How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile
Interesting Article on CNN, thought i would share.
"Pimpin Phones Since Pimpin Been Pimpin" |
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile
Bury me with my ppc lol. Ill never buy an iphone. Wonder how long before the iphone is on the decline. Will they make they same "mistakes" as Microsoft? Guess we will see in ten years.
Kiss my grits
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile
I've been with PPCs/Winmo devices for like the last 7 years. Microsoft has like a 10 year head start on mobile devices but simply blew it. Anyone can see that baring a miracle, they've already lost the mobile OS battle.
In a year or so, I see it really comind down to a battle between Goog'e Android and Apple iPhone. |
Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile
I think MS definitely blew it, but they may still have a chance if they can piggy-back off the success of Windows 7. They really need to get it right the first time with WM7 though.
Look at the landscape of the market. By the time WM 7 hits the ground, we'll likely have: Palm OS2, Android 2.XX, blackberry's consumer-friendly Storm 2 (maybe even Storm 3 if MS is late), and of course our Apple friends. IMO apple will be making some big changes this summer in an effort to stay atop the pack. All the major players are going to be 2 or 3 (even 4) generations into their "modern era" mobile OS platforms before MS even gets out of the gate. I think an excellent strategy would be to try and package a free mobile device into the purchase of a new desktop. If every single person that bought a new comp got a free shot at WM7 they could make up some major ground. |
Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile
i dont think microsoft blew it. Windows Mobile didnt have anything to offer to the average person. It didnt have any fun games or fun apps so making commercials of it wouldnt make any sense bc it was only geared to the nerds (lol sry guys). So for a OS that really didnt do much for the average person I think it did pretty well. But now we have the iPhone and Android, I think microsoft should really work hard on Windows 7 to make it finger friendly and developers keep it up with the useless (ha) but appealing games and apps like those shake and save stuff and when windows 7 comes out do a couple commercials focusing on games and apps (especially skyfire with flah in the browser) then at the end maybe throw in the extra stuff windows could do like multitasking etc. Remember the average person doesnt care about the geeky things that our phones can do. They need to make commercials that will appeal the the average consumer. We at ppcgeeks dont need commercials bc we know what our phones are capable of.
Whipped Gat Slinga
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Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile
And let's remember, most developers will develop on the platform that has the potential for most profit... which most of the time means the most users. |
Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile
The way I see it, the Iphone had it easy. when it came out, it had competition. WM did not, and when there's no competition, things don't quite develop as fast as when there is. consider how long it took from WM 5 to 6, and then 6.1. those releases took a long time to get out and didn't really offer too much in terms of an upgrade. but now that we have the iphone, pre, and android. we already have 6.5 (with updates already coming), as well as WM 7 coming right on its heels. Microsoft didn't screw up, they just needed someone to light a fire under their a$$. so thanks Iphone, without you, we would not have the pre or android, and WM 6.5 probably woudn't even be out yet.
Re: How Microsoft blew it with Windows Mobile
So let me get this straight...is everyone saying that its okay for microsoft to make us wait even longer for wm7? That its okay to let the phone manufacturers make windows more user friendly? As x10guy said, it will be taking a backseat to other OS's. I doubt android will be ahead of it though. Simply because google is doing what microsoft did. Let the phone manufacturers create the UIs for the phones to be more consumer appealing. This is where rim,apple and palm nailed it. Make a very appealing,powerful and clean UI. Microsoft has the powerful part down, they just need to make it more appealing and clean it up a lil bit. But to be honest they did blow it. They take too long to do anything when it comes to windows mobile. How can you claim they didnt blow it and they've already lost a third of their market share since 2008? Thats more or less one year people!!!!!!
If I help don't forget to hit thanks..
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