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  #1431 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 11:42 AM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by rainabba View Post
Where can I get WMReloc 1.04 and how would I know it's 1.04? Help, About doesn't show minor build numbers for the versions I do have and File Properties, Details doesn't show any version numbers.
@XDA.. just run it in command prompt, it spits out the version number
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  #1432 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 12:48 PM
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Sucess!!! Sort of anyway.

I've managed to build a ROM now, in PPCKitchen, without any errors, without having to remove anything from the SYS or XIP. It still doesn't boot though.

Here's what I've done (for other newbs like me to learn from, and for you pros to examine to help determine where I've slipped):
  1. Downloaded ConFlipper's 21193 XIP and SYS
  2. RARed up SYS_21193_Common and SYS_21193_96DPI_0409 and placed those archives in the Kitchens folder (all folder references are under PPCKitchen.org\BuildOS\
  3. Added Vouge_21193_XIP.bin to Vogue_Core.rar in Kitchens folder
  4. Using a copy of Projects\Groups\BuildBases\WM6.1_96DPI_QVGA_20931. txt, I created WM6.5_96DPI_QVGA_21193.txt and edited it to reflect the new BuildID (WM6.5_21193) and the two new ModuleDir entries (those from step 2 above).
  5. Using a copy of Projects\Groups\DeviceBases\Vogue_WM6.1.txt, I created Vogue_WM6.5.txt and cleared all XipFilename entries and added a new one for Vogue_21193_XIP.bin that references BuildID WM6.5_21193. I also changed StockBuild to 21193.
  6. Using a copy of a previous 20931 project file, I created a new project file referencing my new BaseGroup (step 4 above) and my new DeviceGroup (step 5 above).
  7. I located G'Reloc (2).exe in Tools folder and renamed it to G'Reloc (2).exe.orig then copied an instance of WMReloc.exe (version 1.04) to Tools\G'Reloc (2).exe
  8. I opened PPCK BuildOS, selected my new project, cleared all my optional OEMs (everything I saw), built the ROM, flashed it, then realized it wasn't going to boot.
The only issue I can imagine is that I used Vogue_Core (and it's boot.rgu), but I've not seen a replacement floating around and ConFlipper DID say to use one from .VM that worked previously (at least that's how I took it).

So where have I gone wrong?

Find all my new files attached (For all the other newbs out there, you shouldn't even need to look in these. Just knowing WHICH files I mentioned above, should give you the info you need to use ConFlips SYS/XIP in PPCKitchen).

Last edited by rainabba; 03-20-2009 at 01:05 PM. Reason: Added BuildLog.rar
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  #1433 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 01:55 PM
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Re: Sucess!!! Sort of anyway.

Originally Posted by rainabba View Post
I've managed to build a ROM now, in PPCKitchen, without any errors, without having to remove anything from the SYS or XIP. It still doesn't boot though.

Here's what I've done (for other newbs like me to learn from, and for you pros to examine to help determine where I've slipped):
  1. Downloaded ConFlipper's 21193 XIP and SYS
  2. RARed up SYS_21193_Common and SYS_21193_96DPI_0409 and placed those archives in the Kitchens folder (all folder references are under PPCKitchen.org\BuildOS\
  3. Added Vouge_21193_XIP.bin to Vogue_Core.rar in Kitchens folder
  4. Using a copy of Projects\Groups\BuildBases\WM6.1_96DPI_QVGA_20931. txt, I created WM6.5_96DPI_QVGA_21193.txt and edited it to reflect the new BuildID (WM6.5_21193) and the two new ModuleDir entries (those from step 2 above).
  5. Using a copy of Projects\Groups\DeviceBases\Vogue_WM6.1.txt, I created Vogue_WM6.5.txt and cleared all XipFilename entries and added a new one for Vogue_21193_XIP.bin that references BuildID WM6.5_21193. I also changed StockBuild to 21193.
  6. Using a copy of a previous 20931 project file, I created a new project file referencing my new BaseGroup (step 4 above) and my new DeviceGroup (step 5 above).
  7. I located G'Reloc (2).exe in Tools folder and renamed it to G'Reloc (2).exe.orig then copied an instance of WMReloc.exe (version 1.04) to Tools\G'Reloc (2).exe
  8. I opened PPCK BuildOS, selected my new project, cleared all my optional OEMs (everything I saw), built the ROM, flashed it, then realized it wasn't going to boot.
The only issue I can imagine is that I used Vogue_Core (and it's boot.rgu), but I've not seen a replacement floating around and ConFlipper DID say to use one from .VM that worked previously (at least that's how I took it).

