Originally Posted by willgill
1. HTC never promised graphic accelerated drivers.
2. You knew exactly what you were getting when you purchased the Touch.
3. You'd never know any different if someone hadn't pointed it out.
4. Do you want their engineering force to be concentrating on old, soon to be outdated phones or new technology?
5. It was never "crippled". Why would anyone ever take a feature away? It's just a feature that was never there.
I only see one person wanting something for nothing...... and you're calling HTC greedy? hmmmmm
1: Oh yes they did. They wrote"rich multimedia device".
2:Yup, a pile of crap.. ut what options do we have? Iphone. Never.
3:I knew it as soon as my videos of my sony digi cam ran like crap.
4:Yes, they should work on those drivers and uncripple my phone. Greedy aholes.
5:Feature is there. Just not being used. Again.. greedy ahole.