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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 07:53 PM
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Re: epic battery life thought

I have yet to find an acceptable % battery indicator. They all seem too far off. Especially with a couple 2 or 3 running side by side.

I have uninstalled all of my battery indicators for now. I know that when I get down to 15% (according to the OS) I'll get a warning.. When it's down to 5% my indicator will begin to flash. beyond that, when it's 100% I get the 'unplug charger' warning..

For now, I don't care. With Juice defender though, my battery performance is phenomenal FWIW... I unplugged it at 6:30 this morning and I'll wait until I get down to the 15% message and let you guys know. Normally, I charge it overnight for good measure but I'm gonna use it down to 15% just to see..

FWIW it took forever to get juice defender setup well enough for me to use my phone as I want to without noticing any performance difference..

ALSO.. make sure you guys are using ultimate juice w/ juice defender. It gives defender more options and versatility. I am using both. Ultimate juice is a paid app in the market.

If you want, I'd be more than happy to share the settings that I'm using w/ juice defender.

Hope this helps

EDIT: IMO.. I think the battery % indicator/monitors poll the battery too much and prevent the phone from sleeping, thus contributing to the adverse drainage. This is speculation and based on nothing more than a hunch. Could be wrong, but that's my opinion so I choose not to use one for now...
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 08:02 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epic : Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; SPH-D700 Build/ECLAIR) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)

exactly .. i believe they drain the sh!t out of the battery .. as well as apps. after folks go app happy and realize they probably dont need most of them installed ... they should hard reset n dl the necessary ones lol.... i get amazing battery life and if i want to know % i simply plug in the phone & look at the lock screen for the % then either leave it charging or unplug it. im satisfied & comfortable with the stock battery meter
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Last edited by dumpringz; 09-14-2010 at 08:04 PM.
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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 08:33 PM
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Re: epic battery life thought

Originally Posted by daddymikey1975 View Post
I have yet to find an acceptable % battery indicator. They all seem too far off. Especially with a couple 2 or 3 running side by side.

I have uninstalled all of my battery indicators for now. I know that when I get down to 15% (according to the OS) I'll get a warning.. When it's down to 5% my indicator will begin to flash. beyond that, when it's 100% I get the 'unplug charger' warning..

For now, I don't care. With Juice defender though, my battery performance is phenomenal FWIW... I unplugged it at 6:30 this morning and I'll wait until I get down to the 15% message and let you guys know. Normally, I charge it overnight for good measure but I'm gonna use it down to 15% just to see..

FWIW it took forever to get juice defender setup well enough for me to use my phone as I want to without noticing any performance difference..

ALSO.. make sure you guys are using ultimate juice w/ juice defender. It gives defender more options and versatility. I am using both. Ultimate juice is a paid app in the market.

If you want, I'd be more than happy to share the settings that I'm using w/ juice defender.

Hope this helps

EDIT: IMO.. I think the battery % indicator/monitors poll the battery too much and prevent the phone from sleeping, thus contributing to the adverse drainage. This is speculation and based on nothing more than a hunch. Could be wrong, but that's my opinion so I choose not to use one for now...

I'd like to see your settings!

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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 08:54 PM
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Re: Official Samsung Battery Performance Talk

ok...this is odd, but i am starting to wonder if rooting has anything to do with the life of the battery...

before i rooted (one-click method), i used to get amazing battery life, i mean it ran circles in comparison to how long my evo lasted. Then last week i root and added wifi tether. Ever since then, my battery life is horrid. I mean i charge full the previous night, and by morning I'm running on E. Now I'm starting to wonder if rooting the phone is the cause for the terrible battery life?

So my question is how many of you that have bad battery life have rooted your phone?
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 09:09 PM
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Re: Official Samsung Battery Performance Talk

Originally Posted by jdizzle View Post
ok...this is odd, but i am starting to wonder if rooting has anything to do with the life of the battery...

before i rooted (one-click method), i used to get amazing battery life, i mean it ran circles in comparison to how long my evo lasted. Then last week i root and added wifi tether. Ever since then, my battery life is horrid. I mean i charge full the previous night, and by morning I'm running on E. Now I'm starting to wonder if rooting the phone is the cause for the terrible battery life?

