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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2010, 02:01 PM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

The Epic is leaps ahead of Evo, much better battery life, MUCH MUCH better Gpu and I love the Touchwiz interface. Evo is great if you dont mind 3 hours of battery life.
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2010, 02:57 PM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by bboyneko View Post
The Epic is leaps ahead of Evo, much better battery life, MUCH MUCH better Gpu and I love the Touchwiz interface. Evo is great if you dont mind 3 hours of battery life.
Don't count out the Evo though, I too like the Galaxy S more than the Evo for the hummingbird and Super Amoled, but:

1) Evo has a front camera for people who like to video chat

2) there is more development and custom ROMs for the Evo

3) when you look at the actual stats, the GPU isn't "much much better" just the potential based on many factors.

4) .3" more screen

5) the battery life of the Evo can be significantly increased thru settings, although admittedly it will never be as good as the Galaxy S because of hardware.

edit: also, I am gonna go ahead and move this to "phone comparison" now.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2010, 03:27 PM
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City airport or metro? Lol

Originally Posted by fozmsu View Post
No it doesn't, but mapquest for iphone does and that is free as well. I know bing has voice turn by turn for WM and is supposed to get there on other OS eventually. I don't even really care for the voice. I find it pretty annoying when you're trying to listen to the radio or talk with the other people in the car. I like the map sitting there all quiet like some kind of stealth HUD. I do find it funny when the nav voice says John D. Dingle Drive, which is a road at the Detroit airport. If you're ever near it, check it out.

Sent from my HTC EVO using Tapatalk
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2010, 03:41 PM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
3) when you look at the actual stats, the GPU isn't "much much better" just the potential based on many factors.
Ahm..the GPU is a lot better...
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
Don't count out the Evo though, I too like the Galaxy S more than the Evo for the hummingbird and Super Amoled, but:

1) Evo has a front camera for people who like to video chat

2) there is more development and custom ROMs for the Evo
1. the epic has a FF camera too.

2. theres more roms for the Diamond than for the Imagio and the Omnia 2 combined i bet. doesnt make it a better phone than either of those.

last 3 you basically confirm that the epic is better so no point in even bringing them up. but at the end of the day the X owns them all muahahah!!!

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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2010, 04:50 PM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
but at the end of the day the X owns them all muahahah!!!
I will admit..the X does make a better frisby :P
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2010, 10:14 PM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Actually I see the evo and epic to be just as good. Its the consumer that chooses the tradeoffs... let me explain how i see it

-Evo has a bigger screen
-Epic has better colors
-Evos screen is sharper (look up Pentile Matrix in the AMOLED) it affects sharpness in favor of contrast. The text is where it can be seen where it looks more jagged than other similar res. Screens
-Epic has a hard keyboard (preference)
-Evo is slimmer since it lacks a kb (preference)
-Epic is much better in gfx
-Evo has a kickstand
-Epic has a 6 axis gyroscope (dunno how this will be a huge advantage but still)

-both have front cameras (evo 1.3, epic VGA)
-both do hdmi out (evo by micro hdmi, epic by 3mm jack)
-ill reserve camera performance and battery till after the epic us out and with real world tests

I dunno why we pin against each other, im just glad sprint gives us a choice with these two different but equally powerful superphones

Sorry to go off topic
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2010, 10:29 PM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by Mike20PR View Post
Actually I see the evo and epic to be just as good. Its the consumer that chooses the tradeoffs... let me explain how i see it

-Evo has a bigger screen
-Epic has better colors
-Evos screen is sharper (look up Pentile Matrix in the AMOLED) it affects sharpness in favor of contrast. The text is where it can be seen where it looks more jagged than other similar res. Screens
-Epic has a hard keyboard (preference)
-Evo is slimmer since it lacks a kb (preference)
-Epic is much better in gfx
-Evo has a kickstand
-Epic has a 6 axis gyroscope (dunno how this will be a huge advantage but still)

-both have front cameras (evo 1.3, epic VGA)
-both do hdmi out (evo by micro hdmi, epic by 3mm jack)
-ill reserve camera performance and battery till after the epic us out and with real world tests

I dunno why we pin against each other, im just glad sprint gives us a choice with these two different but equally powerful superphones

Sorry to go off topic

Why would you list Bigger screen as a plus though...that up to preference..some see 4.3 as too big (not me personally)..also a Gyroscope is better then a kickstand >.>...

also Epic can do 3.5mm video out of the entire screen and HDMI via the micro usb

Epic also has a better CPU..not only GPU...it has 45nm vs 65nm, not to mention its more powerful (all 1ghz are not created equal)

Super AMOLED also uses up less energy then LCD

Epic also does native video playback of Divx and Xvid and has better hardware video decoder

Lastly Idk about the specs but Galaxy S has Bluetooth 3.0..so my guess is it will have it as well...

Must I go on? lol
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