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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2008, 01:55 AM
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Re: htc touch gps

types of A-GPS
Standalone - Your handset has no connection to the network, and uses only the GPS satellite signals it can currently receive to try and establish a location.
MS Based - Your handset is connected to the network, and uses the GPS signals + a location signal from the network.
MS Assisted - Your handset is connected to the network, uses GPS signals + a location signal then relays its 'fix' to the server, which then uses the signal strength from your phone to the network towers to further plot your position. You can still maintain voice communication in this scenario, but not 'Internet/Network service' ie Web Browser, IM, streaming TV etc..
MS Assisted/Hybrid - Same as above, but network functionality remains. Normally only in areas with exceptional coverage.
  #32 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2008, 05:56 AM
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Re: htc touch gps

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
Ok basically, We are talking about U.S. carriers and A-GPS technology. Obviously Ur statement did not fall on any of the 2 which makes it not valid. Ur Touch is GSM which is completely different from CDMA. Even if U don't use cell tower, U still fall on the standalone type which I mentioned on the earlier post.and You are being sarcastic for a reason that I don't understand while U can disagree with respect. But I will still be nice with u. Can U pls. tell us what technology ur phone use and how it works. and can u pls. include a hard proof because I also want to learn that.
My device is a CDMA device. Branded in NZ as an OKTA Touch. It is identical to and is labeled internally as a vouge.

I have no idea what you mean by hard proof? I am at the bottom of the world my phone and data are off (as well as the network not supporting agps) and I can get a lock on 4-6 Sats and get pin pointed to within 2-3m of where I am.

Now my post count is up to. I am out of here. Good luck.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2008, 07:04 AM
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Re: htc touch gps

Another Touch user that does not use cell tower. Hmmmm. CDMA in new zealand. That's new to me.
  #34 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2008, 09:08 AM
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Re: htc touch gps

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
Another Touch user that does not use cell tower. Hmmmm. CDMA in new zealand. That's new to me.
Give it up Jethro ... you are wrong on this one. It is well-known that you can receive a GPS lock without any cellphone towers involved. Sure, A-GPS may kick in for certain apps, such as Google Maps, but an A-GPS signal is useless for an app like TomTom or Garmin because it is not precise enough.

Also, the whole point of your thread makes little sense. How many users do *not* have a data plan anyway? It's going to be an insignificant number.

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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2008, 09:20 AM
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Re: htc touch gps

Hmm... I have a Telus HTC Touch (exactly the same hardware as sprint/bell/alltel), and when I goto the states I turn off my data. From a COLD GPS start, I can get a lock. I'm not sure how that requires data? The almanacs can be downloaded from the gps sats, just like in regular GPS units.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2008, 10:23 AM
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Re: htc touch gps

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
Hey casper, How about doing a little experiment. Turn ur radio off the get a lock. Then try to navigate on that settings. Lets confirm this. But make sure that there is no data coming in the phone just the GPS chip and your software. Since U have a touch, can anyone do this on a mogul? I wanna hear input from u too.
Because I am back from the north and have signal again, I put the Touch in airplane mode and ran Garmin XT. The navigation screen in this program goes full screen so that screen shot won't show the phones status. But the main screen has the phones status and the the buttons to stop navigation or detour only come up when you are navigating..

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2008, 10:36 AM
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Re: htc touch gps

Nice Picture tlcasper. Also, those green bars are representing how many sattelites the device is reading for navigation. There are in fact other satellites your device reads, but aren't for navigation purposes.

Ok, I did some more testing last night. I SUCCESSFULLY had Google Maps going, following me down the street very accurately, and I minimized, opened up PIE, and got on the internet, switched back to Google Maps and is had still been following me the whole time, so 1st of all, you CAN use the internet and GPS at the same time. Google maps goes as far as to specifically tell you that you NEED a data plan to use this program when and if you happen to lose your data coverage. Garmin/Tomtom, on the other hand, never mentions it until you try and use the extras. GPS is 1 way reading of a signal. My phone isn't communicating (sending any info) it is just receiving info from the satellites.

Links for you my friend:

About GPS being 1 way reception: http://www.tomtom.com/support/index....age=4&FID=4043

And incurring DATA charges for traffic updates:

A nice one: http://www8.garmin.com/aboutGPS/

If their products work on my phone, then this is how they are working. Not from my data plan.

On the other hand: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-GPS

I believe this is what you're talking about. This is where it needs the data plan to assist, but not always required. To relay the information about my position to someone, i.e. police, it would need a data plan.

I don't believe that my navigation programs are utilizing A-GPS on my hardware. They might use it as complimentary, but not exclusively.

But no where on Garmin's site or Tomtom's site do they mention that I need a data plan to use GPS functionality. Only for the extras.

