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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 06:05 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

That what he said on v13 that it did not bring enough donation for him to do v14 then all the sudden people started sending money LMFAO..... NFSFAN is getting to bigheaded and needs to let it go.NFS can eat a fat one for asken for $$ lamer!!!
  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 06:24 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Originally Posted by Gotroot View Post
That what he said on v13 that it did not bring enough donation for him to do v14 then all the sudden people started sending money LMFAO..... NFSFAN is getting to bigheaded and needs to let it go.NFS can eat a fat one for asken for $$ lamer!!!

lol thats probably going a little to far

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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 06:30 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

There is a time investment on the chef. Some spend countless hours in a kitchen, the better one's shouldn't have too. Everything is already amassed as far as their programs, tools, and bits-n-pieces go.

It's when the chef turns it into a part time job...That's when my feathers get ruffled.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 06:57 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Ya seems like he might have gone into that stage oh well lol I will not be the dumba** that buys his new toys lol.I would rather help someone that is not asken every rls for more $$$$$$$$
  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2009, 07:06 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Lol, with the regards to nfsfans thread, I lost myself and got into a debate over there lol.... I was tempted to respond to the almost constant donation mongering going on in his thread. (Not ALL by NFSFAN, multiple users take time to brag about their donations and pressure others into it as well...)
I agree with rstoyguy, this sort of thing is a hobby, NOT a part time job.
Also, ali3n thanks for recognizing me in the first post you made
Most users on xda think he is a god from a couple of the people that post in the thread hyping his stuff. One guy is spewing that other peoples roms (WDM, vin, mine)
"are not on the same level as NFSFANS" because we use ppckitchen whereas NFSFAN built everything including his kitchen from scratch.
Its people that mindlessly follow one thing and refuse to try other things that really annoy me.
My rants done.....
  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2009, 12:49 AM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Originally Posted by ksg View Post
I don't see the problem here.

NFSFAN is releasing his Vogue ROM whether or not you donate to him. Many ROM authors/bootloader hackers/3rd party application developers seem to be asking for donations before major releases come out. I'm sure they've spent a long time testing/debugging/tinkering and if you enjoy what they do it may be nice to try and help compensate them for their time. They're asking, not requiring.

It isn't as if he is CHARGING MONEY for the ROM itself. If he did, there would be many people pissed at him... including some copyright holders (i.e.: Microsoft).

There is nothing new to see here. Move along!
Im ok when people ask for donations,its normal..
On the other side,of course he will release it just to proof that he is still capable to cook better then others,which is going to be very difficult for him lol
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2009, 11:15 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

u know what, this is a long time coming.

everyone agrees that donations are simply donations.

But comments like "i encourage everyone to donate to encourage developments" and "v13 didnt bring in a great amount of donations" are not suggestions to donate, its more of a statement which really means ; donate to me or you might risk loosing me as a developer because im not getting enough money to do it for you anymore.

i have no personal beef with NFSFAN, and i will agree that his roms are a great piece of work (i put them on my father's touch), but at the same time, this donation motivated attitude has been pushed further to the crapper

our community is a sharing community. the reason NFSFAN simply doesnt bluntly come out and start charging for his roms is because he CANT as that violates so many laws that he would be left with nothing if sued. Look at mightymike for example, he continued/continues to develop for the diamond even though he got a touch pro, and now continues to develop and help out with developing for the touch pro even tho he has a touch pro 2. If everyone adapts an attitude like NFSFAN then the whole community would be dead.

And to be very honest, i dont think it would be the end of the world if he stopped developing, yet it would be nice if he developed without his threats to stop developing if he isnt recieving enough donations.

Myself, and a LOT of other senior members on this forum have seen the work he has done, and what he has turned into. Im sure u remember the issue with no2chem and nueusb. The person still hasnt changed.
Don't just say "thanks" , hit the button. Thats what its there for =) and If you need some help, don't hesitate to PM me. =)
Guide to Downgrading/Reverting ROM for Warranty/Repair/Replacement

Last edited by mixxy; 08-18-2009 at 12:17 AM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2009, 10:37 AM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Well said mixxy, well said!
  #19 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2009, 11:54 AM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

Originally Posted by Andrewwelton View Post
I agree with rstoyguy, this sort of thing is a hobby, NOT a part time job.

exactly. The point of our forum is not to bicker and beg and threat for donations, rather to help everyone out to the best of your ability.

no one will ask you to put all your personal matters aside and say "comeon bi*ch , develop for us or ur dead to us". everyone (for the most part), is understanding, and they realize that our chefs develop in their spare time.

if this sort of thing is becoming a part time job, then i suggest the chef who is so eager to develop for cash to apply for jobs at microsoft and htc. Then the boss can DEMAND the chef to develop as it is his/her job.

ps: on a side note, i havent been on the posting on the forums much as you can all probably notice. But i just want to remind everyone that if anyone ever needs any help with Vogue/Diamond/Touch Pro bell issues, im always at your service =)
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 08-18-2009, 05:27 PM
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Re: Paying for custom roms?

his roms are good but i will NEVER pay for them. i already bought my phone, that's enough.
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