Re: lost data no internet! please help
Bummer. Do some searching on here,ppcgeeks, and id-discussions.com as well as google. theres a whole pile of thing you can try out.
Re: lost data no internet! please help
I changed my ESN to an old audiovox one and still luck re authenticating on the bell network
Re: lost data no internet! please help
grashoper... good thread here as I am having a very similar problem... I have an additonal issue though as my phone won't take my MSN when I do the ##778# thing. I just reran GETSPC and the MSN came back the same so I don't know what is up with that?
Re: lost data no internet! please help
Grashoper et al... believe it or not Bell helped me out with this one. I want to share it because it was an incredibly easy fix...
I had only called Bell because I was looking for the correct password (I obviously didn't want them to know that I had messed with the ROM and Radio). In the process they suggested the following process to deregister and reregister on the network: To use your terminology: Hammer in ##MSL# <gets you to the "activation wizard"> Note your MDN and MSID <they also told me that MSID is your cell number unless you have ported your number from another carrier as I have) Change MDN and MSID to area code with 7 zeros after Reboot and make a call (any call just so the network sees the phone - it won't work anyway) Hammer in ##MSL# Change MDN and MSID back to original settings and reboot... and voila... back in business. She said that we simply had to reregister the phone on the network... |
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Re: lost data no internet! please help
HUH! that is very cool. yah know, i really think alot of times with tech support staff, (with any company) it really shows who knows their job better, which perhaps comes from years of service with company your working for. Once in a while you will get somebody who truly knows their job inside and out VS reading information off the computer screen. I'm almost tempted to run thru your steps, just to see if it will make any other improvements <wink> not that my blower isn't working well, now.. who knows, perhaps there are glitches that i don't even recognize as less than perfect. ya know, reading my 'lingo' in somebody's else's sentence made me laugh.. The GF even came in the room to see what i was lafin at. Thanks! ![]() Maybe it's the way we do it here on the East Coast and don't even realize it. chow for now... |
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Re: lost data no internet! please help
Grashoper - although I am in Edmonton now ... I am from Pictou... LOL so that might explain it... I recommend that you try the steps... it was really funny the whole time because I was playing my cards very close to my chest btu at the same time in many ways I was one step ahead of her, which encouraged her to a.) move quickly and b.) probably suspected what I had done, but didn't ask i.e. don't ask don't tell.
Two more quick notes as I fumbled through this process (only slightly paniced as I was still able to send and receive calls): 1. You had mentioned "Home SID/NID#1 = 16420 / 65535" might be for Ontario but mine is the same in Alberta... so next theory on that one. 2. I mentioned that my MSN stopped working but that was my own stupidity. I had mistyped a digit in the hex. I had an "8" vs a "B" and once I ran the correct one in GETSPC I was able to get back in... plus if you ask the correct questions Bell gives you the MSN without telling you what it is. They will often walk you through the #778## procedure and simply tell you what to type. |
Re: lost data no internet! please help
I cannot thank you enough Grasshopper!!! I was pretty certain that i had already done that but i tried again and it worked!!!!
Thanks again you are my hero of the week, bell was useless on the issue for me. |
Re: lost data no internet! please help
Grashoper, I, too, cannot thank you enough. I ran into the same problem as yours today, and I followed your guide and it worked for me.
PS. I think God67's workaround makes sense and should do the trick as well... |
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