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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2008, 09:11 AM
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Re: Graphic driver update from HTC soon????

Originally Posted by thezero4 View Post
well the kaiser is gsm and we're cdma but they are fairly similar, but at the same time different..
the video hardware is the same. I have no doubt the video drivers could be ripped from the ROM and used in the touch. This is speculation but I think its a bit more than just optimistic
  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2008, 11:57 AM
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Re: Graphic driver update from HTC soon????

I hope you are right, but no one could get GPS on the touch even with the mogul having it which is much closer than the Kaiser to our phone. I know that one relies a lot more on radio than of coarse video would. I'm just saying though it may be a crap shoot.
Sprint Touch + SERO what else could you possibly want to make calls on?

REV A and GPS and WM6.1 along with sMMS, wow I have everything sprint is releasing in their update already installed. Weird,
  #23 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2008, 12:56 PM
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Re: Graphic driver update from HTC soon????

Originally Posted by willgill View Post
1. HTC never promised graphic accelerated drivers.
2. You knew exactly what you were getting when you purchased the Touch.
3. You'd never know any different if someone hadn't pointed it out.
4. Do you want their engineering force to be concentrating on old, soon to be outdated phones or new technology?
5. It was never "crippled". Why would anyone ever take a feature away? It's just a feature that was never there.

I only see one person wanting something for nothing...... and you're calling HTC greedy? hmmmmm
1: Oh yes they did. They wrote"rich multimedia device".
2:Yup, a pile of crap.. ut what options do we have? Iphone. Never.
3:I knew it as soon as my videos of my sony digi cam ran like crap.
4:Yes, they should work on those drivers and uncripple my phone. Greedy aholes.
5:Feature is there. Just not being used. Again.. greedy ahole.
  #24 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2008, 01:07 PM
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Re: Graphic driver update from HTC soon????

Originally Posted by walla View Post
Be careful what you say-- we have some very loyal HTC investors/employees on here. Bash Sprint and they won't say a word in retaliation.
Wait a minute! I am the consumer and without me they would not exist. They need a good tounge lashing and a kik on theuir behind. Fix your phones HTC. I am sick of cripple phones. Period.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2008, 01:09 PM
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Re: Graphic driver update from HTC soon????

Originally Posted by willgill View Post
1. HTC never promised graphic accelerated drivers.
2. You knew exactly what you were getting when you purchased the Touch.
3. You'd never know any different if someone hadn't pointed it out.
4. Do you want their engineering force to be concentrating on old, soon to be outdated phones or new technology?
5. It was never "crippled". Why would anyone ever take a feature away? It's just a feature that was never there.

I only see one person wanting something for nothing...... and you're calling HTC greedy? hmmmmm
htc advertised the touch hadmsm 7x00 chipset, which has the integrated ati infineon graphics acceleration. I always wondered why my wizard and wing had smoother video playback with a significantly worse processor.

You sir, are a victim of corporate BS. A corvette is advertised with a 6 liter v8 so you buy it, cause its got 400 horsepower. A month later you realized that not only you, but everyone's corvette is only running on 4 cylinders and effectivly 3 liters, crippling it to worse then a cobalt, when all the bits to make it fully functional are there.

How is this situation any different? And a class action lawsuit would yield positive results. How can you argue quoted specs that are still being released (the msm 7200/7500 chipset in each of the current htc lineup) but are purposfully crippled so that later on "new" models that are slightly less uncrippled can be released.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2008, 01:15 PM
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Re: Graphic driver update from HTC soon????

Originally Posted by htcuser View Post
Ofcourse it all about money. Greedy a holes. They charge us 500 for a device and cripple it.
Has someone here actually paid $500 for a touch? I believe most of us paid much less than that. If we are pointing fingers at Sprint/HTC lets be honest about what our investment really is.

  #27 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2008, 01:26 PM
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Re: Graphic driver update from HTC soon????

Originally Posted by htcuser View Post
1: Oh yes they did. They wrote"rich multimedia device".
2:Yup, a pile of crap.. ut what options do we have? Iphone. Never.
3:I knew it as soon as my videos of my sony digi cam ran like crap.
4:Yes, they should work on those drivers and uncripple my phone. Greedy aholes.
5:Feature is there. Just not being used. Again.. greedy ahole.
if it ran like crap you had 30 days to return it, flat out. You complain all across these boards about the Touch yet you STILL use it?

