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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2009, 04:47 PM
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Re: i910 MMS Picture Resize Problem [Fixed]

There are some things that i miss about the i760 (keyboard for starters), mine got runned over by a car, luckily i had a upgrade waiting. But you are right, the i760 could send and recieve larger pictures. If it is the phone that's causing the problem then I'm sure someone will figure out how to fix it.
Stock AT&T ROM w/ Transparent Manila 2.1 edits
(I miss flashing...)

Don't forget to click THANKS for those who have helped!
  #32 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 03:42 AM
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Re: i910 MMS Picture Resize Problem [Fixed]

I have messed around a bit with the stock registry settings and have come up with a solution that allows you to receive images with a 20%~25% decrease in size. I have sent files as large as 1280 and it was resized to 922 width..
Here are the settings in the registry I changed. I figured since my other phone (the i760) had to still be in the verizon uaprof thing, I could possible figure out the values.
Here is what I came up with. Perhaps someone can find another phone that verizon supports that would have a larger screen and be capable of getting larger pictures.
I do have the dcd carrier cab installed, but I don't think that'll have anything to do with it.
This fix should not require the installation of anything other than a registry setting
Please give this a try
old value: http://uaprof.vtext.com/sam/i910/i910v1.xml
new value: http://uaprof.vtext.com/sam/i760/i760.xml
//attempt to masquerade as a different phone

useragent: (involved with above)
old value: sami910v1
new value: sami760

I have had success with this, while the cabs didn't work for me other than causing my phone to lock up. I do believe the useragent is what's messing with everything.. meaning *SHOCK* it is verizon. Can confirm that video works fine. Sent myself a 3gp video and it played in the message window, no errors.

settings for the i760 were http://uaprof.vtext.com/sam/i760/i760v1.xml
no useragent key

this setting seems to give the same results.. please test

Last edited by technofunktrial; 09-03-2009 at 04:10 AM.
  #33 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 06:41 AM
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Re: i910 MMS Picture Resize Problem [Fixed]

question, all this is for receiveing pictures, right? i seem to be receieving them fine. my problem is now that i have flashed (adyn cf03 vanilla v3.0) i cant send pix of the jump. what i mean is, when i take a pix and want to send right away, i cant. it wont resize. i need to close the camera, open pix and send from there. i didnt have to do this with the stock rom.
any ideas?
  #34 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 09:37 AM
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Re: i910 MMS Picture Resize Problem [Fixed]

Originally Posted by txter View Post
question, all this is for receiveing pictures, right? i seem to be receieving them fine. my problem is now that i have flashed (adyn cf03 vanilla v3.0) i cant send pix of the jump. what i mean is, when i take a pix and want to send right away, i cant. it wont resize. i need to close the camera, open pix and send from there. i didnt have to do this with the stock rom.
any ideas?
I know it doesn't work for the first instance, but if you change the settings in the camera to a lower resolution/size, you should be able to send pics via MMS directly after taking them from then on (at least that way worked for me). Basically the Omnia with the custom ROM your using won't automatically resize them, but if you take care of that part yourself, it should keep the settings and work .

  #35 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 11:16 AM
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Re: i910 MMS Picture Resize Problem [Fixed]

That's what I do! Or I use HTCAlbum to save the screen image and then it will send it without a problem.
  #36 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 01:05 PM
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Re: i910 MMS Picture Resize Problem [Fixed]

I actually haven't bothered changing the camera settings on my Omnia yet, I just mapped S2V to my camera button (one short press, leaving the camera on a long press) and switch over to it when I am done taking pictures to send them. Pretty quick and easy (and I can leave the camera on the settings I like best).
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 01:30 PM
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Re: i910 MMS Picture Resize Problem [Fixed]

And i thought i was clever! I have HTCAllbum mapped to the camera button and do the same.
  #38 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 01:31 PM
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Re: i910 MMS Picture Resize Problem [Fixed]

Great minds and all that LOL!!!!
  #39 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2009, 08:48 PM
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Re: i910 MMS Picture Resize Problem [Fixed]

Originally Posted by technofunktrial View Post
I have messed around a bit with the stock registry settings and have come up with a solution that allows you to receive images with a 20%~25% decrease in size. I have sent files as large as 1280 and it was resized to 922 width..
Here are the settings in the registry I changed. I figured since my other phone (the i760) had to still be in the verizon uaprof thing, I could possible figure out the values.
Here is what I came up with. Perhaps someone can find another phone that verizon supports that would have a larger screen and be capable of getting larger pictures.
I do have the dcd carrier cab installed, but I don't think that'll have anything to do with it.
This fix should not require the installation of anything other than a registry setting
Please give this a try
old value: http://uaprof.vtext.com/sam/i910/i910v1.xml
new value: http://uaprof.vtext.com/sam/i760/i760.xml
//attempt to masquerade as a different phone

useragent: (involved with above)
old value: sami910v1
new value: sami760

I have had success with this, while the cabs didn't work for me other than causing my phone to lock up. I do believe the useragent is what's messing with everything.. meaning *SHOCK* it is verizon. Can confirm that video works fine. Sent myself a 3gp video and it played in the message window, no errors.

settings for the i760 were http://uaprof.vtext.com/sam/i760/i760v1.xml
no useragent key

this setting seems to give the same results.. please test
I tried the first edit, and had someone try to send me an MMS and I never got it. Had someone else, same thing. Tried the second edit, and I could receive MMS messages again, but they still look small and tiny, all under 20K.
  #40 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2009, 11:43 AM
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Re: i910 MMS Picture Resize Problem [Fixed]

I still feel this is a Verizon issue. After initially going through hours (yes hours) of tech support IN a Verizon store and also being on the phone with Samsung tech support (both on my own at home a second time jointly with Verizon staff while in their store) I feel it's something Verizon screwed up in our accounts. Many others are able to receive large pic messages without modification. Sending isn't a problem, my friend's always received larger pic messages from me but when it comes to receiving a pic message all things go haywire. The Arcsoft fix is working for me so far but I may give technofunktrial's method a shot next week (too busy these next few days to sit and mess with phone). I'll have to uninstall my Arcsoft, tweak the registry and give it a shot but if that fails I'll have to reinstall Arcsoft again I suppose lol. It's nice to have people working on this again!
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