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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 07:54 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

hehe, once more with the ImCoKeMaN disclaimer
Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN View Post
Of course, if you're crazy like me feel free to make bricks. I could use a new patio.
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  #102 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 09:18 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

wish me luck
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  #103 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2008, 03:18 AM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

Just wanted to say thanks for the help. I apologize for the original post and I didnt see that other post. It was 6:30 in the morning and I had been up since 12 the following day so please cut me some slack. IMcokeman thanks for the relocker, it saved my phone from becoming a brick as you would say.

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  #104 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2008, 05:13 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

I've read through this thread and found conflicting info, so I apologize for this basic question:

My Mogul is running ROM 3.16.N02.5047 and Radio 3.27.00. If I want to upgrade to the latest stock Sprint ROM, I DO NOT need to run IMCOKEMAN's re-locker first, correct? I am confused by the edit of bakntyme's post on page 10.

Last edited by whizbang; 04-29-2008 at 05:35 PM.
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  #105 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2008, 05:53 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

Originally Posted by whizbang View Post
I've read through this thread and found conflicting info, so I apologize for this basic question:

My Mogul is running ROM 3.16.N02.5047 and Radio 3.27.00. If I want to upgrade to the latest stock Sprint ROM, I DO NOT need to run IMCOKEMAN's re-locker first, correct? I am confused by the edit of bakntyme's post on page 10.
You do NOT need to run the re-locker,
make sure you have 2.40 Olipro Bootloader
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  #106 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2008, 06:16 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

Originally Posted by whizbang View Post
I've read through this thread and found conflicting info, so I apologize for this basic question:

My Mogul is running ROM 3.16.N02.5047 and Radio 3.27.00. If I want to upgrade to the latest stock Sprint ROM, I DO NOT need to run IMCOKEMAN's re-locker first, correct? I am confused by the edit of bakntyme's post on page 10.
Is this the confusing post?
Originally Posted by bakntyme View Post
If you are running stock ROM 3.35 or 3.16, or a custom ROM based on one of those, do not relock, unless you are looking to possibly donate a brick for ImCoKeMaN's new patio. If you are running an earlier ROM and radio than 3.16, navigate to ImCoKeMaN's directory on the ftp and download the relocker.
It says to not relock if you are running 3.16. Since your ROM is 3.16.N02.5047, it would appear to be based upon 3.16, so you should not relock. Another way to look at it is, if you are running successfully with Olipro 2.40, do not relock.
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2008, 07:26 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

Thanks PPCNoob and Banktyme for clearing that up for me. I guess I was a little freaked out about the possibility of bricking. The original post before edit is copied in the post below it, so I just wanted to make sure.
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  #108 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2008, 07:59 AM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

Newbie here... Have looked at many threads on the topic, and can't find an answer to my question. Please pre-forgive my ignorance. I'm trying to put in as much detail as I can. Sorry if it's too much detail.

I have a relatively new Telus P4000/6800/Mogul. Wanted to activate the GPS, among other things. Read lots of great things about installing the Sprint ROM, and then putting a custom ROM on, and (at the time), how easy it was to go back to the standard Telus ROM. Everything worked great on the upgrade to the 3.35 Radio, and the nuchem custom ROM, along with the Olipro 2.4 bootloader. Was really running beautifully for the last few weeks. No problems at all.

Yesterday, woke up and the green LED light was on, but no display what so ever. Tried a few things, finally had to remove the battery and start again. Symptoms on boot are, vibrate happens, LED doesn't display yellow, it goes straight to green and stays there. No other apparent activity. It does not even display the ROM/Radio version numbers. When I insert the power cable, the LED does not change to yellow as normally happens, it stays green. When I plug it in without powering it on, no LED lights at all (even after a very extended wait). I definitely have not dropped it, left it in a humid environment, dropped it in water or anything. I have been extra-ordinarily physically careful with this phone.

Other bizarre symptoms are that through the two button / stylus reset, I can get the tri-colour bootloader screen, and I can even (seemingly successfully) install a new system ROM (ie, I can rewrite the custom one I have that was working for some period of time), I cannot get it to boot. Have tried the hard-reset as well, and even though it goes through it's re-write sequence, it fails to boot.

Without going into recent forums, as I had downloaded the utility and the instructions prior to trying the 3.35 based ROMS, I did try the RELOCKER from imcokeman (bless you), but it appears to need a functioning system to work. It does not appear to function from a bootloader tri-colour screen.

Question for imcokeman or anyone else who may have bricked their phone reverting back from a 3.35 ROM to a 2.x ROM: When you mentioned your phone was bricked when attempting to do this, does bricked generally mean you can't even get to the bootloader display? If you can get to the bootloader display, does it display the stock bootloader, or still the Olipro version? Ie: would someone be able to quickly tell from your bootloader screen that you've been messing about?

At this point it looks like my possible paths are:

1) See if I can find an alternate battery to try out.

2) Possibly test another ROM to see if it boots.

*** Tried the DCD 3.0.1 ROM. Now I get the red "No Radio" message on the 2nd screen, and the looping reboot.

3) Based on the responses to what people see when there phone is bricked after a revert, is there anyway to get the TITAN Relocker to function when you can only get to the bootloader prompt?

Does anyone else have any other suggestions?


Last edited by catastrophy2; 05-01-2008 at 09:39 AM. Reason: *** Tried another ROM - more detail added
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  #109 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2008, 11:10 AM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

Originally Posted by catastrophy2 View Post
I did try the RELOCKER from imcokeman (bless you), but it appears to need a functioning system to work. It does not appear to function from a bootloader tri-colour screen.
unlocker/relocker require the device to boot into the OS
so they cannot be run bootloader
Question for imcokeman or anyone else who may have bricked their phone reverting back from a 3.35 ROM to a 2.x ROM: When you mentioned your phone was bricked when attempting to do this, does bricked generally mean you can't even get to the bootloader display?
could be stuck in download mode, hopefully not
and yes bricked (download mode) = black screen (wont boot) + no bootloader
At this point it looks like my possible paths are:

1) See if I can find an alternate battery to try out.

2) Possibly test another ROM to see if it boots.

*** Tried the DCD 3.0.1 ROM. Now I get the red "No Radio" message on the 2nd screen, and the looping reboot.

3) Based on the responses to what people see when there phone is bricked after a revert, is there anyway to get the TITAN Relocker to function when you can only get to the bootloader prompt?

Does anyone else have any other suggestions?

try #1 and #2 again (cross your fingers) and no to #3
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old 05-01-2008, 02:37 PM
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Re: Titan ReLocker - The Hard-SPL undo option

Thanks so much, PPC_N00B.

I was afraid of that relocker restriction.

Okay, here's another neophyte question. Anyone know of a simplified ROM that won't try and activate the radio on boot (I know, I know, probably stupid to have a phone ROM that doesn't actually try and be a phone). I was just thinking that if I could get something like that, I could go back and try the relocker, and at least try and get the original bootloader ROM on there.

I think what's happened, in looking around, is that I suffered a badly timed HW failure on my P4000, and of course, have now probably voided my warranty. Even if it is a physical problem.

Aarrggh. I can't afford this. .
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