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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2009, 06:29 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
his roms are good but i will NEVER pay for them. i already bought my phone, that's enough.
  #22 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2009, 08:47 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
his roms are good but i will NEVER pay for them. i already bought my phone, that's enough.
agreed. btw man did u get the pm on xda with the pre android system image from me yet?
Don't just say "thanks" , hit the button. Thats what its there for =) and If you need some help, don't hesitate to PM me. =)
Guide to Downgrading/Reverting ROM for Warranty/Repair/Replacement

  #23 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 06:15 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

i hear a lot about so-and-so's rom being better than so-and-so. are there benchmarks that we can use to prove which rom is more functional, better in performace, more apps, less bugs, or whatever?

as much i as like i hear statements without proof, i think this would be a good way to help ppl decide which roms would suite whoever.

My stance is that you can ask or beg or whatever for donations, just like how you can state how one rom is better than another without proof. as long as it's not hurtful, i don't care what you say, it's OUR RIGHT.
  #24 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 06:48 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Originally Posted by fixxxer2008 View Post
his roms are good but i will NEVER pay for them. i already bought my phone, that's enough.

That statement is garbage on a few levels. The phone did not come installed with the OS,program versions and/or additional functions most chef's provide. When you bought your phone the chef received no compensation,profit,kickback whatever you want to call it from that sale so I don't understand that logic. Lastly, when did a person's time or efforts become so worthless where showing some appreciation in a monetary form was wrong. This isn't necessarily only pertaining to NFSFAN but more just a general rule of thinking. One last thought I wanted to chime in about, if you have a problem with Mr. FAN and think he's going to far with donation attempt's why not let your actions speak louder than words by not using any of his work?

Sorry for the run-on, lol.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 08:47 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Originally Posted by DPG View Post
That statement is garbage on a few levels. The phone did not come installed with the OS,program versions and/or additional functions most chef's provide. When you bought your phone the chef received no compensation,profit,kickback whatever you want to call it from that sale so I don't understand that logic. Lastly, when did a person's time or efforts become so worthless where showing some appreciation in a monetary form was wrong. This isn't necessarily only pertaining to NFSFAN but more just a general rule of thinking. One last thought I wanted to chime in about, if you have a problem with Mr. FAN and think he's going to far with donation attempt's why not let your actions speak louder than words by not using any of his work?

Sorry for the run-on, lol.

uh though i realize that u may not be trying to back up NFSFAN's statements, i think ur highly mistaken about the view that most people have here on these forums. it never became a crime or wrong to not donate via monetary form to a developer, however it does become annoying and quite frankly rude when a member of the community, who is like any other chef, begins to consistently point out the fact that he need donations. A donation is quite simply that, a donation:

donation: an act or instance of presenting something as a gift

they should be made by good hearted people on the forum, and not asked for.

people shoudlnt say "ill be starting on the new rom, but i dont know if its worth it because the last rom didnt bring in much in terms of donations".

while i agree that donations are a good way of encouraging a chef, when a chef HIMSELF asks for them, it becomes pathetic and his users feel as if they are required to donate for him to keep developing.

in the end, the choice is his. and btw, to ur statement

One last thought I wanted to chime in about, if you have a problem with Mr. FAN and think he's going to far with donation attempt's why not let your actions speak louder than words by not using any of his work?
will not work.... no one says his work is not good, it should be used as its great, just like other chefs such as vin, wdm, and others.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 09:52 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Originally Posted by DPG View Post
One last thought I wanted to chime in about, if you have a problem with Mr. FAN and think he's going to far with donation attempt's why not let your actions speak louder than words by not using any of his work?

Sorry for the run-on, lol.
I dont use his work , its just not that he pushes donating, or that they are not good or bad, i dont use his work because, he fails to share , i mean really when the new verizon rom came out that was anticipated to have open gl driver on it that would work on phone , nfsfan was working on , do you really think he wouldve shared that with us?.. i dont think so , because new things = more money to nfsfan, so if it shares with everyone no one will donate as the open gl driver is readily available.

heres a perfect example, when the iolite rom came out and it came with new manilla 2d, there was a problem withe the new messaging tab and only nfsfan had found fix for it, i went over to ppchaven and asked him in his thread how to get it going and he blew me off with some lame story and acted all dumb, and one of his friends even sent me in the wrong direction to getting the fix, told me i had to do some hex editing, when in actual fact all i had to do was add some registry entrys.

i mean how hard is to share??

  #27 (permalink)  
Old 08-19-2009, 11:18 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Let me first say that I think that the community here, is far, far better than that over at XDA, which doesn't necessarily say much of anything, other than at the very least, it seems that the Vogue community here is more 'friendly' than elsewhere.

That said, the comments that sparked this debate were made there, so I think that part of the benefit of this discussion is being lost by the fact that it's being held here.

