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  #761 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 04:31 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
I'm also messing around with the rootfs some more. Any idea if we can poll the SIM card slot easily? I'd love to add a check on CDMA devices to force GSM if a SIM card is detected.
In regards to this, I would much prefer if we can switch between cdma/gsm. For instance, what the tp2 is capable of in winmo, and what the droid2global is capable of on verizon (perhaps someone who has one of those can look into how it's accomplished from a userspace/app perspective). Several times I travel internationally where I need to switch back and forth between gsm and cdma (cdma because it has my sprint number, gsm because I use a local sim card for cheap data). It would be disadvantageous to have to remove the sim card each time.

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  #762 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 05:21 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
very interesting init seq. completely different from the others. Anyways i'll have to add that but still waiting on wistilt for some auto-brightness updates.

Bzo didnt sent any patches my way so it must not be ready yet.

I'm not sure how to poll for the sim card. I know this has been a big challenge in the past. To my knowledge no one was able to solve it so they implemented force.cdma. Now you can look into the RIL code and see where that is done. I was hoping Jonpry would create a wrapper for the HTC ril like the hd2 guys did but he has been busy.

ALso about the machine variant on haret. Thing is that on nand we access sbl memory to get all this information. This code is rhod specific so if we add it to haret version we need to do it for everyone since the locations of these pieces of data are different. I don't think this will make it to haret to be honest, but i can talk to the fellas and see.
One of the people said their panel was a replacement panel, so who knows at this point.

As for bzo's patch, I think it was just this: Commit in linux-msm in Linux on Qualcomm's MSM - Gitorious

SIM card is something that I know people far better than me have looked into. Probably nothing there that I can help with unfortunately. I'll peek through the RIL code anyway for kicks

If the machine_variant stuff never makes it to Haret, oh well. I was kind of hoping we could do something similar for all of the models, but I didn't know what all went into getting that code.

Finally, I just compiled the 12/22 code (finally got around to it!), and I can now boot fully into Android. Holy crap is this thing fast, and I'm running at stock speed!!! Panel init seems to be working perfectly for me, but it did crash once while the panel was powered down for about 10 minutes, and the system was sluggish for about 5 minutes after rebooting. I'm heading to bed, but I'll play more with it tomorrow.

For those who actually read this far, here's the goods

This is stock speed with pm sleep set to 1 for better battery life. Once bzo's patch gets committed, we can test overclocking with power management set to 1

Edit: Backlight controls are really wonky. I've tried with auto-bl on and off, and if you turn it off, the slider semi-works. It gets brighter the lower you go and goes black when you hit around 20%. It must be an mddi issue since the panel itself powers up and responds to touches (I can unlock the screen even though nothing is showing).

Last edited by natemcnutty; 12-29-2010 at 05:39 AM.
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  #763 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 12:57 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
One of the people said their panel was a replacement panel, so who knows at this point.

As for bzo's patch, I think it was just this: Commit in linux-msm in Linux on Qualcomm's MSM - Gitorious

SIM card is something that I know people far better than me have looked into. Probably nothing there that I can help with unfortunately. I'll peek through the RIL code anyway for kicks

If the machine_variant stuff never makes it to Haret, oh well. I was kind of hoping we could do something similar for all of the models, but I didn't know what all went into getting that code.

Finally, I just compiled the 12/22 code (finally got around to it!), and I can now boot fully into Android. Holy crap is this thing fast, and I'm running at stock speed!!! Panel init seems to be working perfectly for me, but it did crash once while the panel was powered down for about 10 minutes, and the system was sluggish for about 5 minutes after rebooting. I'm heading to bed, but I'll play more with it tomorrow.

For those who actually read this far, here's the goods

This is stock speed with pm sleep set to 1 for better battery life. Once bzo's patch gets committed, we can test overclocking with power management set to 1

Edit: Backlight controls are really wonky. I've tried with auto-bl on and off, and if you turn it off, the slider semi-works. It gets brighter the lower you go and goes black when you hit around 20%. It must be an mddi issue since the panel itself powers up and responds to touches (I can unlock the screen even though nothing is showing).
Ahh.. ok Emwe already applied the patch. I'll get that committed today and built it. Thanks

Wistilt is reporting similar issues with the panel responding to touches. So now we are working on implementing the vreg portion. This will cut the power out so the panel is useless when sleep. But more importantly it will save more power.

