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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2009, 11:26 PM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

Originally Posted by vetvito View Post
Reality Check
Windows Mobile 7 will not be the iphone or Android killer.

Windows Mobile 6.5.x and 7 will just be platforms for Handset makers such as HTC, Samsung, etc...

Haven't you seen the trends with Samsung Today, HTC Sense?
I agree with that. I am on the custom ROMs with Sense and have stopped using the WM Today screen since I moved from a Mogul to the Touch Pro.

I don't even know how to navigate WM 6.5 Today screen. I am by no means a noob with this but just don't see the need to learn WM's Today screen when Sense/Manila does it all.

I just want WM7 to be stable and fast so the UI's placed on top of it dont crash!
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2009, 11:56 PM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

Originally Posted by kabuk1 View Post

The biggest reason people like other OSes better(IMO) is for the shiny factor. "Oooh look it's so pretty! It just has to be the better product!"

I also suspect that WM is often too hard for the average schmoe to figure out how to use properly so people get frustrated & trade it in for an iPhone. I know people with Touch Pros who have had them for months & still have everything stock because they cannot figure out how to change anything.

Sure, some other OSes might be more stable, but at the cost of customizability. I can deal with a glitch now & then for a highly versatile device which I can truly make my own. I'd much rather have total freedom than be given a list of apps that are "safe" to install.
lol you do realize that in defending windows, your post spoke about all of its flaws with the exception to being slow. Thats what alot of us are trying to explain. We all love windows but it just needs work. I read in an earlier post when someone spoke about microsoft didnt expect so many business users to jump ship. Why wouldnt they? If im trying to do business, be it making a phone call, sending an email or doing a powerpoint presentation.. I wouldnt want my phone freezing up right when i need it most. Yes windows was made for business users first and foremost but if i can get another phone/os that can do the same core things so to speak and do them faster and with more stability then of course thats my choice. It's all about working smarter and not harder. Windows mobile was somewhat of an only choice back then, that's why it had so much success. Now all that "its for business users" crap doesn't stick. Its not even the best in its own niche anymore. We all love or ppc's, heck i still have my touch pro 2, but most people are growing impatient with microsoft and their lack of urgency..
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2009, 02:49 AM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

I think all we need to ask ourselves is this one question.

If it weren't for PPCgeeks or XDA, would we still be using Winmo phones?

That's the problem with Winmo, it really is not that great without a bunch of tweaks and customization. I mean custimization is nice but most of the general public isn't into that...

We like Winmo once we've tweaked it to our liking but the reality is that we are a minority and that minority is shrinking every year.
And yeah, I agree wholeheartedly with Smoove21. The line "Winmo is for business users"... is really a cop out.

Last edited by x10guy; 11-30-2009 at 03:09 AM.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2009, 03:31 AM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

Originally Posted by smoove21 View Post
We all love windows but it just needs work. I read in an earlier post when someone spoke about microsoft didnt expect so many business users to jump ship.Why wouldnt they? If im trying to do business, be it making a phone call, sending an email or doing a powerpoint presentation.. I wouldnt want my phone freezing up right when i need it most.
i think you're talking about me, and the problem with that is I've never had my ppc freeze on me. my first of course was on winmo 6 and now 6.1 and ive used 6.5 (without any customizations on any of those btw). The aspect i was referring to drawing the business end unexpectedly was the useless apps that people just for some reason seem to crave more than functionality. and while I've heard of people's devices freezing and crashing ive never actually seen it. I have however seen my dad's iphone lock up 3 times since he got it in april and my 2 brothers have done the same a few times. btw i also know 3 ppl running winmo 6 and 6.1 on 3 devices different from mine and still have never seen it freeze up.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2009, 03:54 AM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

WM7 has something in it's favor when it drops. I can't tell you how many times I read the bloggers when reviewing phones say things like "I have a special place for WM, it was my first PDA but...". Most of the people that will be doing these reviews will be giving the OS very good publicity if it's done right. Sites like phonescoop, phoneareana, Cnet, will do some of MS advertising for them. I do believe they'll get it right and also think that from now on the days of qvga and vga devices are gone. We'll basically be seeing WVGA devices with a capactive touch screen, with very strict minimal system requirements. The developers no longer have to deal with the 20 different phone types and with a Marketplace already in place, WM is positioned for a great comeback.
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Old 11-30-2009, 10:42 AM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
I think all we need to ask ourselves is this one question.

If it weren't for PPCgeeks or XDA, would we still be using Winmo phones?

That's the problem with Winmo, it really is not that great without a bunch of tweaks and customization. I mean custimization is nice but most of the general public isn't into that...

