Originally Posted by natemcnutty
By the way, tested the sdcard loop just now. Works perfectly. I have some more cleanup that I'd like to do in init, so can you look through this patch and let me know what you think?
Edit: I changed the sdcard partition thing to be more efficient, removed some unnecessary stuff like the install-seq.sh portion, moved /tmp to /cache instead of /data/tmpcache, and removed the auto-mount sections for the mtdparts since we specify them in Tinboot.
This part is confusing
-mkdir -p -m 0777 /data/tmpcache
-mkdir -p -m 0771 /data/shared_prefs
+if [ ! -d /data/shared_prefs ] ; then
+ mkdir -p -m 0771 /data/shared_prefs
chmod 0771 /data/shared_prefs
chown 1000:1000 /data/shared_prefs
ln -s /data/shared_prefs /shared_prefs
-ln -s /data/tmpcache /tmp
+mount /cache /tmp
Does the link /shared_prefs need to exisit?
Also what is stored on /tmp? ifs its true tmp i wonder if we can scrap it
Keep in mind that recovery needs some of this so we need to make sure we arent getting in the way. recovery uses cache lot for its logs and stuff.
I see this on the rc mkdir /data/local/tmp 0771 shell shell . so how many tempts do we really need ..lol
edit: all the other changes are really good. good house keeping . Lets figure this part out "+mount /cache /tmp" before commiting. Everything else will be fine. Did you test it yet?