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  #391 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2009, 08:20 AM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by MX51 View Post
Well, I tried it again and didn't have any luck. On lilboys files when I click on the actual shellres.192 file it ends with .dll, and I noticed the original windows file ends in .mui. So when I change the name on lilboys file, and click on it. It shows shellres.192.0409.mui.dll... When I send it to the windows folder, it just goes straight in there w/o replacing any other files.

I know this is just getting frustrating, but I really can't live with the thought that I couldn't change that darn start icon lol. It's not even about wanting my start icon to be better; I just want to be able to actually change the damn thing! lol..
You have to rename it to shellres.192.dll.0409.mui not shellres.192.0409.mui.dll

Unzip the file below its the shellres from Crazylilboys and I renamed it for you already. Go into /Windows using TC rename your current one to shellres.192.dll.0409.mui.bak (don't soft reset yet), now using TC or Active Sync place the one I attached (the one you unziped) into the /Windows directory and now you may soft reset.
Attached Files
File Type: zip shellres.192.dll.0409.zip (311.6 KB, 22 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by tsowen; 03-19-2009 at 08:24 AM.
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  #392 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2009, 08:30 AM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by eenieMINI View Post
Yep SDcerts first... I have some manila edits (basic icons, clocks type of stuff)and the various reg edits that are pretty common such as no sent message, color edits, that sort. I have no problems installing any start icon and Skidbox made me "Brenn" for the "Start" which do not affect the settings menu icons.. but as soon as I install a taskbar I lose at least half of the icons in the settings window. Taskbar icons work fine.
Wow that is weird, I am running the Sprint Stock ROM on my TP with basically the same stuff you mentioned, so this is with any taskbar you install? Do you have SPB Backup, if so I am wondering if you would mind doing a backup then Hard Reset and install sdkcerts and then the taskbar and see what happens? It has to be something somewhere that is conflicting with the other icons in your settings but I am not sure what. This is the first anyone has had this problem. If you have all the cabs and know all the registry tweaks you have applied you can try to reinstall them one at a time and see what happens from there. Would be the easiest way to find out. You can always go back and restore your data if you have SPB Backup.
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  #393 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Hey Gadget, Do you mind taking a look at these. Im having the same problem with gimp. Thanks in advance!
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File Type: zip Battery.zip (121.6 KB, 38 views) Click for barcode!
  #394 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2009, 01:48 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by Sulten View Post
Wait for the new release of taskbar icons, from what is being said should be vary vary soon just as soon as some icons are fixed.

i know about all of the other taskbar icons. i have changed them all before. but what i was asking was how to change the taskmanager icon on the far right. i have the better taskmanager, but i have to start it myself, and the icon doesnt show up on the taskbar, its always the stock one. i dont know if i am misunderstanding what you are trying to tell me, but i know what is going on with the new taskbar, just dont know how to change that one icon
Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
personally im not a fan of the reach around either. its not that per se, but more whats going on behind!. i hope you meant they always give you the run around, cuz if not, id avoid that store altogether!
  #395 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2009, 06:08 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by tsowen View Post
I promise I will have this out tommorow just fixing the battery and that is the only thing left. Our man gadgetfreak has added to this taskbar making it the most complete one out there yet IMO. I really hope everyone enjoys the hard work that has been put into this bar. As stated it will be both GSM and CDMA and has the following files added in:
BT Discoverable.bmp
BT On Mode.bmp
BT Stereo Headset.bmp
GPS-icon Mask.bmp
HTCVolumeControl.dll   -- New Version to match MightMikes ROM
Stereo Headset.bmp

Also thanks EenieMINI for the donation it is very appreciated!
So I got a few PM's asking what files are going to be added or in this taskbar, the above files are what's included for now. If I can think of anymore between now and when the battery is finish I will update this.
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  #396 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2009, 09:14 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by tsowen View Post
Wow that is weird, I am running the Sprint Stock ROM on my TP with basically the same stuff you mentioned, so this is with any taskbar you install? Do you have SPB Backup, if so I am wondering if you would mind doing a backup then Hard Reset and install sdkcerts and then the taskbar and see what happens? It has to be something somewhere that is conflicting with the other icons in your settings but I am not sure what. This is the first anyone has had this problem. If you have all the cabs and know all the registry tweaks you have applied you can try to reinstall them one at a time and see what happens from there. Would be the easiest way to find out. You can always go back and restore your data if you have SPB Backup.
Yes I have spb and I have a full backup/including storage card. I had tried these taskbars a while back with the same results. I think I had even tried installing straight away.... I wonder if I do file by file instead of a compelete taskbar cab. I might try that first. if not I'll hard reset this weekend and see if between us we can't figure out what I'm doing to mess it up... I'd really like to run custom taskbars.
  #397 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2009, 09:19 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by eenieMINI View Post
Yes I have spb and I have a full backup/including storage card. I had tried these taskbars a while back with the same results. I think I had even tried installing straight away.... I wonder if I do file by file instead of a compelete taskbar cab. I might try that first. if not I'll hard reset this weekend and see if between us we can't figure out what I'm doing to mess it up... I'd really like to run custom taskbars.
Sounds like a plan I am sure we can figure this out together and get you a custom taskbar running. Let me know how it goes and if you require any help.
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  #398 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 08:09 AM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Hay Gadget, Here are those Battery images.
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File Type: zip BlackBatt.zip (129.4 KB, 51 views) Click for barcode!

If I helped you out,Hit the THANKS
  #399 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 12:03 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

how can i change my default touch vogues speaker and battery icons to look that of the default htc diamond ones?

i want them to look like the photo i have attached below.
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File Type: png htcvolumecontroldlleo1.png (704 Bytes, 84 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by fixxxer2012; 03-20-2009 at 12:07 PM.
  #400 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 12:31 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Tsowen, Darren & HTCLeener,

Here is the file I PM'd you about.
Attached Files
File Type: zip HTC Rhodium Notification Enhancement.ZIP (988.3 KB, 37 views) Click for barcode!

WM 6.5 Taskbars | GadgetROM for Touch Diamond

Donations are always strictly voluntary and completely appreciated. Thank you!
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