Originally Posted by natemcnutty
One of the people said their panel was a replacement panel, so who knows at this point.
As for bzo's patch, I think it was just this: Commit in linux-msm in Linux on Qualcomm's MSM - Gitorious
SIM card is something that I know people far better than me have looked into. Probably nothing there that I can help with unfortunately. I'll peek through the RIL code anyway for kicks
If the machine_variant stuff never makes it to Haret, oh well. I was kind of hoping we could do something similar for all of the models, but I didn't know what all went into getting that code.
Finally, I just compiled the 12/22 code (finally got around to it!), and I can now boot fully into Android. Holy crap is this thing fast, and I'm running at stock speed!!! Panel init seems to be working perfectly for me, but it did crash once while the panel was powered down for about 10 minutes, and the system was sluggish for about 5 minutes after rebooting. I'm heading to bed, but I'll play more with it tomorrow.
For those who actually read this far, here's the goods
This is stock speed with pm sleep set to 1 for better battery life. Once bzo's patch gets committed, we can test overclocking with power management set to 1
Edit: Backlight controls are really wonky. I've tried with auto-bl on and off, and if you turn it off, the slider semi-works. It gets brighter the lower you go and goes black when you hit around 20%. It must be an mddi issue since the panel itself powers up and responds to touches (I can unlock the screen even though nothing is showing).
Ahh.. ok Emwe already applied the patch. I'll get that committed today and built it. Thanks
Wistilt is reporting similar issues with the panel responding to touches. So now we are working on implementing the vreg portion. This will cut the power out so the panel is useless when sleep. But more importantly it will save more power.
Right now we are backed up in haret because we have this system_server issue that is putting the CPU at 99%. I havent been able to replicate on NAND so i'm wondering what could be causing it. I tested it on another build to its not userland related (must be kernel).
also any ideas how we can screen calibrate from within android. I dont like that tscalib before android begins. its just a hack and not nand worthy. So i'm wondering how the older android devices handle it. xdandroid doesnt seem to have any calb options. My older senseui build does but not sure if its working. I'd love to move that into android so we dont have to do it before android loads.