So they should spend thousands if not hundreds of thousands of more dollars to produce drivers for you for nothing? Just like sprint should have spent the extra money to let evdo do voice/data simultaneously and every other corporate decision where the consumer thinks the company should do x or y costing them $$. guess what? It happens- all the time. And and MORE LIKELY here it was Qualcomm who was the source of the problem wanting money for the driver that HTC wouldnt pay insane extra $$ for to slightly enhance performance. So what now dont buy a Qualcomm chip phone? oh yeh too bad mostly all if not all EVDO phones are...

htc advertised the touch hadmsm 7x00 chipset, which has the integrated ati infineon graphics acceleration. I always wondered why my wizard and wing had smoother video playback with a significantly worse processor. You sir, are a victim of corporate BS. A corvette is advertised with a 6 liter v8 so you buy it, cause its got 400 horsepower. A month later you realized that not only you, but everyone's corvette is only running on 4 cylinders and effectivly 3 liters, crippling it to worse then a cobalt, when all the bits to make it fully functional are there. How is this situation any different? And a class action lawsuit would yield positive results. How can you argue quoted specs that are still being released (the msm 7200/7500 chipset in each of the current htc lineup) but are purposfully crippled so that later on "new" models that are slightly less uncrippled can be released.
PLEASE show me the HTC touch ad where 3d graphics or the chipset was advertised, post it up... HTC didnt advertise jack, you saw INTERNAL DOCUMENTATION from Qualcomm with the spec and just expected it to be enabled. It was never ever advertised by HTC or any carrier.

Dont insult other people since your analytical skills are lacking too. See the above point, there was never an advertisement of 3d capabilities outside of leaked internal documents on the chipset (which also say an 8mp camera, tv out, etc etc but none of those are enabled either. they are just theoretical maximums of the chip that CAN be added for more $$$), so there was never any expectation to be had at the time of purchase based on advertising. so that analogy is moot.

A class action would yield nothing positive except a fat check for the attorney and less progressive technology in out smartphones in the future. Class action is only good for the attorney running the show, and even further, there is no case which is why its been all talk so far and no attorney will take the case. Because its poor at best and you cant prove anything to a judge to win anything. i sure as heck wouldnt risk my reputation fighting HTC on it (or even worse Qualcomm) with little to no convincing facts of any fault on their part and no provable false advertising.

Last edited by SprintTouch08; 05-12-2008 at 01:31 PM.
  #28 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2008, 01:56 PM
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Re: Graphic driver update from HTC soon????

"Dont insult other people since your analytical skills are lacking too. See the above point, there was never an advertisement of 3d capabilities outside of leaked internal documents on the chipset (which also say an 8mp camera, tv out, etc etc but none of those are enabled either. they are just theoretical maximums of the chip that CAN be added for more $$$), so there was never any expectation to be had at the time of purchase based on advertising. so that analogy is moot. "

The only thing I do question here, and just becasue I felt compelled, is that the other features you speak of requires additional or different hardware to be added correct? All but the drivers for the video are reportedly on our device. So since the phone was advertised as having the video hardware of this chipset one could logically think it would be activated?

And no I did not base my purchase of this phone off the chipset, nor was I aware of the missing drivers, but can I say that everyone of us was in that same boat? NO.
I agree we all had an evaluation period to discover this. However I am not going to lie and say I would NOT like to know if the drivers would benefit our phones. If however they fail to come out with them I will continue to own this phone. This phone has other things I enjoy, mostly all due to these communities optimizing what tools we have available. And for that I must say thankyou to this community.

Last edited by mikelsbid; 05-12-2008 at 01:58 PM.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2008, 02:11 PM
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Re: Graphic driver update from HTC soon????

well thats my whole point no one knew anything about 3d drivers when it came out until someone pointed it out from internal qualcomm documents on the chipset. it was never a publicly advertised feature of any individual phone that used the chipset though, so there's little room to say anyone screwed anyone and there was anything illegal going on.

once again ill say show me where in any htc/sprint/vzw/att ad any of these produccts say 3d graphics, ive never seen it once. This was ONLY discovered after reading the documentation.

and yes they do require additional hardware, but the concept was that if they want to be utilized, they carrier has to pay extra to have those enable at the chipset level in addition to the hardware.

essentially here it came down to either the carriers or HTC not wanting to pay royalties to Qualcom for the drivers so they were never enabled as an "extra" but ive never seen them promised in any public advertisement that you can do anything about legally. this is exactly why htcclassaction cant find an attorney to take the case- because no competent attorney would risk their reputation on a extremely weak, at best, case. its been all talk and will continue to be all talk and people will still buy the next HTC round of devices (diamond and Raphael) anyways. its all just a lot of hot air being blown

and i agree drivers or not i enjoy my touch and its still one of the best ppc's ive owned from htc or other manufacturers. I just think its truly laughable that people complain to the death about HTC and the Touch yet continue to use it instead of sell it off for a treo, q, BB, etc.

Last edited by SprintTouch08; 05-12-2008 at 02:16 PM.
  #30 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2008, 02:20 PM
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Re: Graphic driver update from HTC soon????

Come on, guys, take this argument to your PM Inbox. It has nothing to do with the original topic and has been argued hundreds of times before.

Getting back on topic.....

Originally Posted by thezero4 View Post
I hope you are right, but no one could get GPS on the touch even with the mogul having it which is much closer than the Kaiser to our phone. I know that one relies a lot more on radio than of coarse video would. I'm just saying though it may be a crap shoot.
If you'll remember, though, as soon as the new radio was released for the Vogue, the Titan drivers were what activated GPS. The drivers should work since they are system independent (meaning the graphics card isn't tied to any other system) installing the drivers ripped from another device that has the same platform should work. Just like if you got a graphics card without a driver CD, but you had a friend who had the same graphics card in a completely different PC, you could grab the drivers from his computer and they would work on yours.
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