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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 02:55 PM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
iOS works 100% streamlined with the hardware it's on. Apple can configure the OS to work well with only one type of hardware configuration, i.e. the iPhone 3GS IPSW firmware is designed only for the iPhone 3GS hardware and nothing else, so it utilizes the hardware more streamlined and efficiently.

Android is constantly being ported for new devices with new hardware, with chips made by different people. I have a very hard time believing that Google and Samsung tailer made a 2.1 port that utilizes the new Samsung chip along with the new hardware configuration of the galaxy S on Sprint and T-Mobile 100% efficiently with the time they had. Also the android multitasker is not built into the OS to converse system resources as well the iOS one (although the flaw with the iOS one is that it doesn't work till the app is updated to work with iOS4).

I love android and the way and the speed that it does get ported to every device. I like the Nexus One more than iPhone although I do still like the iPhone for what it can do, and with numbers I think it will outbench the Epic and the Vibrant and I would rather have 960 X 640 resolution as well, although the super amoled does look sweet.
Ok but don't forget Apple does not make the phones themselves either..foxconn does...while they may have a larger testing optimization cycle, most of the hardware inside Apple is still made by 3rd party..even if they acquired some of the companies it takes time to integrate them...Samsung on the other hand makes all of the hardware themselves..and android is open source..they don't need google to do anything..and considering they made the GPU I would think they know how to optimize it the best...

Also..Apple may not even bother optimizing it at all aside from battery life and only makes sure their own software works...in no way can I imagine apple running Quake 3 or cycling to HD movies to up their FPS to the max...

When you do a benchmark, multitasking will not show up in your test... benchmarking runs itself as 1 application..if anything you can tweak androids results by killing off some background tasks...otherwise multitasking will not factor in.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 08:47 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Ok but don't forget Apple does not make the phones themselves either..foxconn does...while they may have a larger testing optimization cycle, most of the hardware inside Apple is still made by 3rd party..even if they acquired some of the companies it takes time to integrate them...Samsung on the other hand makes all of the hardware themselves..and android is open source..they don't need google to do anything..and considering they made the GPU I would think they know how to optimize it the best...

Also..Apple may not even bother optimizing it at all aside from battery life and only makes sure their own software works...in no way can I imagine apple running Quake 3 or cycling to HD movies to up their FPS to the max...

When you do a benchmark, multitasking will not show up in your test... benchmarking runs itself as 1 application..if anything you can tweak androids results by killing off some background tasks...otherwise multitasking will not factor in.
Well a good test would be to run a benchmark with some apps open in the BG as well, that would affect the test. As you know Android has a lot more native tasks open especially on stock ROMs that can't be closed, or re-open as soon as they are killed, that would add to the lag in benchmark times because the processor is also trying to run the BG tasks.

The iPhone can run quake 3 I'd be willing to bet pretty easily. The 3GS can run N64 games on an emulator flawlessly with a wii-remote, I'd like to see the Galaxy do that (not saying it can't, just saying I would like to see it because I will probably get a Vibrant), the iPhone 4 can probably run PS2 or Wii roms.

They do seem to optimize the GPU from what I can tell; I would challenge you to carry around a 3GS for a few days, using apps and such, and see for yourself.

Android may be open source, but Samsung didn't develop it and it is still new to Google, let alone Samsung. They may have made some of the hardware, but customizing an OS to fit your rig takes a while, and Apple has had more time to fit it to one device, regardless of the manufacturer.

But all of this is just moot as far as practical application goes, a benchmark test will show very close results no matter who the "winner" and won't manifest real world handling anyways. Both devices are awesome imo.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 08:49 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Android 2.2 demolishes iOS4 in JavaScript benchmarks

ive tried searching but still dont quite understand this. perhaps one of you fellas can explain (in simplest terms lol) what this means and why its significant
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 08:57 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
Android 2.2 demolishes iOS4 in JavaScript benchmarks

ive tried searching but still dont quite understand this. perhaps one of you fellas can explain (in simplest terms lol) what this means and why its significant
That basically shows that on their test, the Android 2.2 browser processed Java faster than Safari mobile.

I personally don't like safari at all, and this would tend to show that Froyo enhances the browser speed as far as Java is concerned.
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Old 07-07-2010, 09:06 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

thanks orange, what browser would you recommend for the iphone?
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 09:07 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
thanks orange, what browser would you recommend for the iphone?
I recommend Perfect Browser. Its by far my favorite and only cost .99 in the app store.
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Old 07-07-2010, 09:12 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

thanks, hows opera run on there?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 09:13 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Opera Mini ftw
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 09:13 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
thanks, hows opera run on there?
Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
Opera Mini ftw
lol responded at the same time so I didn't see your post.

It runs AWESOME, i recommend it above all else.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 09:25 AM
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Re: Iphone really is the best phone

cool thanks guys will recommend them both to my sis!
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