So my question is how many of you that have bad battery life have rooted your phone?
I haven't got much chance to use my phone without constant charging but I heard a few people here and there claiming increase in battery life after rooting. One thing to note is a lot of people also reporting the battery indicator is not correct..
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  #96 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 09:55 PM
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Re: Official Samsung Battery Performance Talk

Another thing I noticed is that my phone is not sleeping, so I'm pretty sure that's the main cause of the battery drain as well. So I wonder what's making my phone not sleep or is there an app that will force my phone to sleep?
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 10:04 PM
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Re: epic battery life thought

2hrs playing MP3s in the gym took the battery from 100% to 65%
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 10:20 PM
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Re: Official Samsung Battery Performance Talk

Originally Posted by jdizzle View Post
Another thing I noticed is that my phone is not sleeping, so I'm pretty sure that's the main cause of the battery drain as well. So I wonder what's making my phone not sleep or is there an app that will force my phone to sleep?
If your phone is not sleeping, some app must be keeping it awake..either way juice defender will help lower energy consumption.

My guess the reason for issues with battery life in general is right now we got a crappy radio which is weak..so it requires more effort/energy to get towers...once samsung fixes this i think it will improve in general...for now though you can get juice defender which kills 3g and uses 1x while phone is off.
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  #99 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 11:55 PM
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Re: epic battery life thought

Okay Im new to the Epic Trend, I came over from the TP2. So I am very familiar with a bad battery experience and what tips Ive done in order to prolong my battery life throughout the day using my TP2 which would get me about 9-10 hours of heavy use, 12-14 with moderate, and sometimes as long as over 24 hours with little to no use. So with my Epic what I did to get about 11-12 hours with little to no use. 9 hours with moderate use. And 6 to about 7 hours strong with heavy use. I mean bashing it with browsing the web, not too many calls, moderate text, And raping the market place! I did install Juice defender and purchased the add on because so many ppl have talked about it. And might I say that my battery now lasts me an extra 1 to 2 hours depending on how I use the phone. I also have all my settings tweaked so that NOTHING auto updates EXCEPT the things I use the most. I have Facebook, email, twitter, and myspace set to only update when I log in. No auto updates. I also have GPS cut off until I am ready to use it. I have my wifi settings turned to off unless its plugged into the charger. My backlight is dimmed all the way down using the light widget from Weather widget that I did purchase for 1.99. Pretty good app. Makes me feel like Im at home with my TP2. Looks like sense!! LOL...Anyways. I have an all black background that I got from the Zedge app. Pretty nice app too. Backgrounds and ringtones. I chose the one that looks like black ice. Looks very slick and sexy. I also have my vibration turned off. All except the bottom home keys. I havent figured out how to do that yet. Also I am constantly turning off my programs before I am about to put my phone to sleep as well. I use the program killer app that comes with the phone. Its in the android widgets folder I believe. Called program killer? Not sure. I also looked and tried some app killers, but they only made my phone either sluggish, or drained more battery than before, Im guessing because it is constantly killing apps it uses more battery. I only use Juice defender for battery saving and it also tells you how much battery life it has saved you under the help option. Along with all the tweaks I mentioned my battery last a very long time!! Keeping in mind that I dont just use my phone......I PLAY with it....constantly. So without charging I get about 9-12 hours of good use. 9 if Im playing on it all the time. Close to about 12 if Im just using it as a phone and not a toy. I have just came to the realization that if I want to just use my phone as a phone and not a toy then I can last all day. BUT if I want to use it as a fun little toy then I am just either going to have to purchase some extra batteries, OR charge it every chance I get. Not even a portable game system like the PSP could last all day if you constantly play it....Trust me I know!

Last edited by youngpro83; 09-15-2010 at 12:13 AM.
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  #100 (permalink)  
Old 09-15-2010, 06:12 AM
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Re: Official Samsung Battery Performance Talk

Originally Posted by jdizzle View Post
Another thing I noticed is that my phone is not sleeping, so I'm pretty sure that's the main cause of the battery drain as well. So I wonder what's making my phone not sleep or is there an app that will force my phone to sleep?

Yup, mine is staying awake as well, guess I gotta wipe clean and start keeping an eye out for which app is doing it..... at least I'll also be able to figure out which damn app killed my ability to mount onto my Mac!
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