Originally Posted by whizbang
I've read through this thread and found conflicting info, so I apologize for this basic question:
My Mogul is running ROM 3.16.N02.5047 and Radio 3.27.00. If I want to upgrade to the latest stock Sprint ROM, I DO NOT need to run IMCOKEMAN's re-locker first, correct? I am confused by the edit of bakntyme's post on page 10.
Is this the confusing post?
Originally Posted by bakntyme
If you are running stock ROM 3.35 or 3.16, or a custom ROM based on one of those, do not relock, unless you are looking to possibly donate a brick for ImCoKeMaN's new patio. If you are running an earlier ROM and radio than 3.16, navigate to ImCoKeMaN's directory on the ftp and download the relocker.
It says to not relock if you are running 3.16. Since your ROM is 3.16.N02.5047, it would appear to be based upon 3.16, so you should not relock. Another way to look at it is, if you are running successfully with Olipro 2.40, do not relock.