

The ln -s will create a link at /shared_prefs and it doesn't have to exist like a mount does.

The /tmp was already being stored on /data, and I just moved it over to /cache. I have a feeling that /tmp is used by programs that don't support or may not be aware of /cache. In any case, I figured we could leave that one alone but move it to /cache to clean up our /data partition. No point in backing that up when we backup the data partition.

Edit: Well, I just read that /data/local/tmp is what things like the market use to download APK's to. I'm beginning to think maybe /tmp is something we did on XDAndroid...
time for a pig build ? leave it out for now, and if this is needed by android we can add it to the rc. This wya we dont have to rebuild the initrd to get this to work.
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  #2007 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2011, 07:15 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
time for a pig build ? leave it out for now, and if this is needed by android we can add it to the rc. This wya we dont have to rebuild the initrd to get this to work.
Then should we do the same with shared_prefs? Also, in the latest build, did anyone else lose root? I see su there, but it isn't working.

Edit: Weird, I had to download busybox to get Titanium Backup working, but then ES File Explorer won't let me root explore... Guess I need to start fresh again.

Last edited by natemcnutty; 03-22-2011 at 07:38 PM.
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  #2008 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2011, 07:45 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
time for a pig build ? leave it out for now, and if this is needed by android we can add it to the rc. This wya we dont have to rebuild the initrd to get this to work.
I just did a build without /tmp and noticed recovery tries to save a log there. Still waiting on the install at this point, so I'll let you know what else blows up
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  #2009 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2011, 07:48 PM
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Ooook, tried in moving car n gps is workin for me as well

Off the slightly tweaked FRX05 Nandroid ROM, fu(k winmo...
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  #2010 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2011, 08:02 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-11: FRX05 on NAND (data working again!)

Originally Posted by T_D_H View Post
what confuses me exactly, is that wifi is the only thing not working, and no one else seems to have the same issue, also seem to not be able to connect to the device with the usb drivers provided either, oh well, poke prod and beat untill ready, bake @ 350 and hope it doesnt taste bad :P
You're not the only one, 2 of us also got error scanning using Wifi... I reverted back to 3.11.11 files which Wifi worked... Haven't tested new files... My device is a Sprint Touch Pro2 without a Sim card (but Sim unlocked, with WU radio for Sim use)
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