I used his ROMs first, found them good, donated after using them for a little while. I suppose it could have been compared to being introduced to the addiction and torrid love affair that has formed with this phone and using cooked ROMs. I have to say that it wasn't just his comment that drove me from XDA and his ROMs, but it sure didn't hurt matters. Before I tried Vin's kickarse ROMs, there was some concern that others wouldn't be as stable (completely unfounded ) or that because of the hype over at XDA about his ROMs that I'd be sorely disappointed with any other ROM because his work was the benchmark, the pinnacle of all cooked ROM goodness and sugar coated lovin'.

Since then, I'm gone and never looking back again, having 'seen the light' that the hype is just from a few really vocal cheerleaders, and that I've found his work to be inferior to Vin's (others too I'm sure). The scariest thing is that despite a few subtle differences because of the plethora of carriers (the differences may be more than subtle, I'm not a chef, so your mileage may vary) the hardware is the same, always, for the Vogue, and the number of issues I've had with *other* (GASP) ROMs have been fewer than with his.

Sorry for the novel, probably wandered around the topic too much, but I've given my opinion, which is worth less than nothing even in my estimation -- but you read it. Muahahahaha
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 02:03 AM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

What about chefs that ask for donation to buy a phone so that he can cook a rom for that phone? That is another way to ask for monetary donation without being straight forward, saying if you don't donate, i don't build. If he don't have enough money to buy the phone, he won't build custom roms. That is same scenario " You pay me money and i'll build you roms " So either way, the donations is like an encouragement for that chefs to build roms. either by donating money for phones or for their time to work so that you can have stable custom roms , so that you can show off to your friends. And I don't see people bashing the chefs who ask for donation to buy phone.

On that note about donations, I don't know if anyone remembered awhile back a group of chefs that said that they was going to build " Elite " rom and couple months pass still, it wasn't delivered, and those chefs were the top notch chefs too. Those donations went to waste... As for NFSFAN , he is constantly building roms. i believe 13+ custom roms since Vogue came out and still going strong. And for bashing and saying he is a beast for asking donations is wrong. Those 13+ build of custom roms, i wonder how many countless hours he gave to the community....

For ones to encourage the people to donate money to build roms is the same thing as for ones to encourage people to donate money to buy a phone for that chefs.

Thats just my.02 cents.
  #29 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 09:21 AM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Thats a good point you raised, this is one that we havn't discussed yet. In my opinion they shouldnt be begging for donations to buy a new phone. In all honesty as previously stated, donations are just a way for a user to show some support, they should NOT be expected or begged for. If the chef is trying to get a new phone they could use donations they get from users for that. But they shouldnt be begging or expecting. Sorry if this is a little incoherent I'm mobile atm.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 09:23 AM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Originally Posted by 510jungleboy View Post
What about chefs that ask for donation to buy a phone so that he can cook a rom for that phone? That is another way to ask for monetary donation without being straight forward, saying if you don't donate, i don't build. If he don't have enough money to buy the phone, he won't build custom roms. That is same scenario " You pay me money and i'll build you roms " So either way, the donations is like an encouragement for that chefs to build roms. either by donating money for phones or for their time to work so that you can have stable custom roms , so that you can show off to your friends. And I don't see people bashing the chefs who ask for donation to buy phone.

On that note about donations, I don't know if anyone remembered awhile back a group of chefs that said that they was going to build " Elite " rom and couple months pass still, it wasn't delivered, and those chefs were the top notch chefs too. Those donations went to waste... As for NFSFAN , he is constantly building roms. i believe 13+ custom roms since Vogue came out and still going strong. And for bashing and saying he is a beast for asking donations is wrong. Those 13+ build of custom roms, i wonder how many countless hours he gave to the community....

For ones to encourage the people to donate money to build roms is the same thing as for ones to encourage people to donate money to buy a phone for that chefs.

Thats just my.02 cents.
Ok, I'll bite.

If a chef doesn't use the phone or love the phone, do we think that they're really going to put the time, effort, and care into building the ROM as if they use and like the phone?

As for buying a phone for a chef, how bad does the stock ROM have to suck that someone doesn't *become* a chef to fix it rather than pay some dude who doesn't have the phone to get it, and then take them at their word that they're going to find time to work on a phone they didn't have or didn't want enough in the first place to get it?

This thread was started, as far as I could tell, as a not so veiled jab at a not so veiled threat from someone who made a statement I'm certain was in poor taste to make. I think the original intent was to elicit the community here to respond to a statement that in its original context should have been responded to with a 'who the hell do you think you are?' but instead was responded to with pandering and I'm sure a slew of donations because of a pretty active group of cheerleaders and followers.

Nobody in this thread that I can recall has been critical of those who've said "If you want to donate, here's how ... " but only of the premise that we somehow owe a chef a *wage* for the time they've spent working on ROMs for a phone.

All that to say that viewing this as a personal attack on NFSFan might be the correct view, but it also has been useful in helping to ferret out the feelings of the community about the idea by itself. I think that the people rushing to defend his honor have misplaced their statements. If he felt that this was an issue worth responding to, somehow I think he would have chimed in by now, since he's still perfectly capable of defending himself. Your 0.02 refunded.
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