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Old 05-12-2008, 01:09 PM
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Re: Graphic driver update from HTC soon????

Originally Posted by willgill View Post
1. HTC never promised graphic accelerated drivers.
2. You knew exactly what you were getting when you purchased the Touch.
3. You'd never know any different if someone hadn't pointed it out.
4. Do you want their engineering force to be concentrating on old, soon to be outdated phones or new technology?
5. It was never "crippled". Why would anyone ever take a feature away? It's just a feature that was never there.

I only see one person wanting something for nothing...... and you're calling HTC greedy? hmmmmm
htc advertised the touch hadmsm 7x00 chipset, which has the integrated ati infineon graphics acceleration. I always wondered why my wizard and wing had smoother video playback with a significantly worse processor.

You sir, are a victim of corporate BS. A corvette is advertised with a 6 liter v8 so you buy it, cause its got 400 horsepower. A month later you realized that not only you, but everyone's corvette is only running on 4 cylinders and effectivly 3 liters, crippling it to worse then a cobalt, when all the bits to make it fully functional are there.

How is this situation any different? And a class action lawsuit would yield positive results. How can you argue quoted specs that are still being released (the msm 7200/7500 chipset in each of the current htc lineup) but are purposfully crippled so that later on "new" models that are slightly less uncrippled can be released.
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