Re: 3.37 radio vs 3.35 radio
For GPS, 3.35 works much much better. It seems aGPS is acutally working and that really helps me get locks faster.
*BUT* ever since I tried 3.35, my phone randomly thinks it's April 26th. JDs new lite rom and the new Bell OMJ roms both do this. I don't know if it's a driver in their roms or a problem with the radio. This ONLY happens after about 30s of GPS use, and generally corrects itself.... but not before triggering the alarms for the past week. So anoying... |
Re: 3.37 radio vs 3.35 radio
I have a question regarding going back to 3.37.
I'm currently on the 3.35 radio and to go back would I just have to flash the: 6. Download and run RUU_Vogue_4350_ALLTEL_WWE_3.04.671.2_Radio_4350H_3 .37.10_Alltel_NV2.00_PRL30008_0331_Ship_withSpecia lNBH.exe3.37 radio? Or is it more complicated than that? Thanks. BTW - The radio is fine but the best performance I had was the 3.37 + the 1st rom JD came out with. I'm getting slower performance with the 3.35. |
Re: 3.37 radio vs 3.35 radio
As long as you have 2.31 installed all you have to do is run the alltel rom update, but remember. If you don't have Alltel for your service provider SOFT RESET BEFORE CUSTOMIZATIONS or you will lose your internet connection. I'm thinking of going back to 3.37 myself.
Re: 3.37 radio vs 3.35 radio
Those running 3.37 what is the Slot Cycle Index set to? Maybe that is the only difference. In Phone dial ##778<Send> -> View -> Menu View Info -> Modem Settings
My 3.35 is set to 2 and does seem to be consuming more battery. And perhaps if Slot Cycle Index is set lower you get the initial "Assist" of GPS quicker. Slot Cycle Index can effect Battery Drop Calls Initial Phone Network after Soft Reset And Maybe how fast aGPS gets info
EVO 4G, Stock Sprint ROM, ProClip in Car, Sony HBH-300.
Last edited by mswlogo; 05-02-2008 at 12:45 PM. |
Re: 3.37 radio vs 3.35 radio
If you're still having trouble getting a lock try staying still if you arent already. I went for a jog and it refused to lock for 15-20min despite showing about 10 sats on GPS Viewer. I sat down for about 1-3min and Googlemaps showed a lock with 8 sats. I then doubled back on my jog to where it refused to lock previously and I had a 3D lock. The whole jog I was bordered by an ocean and a large field, so there was never anything blocking.
Re: 3.37 radio vs 3.35 radio
Re: 3.37 radio vs 3.35 radio
When i tried the 3.35 radio on my touch i noticed in ##33284# my phone was pulling almost twice the amount of power than it was on 3.37 radio
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