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Old 05-12-2008, 02:11 PM
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Re: Graphic driver update from HTC soon????

well thats my whole point no one knew anything about 3d drivers when it came out until someone pointed it out from internal qualcomm documents on the chipset. it was never a publicly advertised feature of any individual phone that used the chipset though, so there's little room to say anyone screwed anyone and there was anything illegal going on.

once again ill say show me where in any htc/sprint/vzw/att ad any of these produccts say 3d graphics, ive never seen it once. This was ONLY discovered after reading the documentation.

and yes they do require additional hardware, but the concept was that if they want to be utilized, they carrier has to pay extra to have those enable at the chipset level in addition to the hardware.

essentially here it came down to either the carriers or HTC not wanting to pay royalties to Qualcom for the drivers so they were never enabled as an "extra" but ive never seen them promised in any public advertisement that you can do anything about legally. this is exactly why htcclassaction cant find an attorney to take the case- because no competent attorney would risk their reputation on a extremely weak, at best, case. its been all talk and will continue to be all talk and people will still buy the next HTC round of devices (diamond and Raphael) anyways. its all just a lot of hot air being blown

and i agree drivers or not i enjoy my touch and its still one of the best ppc's ive owned from htc or other manufacturers. I just think its truly laughable that people complain to the death about HTC and the Touch yet continue to use it instead of sell it off for a treo, q, BB, etc.

Last edited by SprintTouch08; 05-12-2008 at 02:16 PM.