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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 03:58 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

I am a little late to this party, as I don't really come into the iPhone forum (first time ever actually), but here goes:

STOP WITH THE "MY PHONE IS BETTER" BULL****. Nobody cares but YOU. If YOU are happy with YOUR phone and I am happy with MY phone, then everybody wins.

and yeah, my TP2 can do all that stuff too, and I can have a battery last me ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT. You know what???? WHO CARES?!?!?!

It is a PHONE for ***** sake. Why are you people ALWAYS turning this into some kind of Religious war? Seriously, GROW UP and MOVE ON.

....(nah just kidding, the iPhone sucks......)

(Seriously though, that was a joke [the iphone sucks part I mean] and this topic is about as useless as Whitney Houston, lets all mature and move on....PLEASE)
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 09:18 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by jamio88 View Post
I am a little late to this party, as I don't really come into the iPhone forum (first time ever actually), but here goes:

STOP WITH THE "MY PHONE IS BETTER" BULL****. Nobody cares but YOU. If YOU are happy with YOUR phone and I am happy with MY phone, then everybody wins.

and yeah, my TP2 can do all that stuff too, and I can have a battery last me ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT. You know what???? WHO CARES?!?!?!

It is a PHONE for ***** sake. Why are you people ALWAYS turning this into some kind of Religious war? Seriously, GROW UP and MOVE ON.

....(nah just kidding, the iPhone sucks......)

(Seriously though, that was a joke [the iphone sucks part I mean] and this topic is about as useless as Whitney Houston, lets all mature and move on....PLEASE)

My avatar is better than yours.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 09:51 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

I am not a fan of the iPhone at all. You're locked to iTunes (unless you jailbreak of course) and the App Store, there are no custom ROMs, AT&T sucks, the data plan sucks, sure there are 60 billion apps but only a handful of good ones. Everyone I know with an iPhone has shattered the screen at some point, or had to completely restore it because it stops booting or something like that. I just switched the Droid (yes, the original Droid), and I think it's lightyears ahead of the iPhone. Google doesn't limit users and developers like Apple does.

BTW, every Windows Mobile phone sucks. I've gone through several of them - it's not the hardware, it's the crap software. WP7 will be out soon, and no one will care, it looks horrible and will continue to suck as it always has.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 10:21 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
My avatar is better than yours.
Yeah but my avatar has a guy playing basketball with his iphone on his hip in his clip! BOO-YAY!
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 10:24 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by brandogg View Post
I am not a fan of the iPhone at all. You're locked to iTunes (unless you jailbreak of course) and the App Store, there are no custom ROMs, AT&T sucks, the data plan sucks, sure there are 60 billion apps but only a handful of good ones. Everyone I know with an iPhone has shattered the screen at some point, or had to completely restore it because it stops booting or something like that. I just switched the Droid (yes, the original Droid), and I think it's lightyears ahead of the iPhone. Google doesn't limit users and developers like Apple does.

BTW, every Windows Mobile phone sucks. I've gone through several of them - it's not the hardware, it's the crap software. WP7 will be out soon, and no one will care, it looks horrible and will continue to suck as it always has.
1) you're not locked into itunes for music or apps, you can use mediamonkey and the phone's app store, you can email and MMS pics.

2) You can customize a lot without having to flash a custom ROM, and btw when you are jailbreaking via Pwnage Tool or Sn0wbreeze you are flashing a custom ROM (ripped and hacked IPSW)

3) There are more than "a handful of good ones". The banks have better apps, online chipotle ordering, Slacker and Pandora stream better than Android. Android may have a better UI, but iOS has much better apps currently.

4) Any screen shatters when you drop something heavy on it or drop the phone, iPhones are known for better hardware than HTC devices.

5) "had to restore"? iOS is well known to be much more stable than WM or Android.

6) The Droid is lightyears behind the iPhone as far as hardware is concerned, so you must be talking about Android over iOS. Personally I tend to agree. I like Android more than iOS, the only thing missing is the apps/games, but I have been running Eclair and now Froyo on my HD2 and I am loving it.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 02:03 PM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Evo really is the best smartphone. It just is LOL.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 03:01 PM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by ace741 View Post
Evo really is the best smartphone. It just is LOL.
Vibrant > Evo any day of the week.

Don't you find it funny that I have a stable/fast Froyo 2.2 ROM on my HD2 with working camera before the Evo does?

I kid, I like the Evo a lot, but I'm all Galaxy S now baby.

That hummingbird is just so much better!
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 04:03 PM
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In regards to hardware and construction, while the all glass housing of the ip4 is very nice and sleek, I think there are advantages to plastic. The main advantage being that glass is more rigid than much of the plastics used by phone manufacturers which means its less able to absorb force and more likely to crack/break on impact.

EVO on Tapatalk
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 05:44 PM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

I like different phones and operating systems and I still think my windows op running on my lg expo is the best out for me and my needs. The apps that we have been brainwashed for are only alot of times a web address away. Most web sites for my job requires internet explorer and sure I could run a remote desktop on iphone or blackberry but I like windows it works for me and I use a macbook pro with windows 7 running in vm, but for all around usage and work I like windows and I get over 200 email, 300 text, and over 200 phone calls per day and I still stream sirius with sxradio all day without missing a beat.
There can be only ONE!!!!!!!!
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 07-26-2010, 07:25 PM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
In regards to hardware and construction, while the all glass housing of the ip4 is very nice and sleek, I think there are advantages to plastic. The main advantage being that glass is more rigid than much of the plastics used by phone manufacturers which means its less able to absorb force and more likely to crack/break on impact.

EVO on Tapatalk
Well I am also talking about Hummingbird CPU in the A4 on the iPhone 4, and the quality of the material, but I tend to agree with you I'd rather have something less likely to slip.

Originally Posted by nite732 View Post
I like different phones and operating systems and I still think my windows op running on my lg expo is the best out for me and my needs. The apps that we have been brainwashed for are only alot of times a web address away. Most web sites for my job requires internet explorer and sure I could run a remote desktop on iphone or blackberry but I like windows it works for me and I use a macbook pro with windows 7 running in vm, but for all around usage and work I like windows and I get over 200 email, 300 text, and over 200 phone calls per day and I still stream sirius with sxradio all day without missing a beat.
That's why I'm loving my HD2 right now. Sometimes I'd rather run winmo 6.5 and sometimes I want to run Android. I can do both with this phone
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