So where have I gone wrong?

Find all my new files attached (For all the other newbs out there, you shouldn't even need to look in these. Just knowing WHICH files I mentioned above, should give you the info you need to use ConFlips SYS/XIP in PPCKitchen).
I looked through the txt files you posted everthing seems ok. But there is something about messing around with the grelock exes that for me is your problem I will give it a shot tonight and see what I can come up with since I already have it set up in my ppcgeek kitchen since we started on wm6.5 but I could never get it to work either. I don't think I ever had all the right files.
WM6.5 Titan Kitchen
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Last edited by jdume; 03-20-2009 at 02:00 PM.
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  #1434 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 03:53 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Current bugs:
Cannot open/reply to Texts.
Cannot install programs.
Cannot connect via activesync

Bugs I found on the Vogue 6.5 ROM:
Cannot copy files from external storage to internal.
(Access Denied, make sure you have enough memory, error.)

No Data connection.
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  #1435 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 04:59 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by rainabba View Post
This earned me "Error building default.hv and user.hv"

Also, can you compose/reply to SMS messages?

Do you have data after setting up connection?
I received the same error in 21189. It was due to the "Skinny signal bars" selection in BuildOS. Try deselecting items in BuildOS one at a time, and see if you get past this error. If you do, make a note of which add-on gave you the error and avoid it in futuree 6.5 Builds. (And let us know too! LOL)

I have been avoiding any programs that get frequent updtates, that modify or add to the Today screen, and add Reg entries that modify the upper bar, Star Menu, or soft keys. With one exception. I do use the Fred Soft Start Menu which offers a Windows 3.1/XP combination type expandable drop down menu when you click on the Start Menu flag, and still get the Honeycomb when clicking on the Start Menu Text...kinda nice, especially if you want to change a setting quickly.

On the 21193 that Con posted, I have it in PPCKitchens BuildOS now (thanks to some very helpful PMs). I had to convert countless modules to files before G'Reloc would even pull through without error. Now I am getting registry errors during the Build Process...working through it now. All in all, 21189 is running smooth, have a GPS issue that I need to look into, and I am almost to the point of flashing 21193 on a different phone to compare the two Builds. Both builds will have the same programs in them, specifically for Network Admin functionality (Both devices are XV6800's with the same Radio, Carrier, PRI, and SPL).
RhodiumW (Sprint)
WM 6.5 - SenseUI 2.5.1922 - MaxManila v2.9 - Home Brewed ROM
Radio: 2.23.00WU

Last edited by Tplane37; 03-20-2009 at 05:02 PM.
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  #1436 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 05:22 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by conflipper View Post

Just to let you know wwhen your Touch Pro test rom above when connected to computer the windows explorer file folder list has it lixted as a diamond instead of a touch pro.
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  #1437 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 05:59 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Here's the latest version of my QVGA SYS, in case you can't get Con's one working:


SMS is working, scrolling works great. Shortcut icons may be a bit big though, but they look fine to me. I used it for my Elfin with bepe's PlatformRebuilder Kitchen.
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  #1438 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 06:09 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

I'm getting a Corrupt memory error in PPCKictchen's BuildOS for 21193 on my Titan. Not sure if it is my PC or the ROM, can someone assist?

Build Log is below.

EDIT: Added additional Log. Log #6 is a basically empty build, with only a couple of apps that I would use for checking things out.

This error does not come up in other builds, I checked after I first got this by running a different package back through again.

Actual error states as follows:


Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
Attached Files
File Type: rar 21193_Test_5.rar (11.0 KB, 4 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: rar 21193_Test_6.rar (9.1 KB, 3 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Tplane37; 03-20-2009 at 08:07 PM.
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  #1439 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 06:26 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by conflipper View Post
Hey conn trying this out.. seems pretty fast, one thing i noted dont know if it has been mentioned before but when I try to turn off the phone by holding the power button I am gettin a Shortcut error "Error opening the shortcut or locating the target filename" diggin this new build. Been only five min tho since i have flashed
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  #1440 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 07:45 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

just found it that configuredevice.exe and lnk was missing on my oem its in initflashfiles.dat in windows\startup so added into wm6.5 oem and all runing now perfect
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