Right now we are backed up in haret because we have this system_server issue that is putting the CPU at 99%. I havent been able to replicate on NAND so i'm wondering what could be causing it. I tested it on another build to its not userland related (must be kernel).

also any ideas how we can screen calibrate from within android. I dont like that tscalib before android begins. its just a hack and not nand worthy. So i'm wondering how the older android devices handle it. xdandroid doesnt seem to have any calb options. My older senseui build does but not sure if its working. I'd love to move that into android so we dont have to do it before android loads.
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  #764 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 01:06 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Ahh.. ok Emwe already applied the patch. I'll get that committed today and built it. Thanks

Wistilt is reporting similar issues with the panel responding to touches. So now we are working on implementing the vreg portion. This will cut the power out so the panel is useless when sleep. But more importantly it will save more power.

Right now we are backed up in haret because we have this system_server issue that is putting the CPU at 99%. I havent been able to replicate on NAND so i'm wondering what could be causing it. I tested it on another build to its not userland related (must be kernel).

also any ideas how we can screen calibrate from within android. I dont like that tscalib before android begins. its just a hack and not nand worthy. So i'm wondering how the older android devices handle it. xdandroid doesnt seem to have any calb options. My older senseui build does but not sure if its working. I'd love to move that into android so we dont have to do it before android loads.
I'll look into the calibration thing, and if I have time later today, I'll try hopping on IRC and get the affected build from Wistilt and see if I can help there. Also, I think I'm almost done with the modded rootfs that auto-detects GSM vs CDMA, so that should make a few people over at XDA pretty happy (the ones that can actually boot).
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  #765 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 03:04 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Ahh.. ok Emwe already applied the patch. I'll get that committed today and built it. Thanks

Wistilt is reporting similar issues with the panel responding to touches. So now we are working on implementing the vreg portion. This will cut the power out so the panel is useless when sleep. But more importantly it will save more power.

Right now we are backed up in haret because we have this system_server issue that is putting the CPU at 99%. I havent been able to replicate on NAND so i'm wondering what could be causing it. I tested it on another build to its not userland related (must be kernel).

also any ideas how we can screen calibrate from within android. I dont like that tscalib before android begins. its just a hack and not nand worthy. So i'm wondering how the older android devices handle it. xdandroid doesnt seem to have any calb options. My older senseui build does but not sure if its working. I'd love to move that into android so we dont have to do it before android loads.
that would be great, heck just throw the sense ui in too! lol i wish....
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  #766 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 04:05 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by MassStash View Post
that would be great, heck just throw the sense ui in too! lol i wish....
haha.. well i do run the 2.2 froyo sense ui to test. But the graphics all all messed up. But its a good testbed to see how another system reacts.

Ive tried porting over the desire z rom but its not as easy as it was back in the days. Too many conflicts to resolve. Maybe im missing something but right now i cant seem to find a sense froyo wvga device that is compatible with msm7x00.
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  #767 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 05:24 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
haha.. well i do run the 2.2 froyo sense ui to test. But the graphics all all messed up. But its a good testbed to see how another system reacts.

Ive tried porting over the desire z rom but its not as easy as it was back in the days. Too many conflicts to resolve. Maybe im missing something but right now i cant seem to find a sense froyo wvga device that is compatible with msm7x00.
aaaaahhhhhh man, that's the issue?!? rough... can we just manually edit images and stuff like hardcore style i've heard people do in the past?

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
I'll look into the calibration thing, and if I have time later today, I'll try hopping on IRC and get the affected build from Wistilt and see if I can help there. Also, I think I'm almost done with the modded rootfs that auto-detects GSM vs CDMA, so that should make a few people over at XDA pretty happy (the ones that can actually boot).
glad here things are coming along on that. Yea the xda dudes will be very appreciative i am sure brutha. Thank you very much for everything!!

Last edited by MassStash; 12-29-2010 at 05:31 PM.
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  #768 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 05:42 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

I just got everything installed and android is running much better than any prior dual boot version I've used.

So far I can't find any issues and the Rhodium is handling this like a champ.

I'll be sure to post up anything I come across.

Thanks a million for this guys, we all appreciate your hard work.
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  #769 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 05:47 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by MassStash View Post
aaaaahhhhhh man, that's the issue?!? rough... can we just manually edit images and stuff like hardcore style i've heard people do in the past?

glad here things are coming along on that. Yea the xda dudes will be very appreciative i am sure brutha. Thank you very much for everything!!
Nahh you cant. Even in the past images cant really be resized or else you run into other issues. So we ran the apps from the desire which worked fine. But we cant seem to do that anymore. And if i can i just havent found the right mix. Wistilt is shooting me over some code and we will bang out the rhod100 thing tonight. So there will be some commits. (well thats if i dont go out drinking )
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  #770 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2010, 08:40 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

One thing I have noticed that bugs out is the Apns menu.

I was updating the info to work with mms and when you tell it to save the info, your new or edited entry goes poof.

You end up having to do a default restore to get 3g working again.
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