We like Winmo once we've tweaked it to our liking but the reality is that we are a minority and that minority is shrinking every year.
And yeah, I agree wholeheartedly with Smoove21. The line "Winmo is for business users"... is really a cop out.
Couldnt this analysis apply to android and webos also? I mean to get it working to peoples liking they have to root or use homebrew correct? Meaning no OS is perfect and they all have to be changed in some way in many peoples eyes. Im not bashing any OS but they all need work from what I have read. By the way I have never flashed a custom rom on any of my phones and the only time I have had a problem it was due to hardware failure which can happen on any phone.
Kiss my grits
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2009, 12:37 PM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

Android is almost perfect except it needs a GUI. If it came standard with SenseUI it wouldn't be bad.
Disclaimer: The truth is obvious.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2009, 03:46 PM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

I think Microsoft did blow it.

Apple and the iphone juggarnaut are unstoppable. It is easy to use, keeps itself updated automatically, has the famed app store built in, has a HUGE accessory base, it pretty much does everything automatically, and it is much cheaper than most WinMo phones (five or six hundred dollars for a phone?). Not to mention you can't throw a dead cat and not hit a d*mn itunes gift card hanging by every checkout register.

Though I see it all as a closed-system that lacks freedom for the user, you can't deny it has obviously taken over the mobile market (which is more amazing when you realise it is only on one carrier).

I work in film, and on the last film set we would snap various pics of behind-the-scenes stuff. There were roughly 30 phones taking pics, and mine was the only non-iphone (a Fuze). One guy had the 'photoshop' app, snapped a pic and filtered it a little, showed it to someone else, and within minutes everyone had the same photoshop app and were all filtering their pics. Although I see that as "what happened to "think different" when everyone basically has the same phone/apps?" you have to admit that for those who don't know how to tweak their phone, apple has made it super easy for anyone to use. Thus the popularity.

My kids have 8G Zunes. Seen any zune accessories lately? Heck no.. In fact, have you seen any Zunes at all (other than ZuneHD)? The MP3 player market is dominated by everything apple. The new ZuneHD is awesome, but it's more expensive than the iTouch. For someone who has no clue and is just looking through the display case at an itouch and zunehd, why in the world would they ever choose a zune? The apple products are colorful, fun, easy to use, have cameras, etc.. Plus, when the display case right next to it has a ton of accessories and docks that are not for the zune, the choice is simple.

I think the rise in apple's popularity may come from people who buy iphones/itouch/ipods, like how simple they are, and decide to get a mac when they need to upgrade their computer.. I was talking with a guy who I thought was fairly tech-savvy, and he talking about how technologically advanced the iphone was.. I was going to point out a few things to support his ideas when he said 'like a touch screen. Before the iphone, there weren't any touch screen phones or devices out there." He then went on to tell me how excited he was about the new apple tablet computer.. These type of people saturate the majority. They watch apple's clever advertising and assume it is the only option available that is innovative.

But, technology leapfrogs itself.. Apple just seems to have done a very long leap, making the other developers take several jumps just to catch up..

I work on both Windows and Mac, but own only Windows computers myself.

I have high hopes for WinMo7, but unfortunately know that the phones capable of running it will probably be to expensive for me..

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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2009, 04:52 PM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
I think all we need to ask ourselves is this one question.

If it weren't for PPCgeeks or XDA, would we still be using Winmo phones?

That's the problem with Winmo, it really is not that great without a bunch of tweaks and customization. I mean custimization is nice but most of the general public isn't into that...

We like Winmo once we've tweaked it to our liking but the reality is that we are a minority and that minority is shrinking every year.
And yeah, I agree wholeheartedly with Smoove21. The line "Winmo is for business users"... is really a cop out.
at one point I didn't have htc device. Was I ready to go to ATT and iphone? no absolutely not. I needed a qwerty keyboard that marginally worked and did what I needed it to do. Would that mean I would've used android? Little support of office and while new, design of phones were lackluster and the web interface is difficult with sites that use authentication (eg library sites for research)

So I would probably be with windows mobile just because of the immense amount of apps for it and other things...

Yeah I'd still be windows and hoping windows cleans up their act

The new ZuneHD is awesome, but it's more expensive than the iTouch.
in which galaxy?
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2009, 07:03 PM
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile

I think there is a misunderstanding what the thread is about.

It is NOT about why we use Winmo devices over something else... Almost every single person who contributed to this thread uses Winmo. We all like it and use it. I definitely prefer it over the competition right now.

So there is NO argument why we have chosen Winmo. The issue is how Microsoft which has had the most time, money, and handsets just simply blew the leadership they once held. I mean it's not even close anymore. Winmo is like 3rd soon to be in 4th place.
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