Originally Posted by jamesjay
If you guys are in an area known to have gps. Try this. Soft reset phone. when the phone boots Do NOT let phone go to sleep. As soon as you can... open google maps, and use gps with it. It should put you just to the left of Africa. Set you phone somewhere where you get good reception, and leave it there for up to 45 min. I kid you not, it actually took this long for me to get a lock. Now i get a lock in like ten seconds. Until i soft reset. This could all just be luck though. Who knows, all i know is i could never get a lock in the last week and now i can.
GPS viewer works better than your method. If for some reason your GPS software thinks it is in Africa, it will start searching for the Sats but it will take a long time to find what it needs. Once it gets an initial lock, it will find them faster because it is using a starting point much closer to where you really are. I highly recommend GPS Viewer or GPSToday095 as a primer. They are both free and very effective.
By the way, GPS is available all over the globe... Obstructions to the sky are what limits you.
Are you using 3.35 or 3.37?