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Old 06-11-2008, 07:42 PM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Grashoper et al... believe it or not Bell helped me out with this one. I want to share it because it was an incredibly easy fix...

I had only called Bell because I was looking for the correct password (I obviously didn't want them to know that I had messed with the ROM and Radio).

In the process they suggested the following process to deregister and reregister on the network:

To use your terminology:

Hammer in ##MSL# <gets you to the "activation wizard">

Note your MDN and MSID
<they also told me that MSID is your cell number unless you have ported your number from another carrier as I have)

Change MDN and MSID to area code with 7 zeros after

Reboot and make a call (any call just so the network sees the phone - it won't work anyway)

Hammer in ##MSL#

Change MDN and MSID back to original settings and reboot...

and voila... back in business.

She said that we simply had to reregister the phone on the network...
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