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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2008, 02:09 PM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Grashoper, congratulations on getting it to work and detailing a fix for the rest of us.
In your journeys did you ever flash the stock Bell ROM to your phone and was your radio at 3.xx level? Want to know since there is talk of problems with downloading Radio code
  #32 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2008, 03:09 PM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Originally Posted by junglee View Post
Grashoper, congratulations on getting it to work and detailing a fix for the rest of us.
In your journeys did you ever flash the stock Bell ROM to your phone and was your radio at 3.xx level? Want to know since there is talk of problems with downloading Radio code

Yep... two Sundays ago, is when i noticed my Data wasn't working at all.. It would just stick on the Dialing screen and stay there forever. At that point I was on the 3.37.10 Radio and a cooked rom i made myself with ppckitchen frying pan.. . i took a look a round some settings but didn't do much of anything.. I Immediately threw the .40 unlocker on it, and went back to the stock Rom that i found on UTStar.com And it still didn't do anything at all. from there i started my frantic episodes of staying up til midnight every night almost trying i swear 14,000 different things.. I'd never even come close to being able to remember even 1/3 of the things i tried lol. Thats why i just posted what I finally found to work.
And yes.. soon as I flashed back to stock rom, it put the original 1.59.10a radio on as well.

EDIT- So i just realized i never really did answer your question accurately. NO. I have never tried stick ROM with anything other than the stock 1.59.10a radio. Would be cool to try it tho. Maybe next week.

Last edited by grashoper; 05-18-2008 at 03:25 PM.
  #33 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2008, 03:18 PM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Okay. the last couple hours i actually took a break and sipped on a couple beers.
I just finished installing the 2.31 unlocker, and threw the origional Sprint leaked ROM file name is RUU_Vogue_4350_PPST_SpeciallNBH_SPRINT_WWE_3.02.65 1.2_Radio_435011_3.37.15_AM_NV_SPCS_1.33_0823_Test .exe
Sorry i can't remember which thread i got it from, but i can't see it being to hard to find, i thnk its was called the Origional Leaked Sprint ROM or something like that. It is the 3.37.15 radio. And of course i didn't let the customization run because i'm on Bell. I know it sounds funny, but i actually think i'm going to stay put for a while. I'm finding the latest 3.02 kitchen has been to difficult to get along with, and i'm used to the look and feel of it. Although i do like the Vista theme and plugins, only problem is it has a crush on the tip of the stylus and i like using my fingers.. Everything i use is either already here, or i already have the CAB file. Going to install GMaps here in a few minutes and go outside to get some air and try out the GPS. Chow..

Last edited by grashoper; 05-18-2008 at 03:21 PM.
  #34 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2008, 04:47 PM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Well.... everything seems to be working absolutely perfect... I installed 9 pieces of software that i like to use, and did some customizing of backgrounds and colors and stuff. GMaps is working fine, GPS Today screen thing works fantastic. locks on in about 2-3 minutes or so. I did the Regedit thing and changed the value to 4 going to retest when off work.
Only thing that kinda sucks is TCPMP refuses to load up after i installed it which is kinda strange... can't find an answer as to why... anybody know??
Other than that everything is working beautifully... oh yeah.. REV. a is def working, 978kbps bandwidth on mobilespeedtest.com chow for now
  #35 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2008, 11:30 AM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Grashoper, I can't thank you enough!
I have spent the past 1 1/2 weeks beating my head against the wall looking for a solution to this very problem. I have also searched the forums without success and have also been on the phone with tech support.
This really should be a sticky as I'm sure there are lots of us Bell users that could benefit from your efforts.
Thank you again,
  #36 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 10:46 AM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

your very welcome. im glad my posts were able to help someone. cheers.
  #37 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 12:25 PM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Do we know what causes this problem to occur? I know I flashed the Sprint rom and had no trouble at all (didn't let customizations run), and I'm sure I'm not the only one ...

Would be nice to know what to avoid.

  #38 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 05:51 PM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Grashopper, I have been struggling with this issue, and have exhausted alll means of fixing this issue....

Reading your Topic gave me hope....cept, they didnt work. I understand that you were able to flash back/downgrade the radio to Recover to OEM ROM. How was this possible? Im not attempting with other stickys re: downgrading.

Everytime I attempt to return to OEM ROM, I receive an error on the Host PC "Invalid Command" ...This isnt meant for your type of device blah blah blah

  #39 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 09:01 PM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Well, i'm not exactly 100% sure because i'm sure there are multiple reasons why this could occur. In my case, I tried putting a ROM that was supposed to have a 3.35 Radio, and i only had the stock bell rom on my blower, and it completely locked up during the transfer and I had a hell of a time getting anything to load onto it at all. I can't remember the sequence of events that i ran on the RUU, but somehow i managed to get the 3.35 radio, and a ROM that i fried up myself on PPCKitchen. At that point, my Data dissapeared. Went back to stock radio and ROM, and went from there. I have reverted back to the stock ROM twice sence with no problems. Now i'm back running another custom ROM i made myself, based on the latest PPCKtichen, and 3.37 Radio. Working fantastic.
Perahps sometime over the weekend i can try to help you with yours. I have learned alot from this experience, and there is a whole host of things that you can try.
In the meantime, i have been working on a glitch the past week or so. the time stamp on all my SMS (Text) message always shows 3 hours ahead on all incoming messages. All other times on the phone are fine. E-Mail accounts, MSN messages Etc. I'm, stumped. several people report this problem on various websites, but no solution yet. Chow for now...

EDIT- When your attempting to put the stock ROM back on, are you running the original .40 Unlocker? if not, this is a must.

Last edited by grashoper; 05-28-2008 at 09:04 PM.
  #40 (permalink)  
Old 05-28-2008, 09:04 PM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

EDIT- When your attempting to put the stock ROM back on, are you running the original .40 Unlocker? if not, this is a must.

EDIT#2- oops. if somebody has the power to delete this post, feel free. My bad!
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