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  #781 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2010, 08:29 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by tpdjr View Post
Hey nate are you going to post that kernel tonight?
Already updated the first post with the reference build. The experimental build is compiling right now and will be uploading shortly.

Edit: Experimental build is up now.

Last edited by natemcnutty; 12-30-2010 at 08:34 PM.
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  #782 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2010, 09:03 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Already updated the first post with the reference build. The experimental build is compiling right now and will be uploading shortly.

Edit: Experimental build is up now.
Thx nate u rock going to test now.
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  #783 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2010, 09:47 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
I saw the commits. You had a busy night! F22 reminded me to think Hex cause I gave you the wrong vendor for 0x13. It should have been AUO since 0x13 is 19.

I'm compiling two versions right now. One will be the reference where I leave force_cdma=1, no overclock, and have pm.sleep_mode=1. I'm also going to do an experimental version where I removed force_cdma=1, set an overclock to 710 MHz, set pm.sleep_mode=1, and moved the relative path to the root of the SD card. This will be a good test to see if my auto-detect CDMA/GSM works and see if removing the parsing of the andboot folder actually does help performance as we've seen in some of the HW3D threads.
oo you are right. But i have another issue that 0x13 doesnt have an init in my dll. So the init that was dumped on haret doesnt match anything. So i need to get my hands on the disptools.dll from the rhod100. I need that to get the correct timing for the delays. Right off the batt it looks really similar to topaz init but i cant say yet since i dont have the dll. Any ideas where i can get it ?
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  #784 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2010, 10:33 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
oo you are right. But i have another issue that 0x13 doesnt have an init in my dll. So the init that was dumped on haret doesnt match anything. So i need to get my hands on the disptools.dll from the rhod100. I need that to get the correct timing for the delays. Right off the batt it looks really similar to topaz init but i cant say yet since i dont have the dll. Any ideas where i can get it ?
Honestly, I wouldn't spend a lot of time on it. One of the two that have the rhod100 over there sold his already. I will try extracting that file for you from one of the ROM's here: HTC Rhodium/Shipped Roms - XDA-Developers

I'm heading out to dinner with my wife as soon as she finishes doing her hair. I'll be back in a few hours, and I'll take a look at it then
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  #785 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2010, 05:18 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

ACL, I tried to dump the ROM without having to flash it to my device. Unfortunately, I must not be using the right tools to pull the DLL out. I basically did the NBH to NB to payload to imgfs to dump, and I used a kitchen for one decompile and the actual tools manually for the second method. I have uploaded the results of both, and hopefully they are helpful (but I'm betting I'll need to flash the actual OS to pull the compiled file out for you).

Also, kind of odd no one has reported anything on the new patches or the experimental build I put up. I'll be playing around with that a bunch more tomorrow since I have the day off
Attached Files
File Type: zip disptools.dll.zip (167.3 KB, 5 views) Click for barcode!
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  #786 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2010, 06:14 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Hey nate sorry for such a late response best buy kept me late. So I dont know if it is just me but the experimental build seems very sluggish even after i put the new 3d stuff on the root of the sd card. It is very hard to get the screen to come back on. That is pretty much it for right now i don't know why it so sluggish but i will do some more testing tomorrow. Can't wait to see ACL new stuff in a kernel i seen he made a bunch of commits on his tree looks very promising. Keep pumping out the kernels and i will keep testing them I got one phone running and the other phone running haret
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  #787 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2010, 11:37 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Happy Holidays to all! Sold my EVO and HD2, back on Touch Pro2

Had a lot to catch up on... downloaded the latest and going to test now!

BTW, I have a Sprint version... 1.96WU radio (unlocked sim for GSM, but using CDMA side)

EDIT: 1st boot phone rebooted. Noticed it says GSM phone found and a few lines below GSM Rhodium detected, how can I switch it to CDMA?

A thought... Can we use ADB in case screen doesn't come up and reboot phone via ADB? <----- NO GO

Ok, phone booted, but I started pressing END and POWER trying to get the screen back on, it came on for a split second when pressing END and now it won't come on at all... On ADB SHELL I tried to reboot and NO GO... Also when I do an ls I get what looks like VT100 code? Any way of seeing these colors on Windows ADB?

Don't know if phone is in CDMA or GSM mode, will try batt pull and trying again..

Ok, this time I left it alone for a while, then I pressed END and there was the lock screen but went away. Apparently if you start pressing buttons you lock it up... Oh and screen goes to sleep on boot animation...that's why I started pressing the buttons. Another finding... If you press POWER first you get the 2 screen flashes and screen doesn't come back up.

Last edited by m4f1050; 12-31-2010 at 12:06 PM.
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  #788 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2010, 11:56 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Dear M4f1050:

I've only been able to get the display from my Rhod400 from sprint to work with radio 2.32 from Sprint. Not sure why since other radios like Verizon ones work just fine in Windows Mobile. If you can't get your display to work, try the 2.32 radio.
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  #789 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2010, 11:58 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

Dear ACL:

From which ROM version did you grab your disptools.dll for the rhod400? My thought was to try the same radio version from the ROM that you grabbed that from.

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  #790 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2010, 12:08 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power on and off working on some devices

EDIT: Thanks mpannen, I found the 2.32 unlocked raido.

Last edited by m4f1050; 12-31-2010 at 12:11 PM.
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