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Old 06-16-2008, 09:42 AM
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Re: lost data no internet! please help

Grashoper - although I am in Edmonton now ... I am from Pictou... LOL so that might explain it... I recommend that you try the steps... it was really funny the whole time because I was playing my cards very close to my chest btu at the same time in many ways I was one step ahead of her, which encouraged her to a.) move quickly and b.) probably suspected what I had done, but didn't ask i.e. don't ask don't tell.

Two more quick notes as I fumbled through this process (only slightly paniced as I was still able to send and receive calls):

1. You had mentioned "Home SID/NID#1 = 16420 / 65535" might be for Ontario but mine is the same in Alberta... so next theory on that one.

2. I mentioned that my MSN stopped working but that was my own stupidity. I had mistyped a digit in the hex. I had an "8" vs a "B" and once I ran the correct one in GETSPC I was able to get back in... plus if you ask the correct questions Bell gives you the MSN without telling you what it is. They will often walk you through the #778## procedure and simply tell you what to type.