Originally Posted by junglee
Grashoper, congratulations on getting it to work and detailing a fix for the rest of us.
In your journeys did you ever flash the stock Bell ROM to your phone and was your radio at 3.xx level? Want to know since there is talk of problems with downloading Radio code
Yep... two Sundays ago, is when i noticed my Data wasn't working at all.. It would just stick on the Dialing screen and stay there forever. At that point I was on the 3.37.10 Radio and a cooked rom i made myself with ppckitchen frying pan.. . i took a look a round some settings but didn't do much of anything.. I Immediately threw the .40 unlocker on it, and went back to the stock Rom that i found on UTStar.com And it still didn't do anything at all. from there i started my frantic episodes of staying up til midnight every night almost trying i swear 14,000 different things.. I'd never even come close to being able to remember even 1/3 of the things i tried lol. Thats why i just posted what I finally found to work.
And yes.. soon as I flashed back to stock rom, it put the original 1.59.10a radio on as well.
EDIT- So i just realized i never really did answer your question accurately. NO. I have never tried stick ROM with anything other than the stock 1.59.10a radio. Would be cool to try it tho. Maybe next week.