The Mogul is the same. Over at my other forum, everyone is MOGUL, and I learned from them. I know the mogul is the same. Telenav (Sprint Navigation) on the other hand is blocked unless you have that plan. They make you subscribe because they can. Proprietary software.....

Last edited by BANGER; 06-19-2008 at 02:53 PM.
  #38 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2008, 05:49 PM
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Re: htc touch gps

Originally Posted by GT! View Post
Give it up Jethro ... you are wrong on this one. It is well-known that you can receive a GPS lock without any cellphone towers involved. Sure, A-GPS may kick in for certain apps, such as Google Maps, but an A-GPS signal is useless for an app like TomTom or Garmin because it is not precise enough.

Also, the whole point of your thread makes little sense. How many users do *not* have a data plan anyway? It's going to be an insignificant number.

Oh boy. As I said before, A lock can be established because the satellite can locate you. Now the transmission of data will come from an A-GPS server because your phone will have hard time computing for data and it will drain ur battery. Pls. read the previous post before posting. Thanks
  #39 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2008, 05:58 PM
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Re: htc touch gps

Originally Posted by BANGER View Post
Nice Picture tlcasper. Also, those green bars are representing how many sattelites the device is reading for navigation. There are in fact other satellites your device reads, but aren't for navigation purposes.

Ok, I did some more testing last night. I SUCCESSFULLY had Google Maps going, following me down the street very accurately, and I minimized, opened up PIE, and got on the internet, switched back to Google Maps and is had still been following me the whole time, so 1st of all, you CAN use the internet and GPS at the same time. Google maps goes as far as to specifically tell you that you NEED a data plan to use this program when and if you happen to lose your data coverage. Garmin/Tomtom, on the other hand, never mentions it until you try and use the extras. GPS is 1 way reading of a signal. My phone isn't communicating (sending any info) it is just receiving info from the satellites.

Links for you my friend:

About GPS being 1 way reception: http://www.tomtom.com/support/index....age=4&FID=4043

And incurring DATA charges for traffic updates:

A nice one: http://www8.garmin.com/aboutGPS/

If their products work on my phone, then this is how they are working. Not from my data plan.

On the other hand: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A-GPS

I believe this is what you're talking about. This is where it needs the data plan to assist, but not always required. To relay the information about my position to someone, i.e. police, it would need a data plan.

I don't believe that my navigation programs are utilizing A-GPS on my hardware. They might use it as complimentary, but not exclusively.

But no where on Garmin's site or Tomtom's site do they mention that I need a data plan to use GPS functionality. Only for the extras.

The Mogul is the same. Over at my other forum, everyone is MOGUL, and I learned from them. I know the mogul is the same. Telenav (Sprint Navigation) on the other hand is blocked unless you have that plan. They make you subscribe because they can. Proprietary software.....
Banger. I appreciate U doing ur homework. But unfortunately, U did not make any point including the screenshots. The screenshots posted did not prove anything. The links you post is about a GPS systems. Not a Phone with GPS. It uses SIRF III chipsets and is highly sensitive it does not need assistance from cell tower. It also do the computations on the device itself. There is the 4th type if you read the types of A-GPS that I posted. The HYBRID. U can still go to the network while using the GPS. Yes The Wiki is one for my reference. You said it yourself

Some A-GPS solutions require an active connection to a cell phone (or other data) network to function, in others[2][3] it simply makes positioning faster and more accurate, but is not required.

"in Others" refering to phones that do not need data assistance Which I mentioned to be the standalone type which can be found in ATT tilt, Moto q9c and newer blackberry devices.

Last edited by jethro_static; 06-19-2008 at 06:14 PM.
  #40 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2008, 06:07 PM
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Re: htc touch gps

I am sorry guys but seems like u went to a debate without any ammo. Since you guys got a lot of challenge questions for me, I have 2 for U people.

1. If your phone does not need a cell tower and a data transmission, U are claiming that ur phone has a standalone GPS type. Now can you pls. post a link that proved that ur phone has a Standalone GPS aside from the mentioned phone with standalone A-GPS.

2. If your phone uses cell towers and the data transmitted is free so how does your phone perform navigation with radio off? How will the free data transmission come in?

ANd here for All disbelievers:
A-GPS utilizes data from a satellite reference network that is continually updated in the TCS XLP A-GPS Server. The TCS A-GPS Server sends this aiding data to the mobile over an Internet Protocol (IP) connection established by the mobile. The Aiding Data assists the GPS receiver in the mobile handset to determine where to acquire overhead satellites. This significantly increases the sensitivity of the device so it works effectively from inside a briefcase or pocket. The Time to First Fix of the device is quicker, helping keep battery consumption to a minimum. The combined features make TCS' A-GPS Server the most accurate and commercially viable option for mobile positioning.
Taken from here:

and pls. read the links that I posted earlier. It will help U understand. i will do my best to help U understand until U agree.

Last edited by jethro_static; 06-19-2008 at 06:16 PM.
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