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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2009, 12:40 AM
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Re: getting a replacement from sprint...

if you try to do advanced exchange, you Might get charged... but TEP replacement through asurion will replace anything.. you can run it over, drive a nail through it, shatter the screen, anything you want and theyll replace it.......for the deductable of course..

did you do the self service?? or just call sprint? heres from advanced exchange:
As a condition of use for the Self Service phone replacement option, please agree to the following requirements:
- I am able to provide my account PIN (Personal Identification Number), my wireless phone number and the electronic serial number from the label on the back of my phone.
- My phone has been active for more than 30 days and is currently displaying a defect.
- My phone will power on.
- My phone has not been exposed to liquid, moisture, or physical damage beyond normal wear and tear.
- My phone has not been reported as lost or stolen.
- I am not able to resolve my phone issues using the online troubleshooting link.

NOTE: Should you agree to these requirements and your phone is later found outside these requirements during Sprint's full diagnosis, additional fees may apply. This phone replacement option provides replacement phones only. If you are experiencing problems with your charger or battery, please select Find A Store at the bottom of the screen to find the closest Phone Repair Center for a complete diagnosis of your phone issue.

....so if you did this they may look at ur damage and say it caused it... you cant argue them wrong really, its your word against their evidence ya know... hope u get it though, cuz ive had to exchange for same keyboard issue...

***whats the ESN thing for chrome chipping all about? that seems pretty stupid, arent all the phones equally made like crap?
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2009, 05:50 AM
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Re: getting a replacement from sprint...

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
did you do the self service?? or just call sprint?
i just called advanced tech support and told the guy that my keyboard stopped working. he shipped out a replacement and i'm supposed to send mine back within 15 days

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
***whats the ESN thing for chrome chipping all about? that seems pretty stupid, arent all the phones equally made like crap?
that thread pretty much explains it all
LG Optimus S
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2009, 07:41 PM
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Bad Replacement Touch Pro

I just received my 6th replacement Touch Pro from Sprint. Right out of the box, it does the weirdest thing. About every 5-15 seconds, the volume is raised or lowered. Every third time it does this, the voice command function turns on, then waits and shuts off. This is a replacement after the last replacement was a dud keyboard, after 2 days of use. I am getting so crazy about these happenings. I tried hard resetting it 4 times. I cleared storage. I unlocked and flashed a new ROM. Nothing works to stop it from doing this crap. Does anyone have any other ideas? I am taking it back to Sprint tomorrow but, I would liek to get some peace, until then.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2009, 07:55 PM
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Re: Bad Replacement Touch Pro

this is similar to what my tp was doing after i got it wet. sounds like you may have one that was water damaged and never properly repaired. best solution i found was to use compressed air to blow the keys out.
My phone is like my genitals. Id cry if i lost it, and i like to use it everyday.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2009, 10:31 PM
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Re: Bad Replacement Touch Pro

Join the club.... I got one DOA. 2 or 3 TP's later I got one where the keyboard lasted a day. The one I have know has the other typical issue...the home key area is raised a bit higher than it is supposed to. It's catching dust like a big dog!! That button should stop working soon. I think I'll be on TP #8 or 9 then...I've lost count.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 08-27-2009, 11:00 PM
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Re: Bad Replacement Touch Pro

Wow, I guess people aren't lucky with their refurb TP lately. I heard stories about refurb Mogul, but not the TP. I only had 1 or 2 refurb TP to experience this yet. Just kind of too bad the replacement doesn't come with the accessories otherwise I guess you guys are happy with your replacements Best of luck with your new refurb guys.

Temporary selling Sprint SERO 500 plans for $80.

The SERO 500 plan is only $30 a month and it gives you: 500 minutes monthly, unlimited data, unlimited text, unlimited picture mail, nights and weekend from 7PM to 7AM, and more!

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2009, 10:37 AM
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Re: Bad Replacement Touch Pro

Originally Posted by digiblur View Post
Join the club.... I got one DOA. 2 or 3 TP's later I got one where the keyboard lasted a day. The one I have know has the other typical issue...the home key area is raised a bit higher than it is supposed to. It's catching dust like a big dog!! That button should stop working soon. I think I'll be on TP #8 or 9 then...I've lost count.
Wow... I am only on #3.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2009, 11:14 AM
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Re: Bad Replacement Touch Pro

I've almost posted before to bash the people that complained about their TP's. I had my original TP for almost 4 months. It worked great. But slowly the keyboard just got to be flimsy. It would barely stay shut and you couldn't open the keyboard with just your thumb. They tried to fix it, but told me they would get me a refurb. Almost decided to keep it since the phone it self was good, but the keyboard was driving me nuts.

I got my TP# 2 about 3 weeks ago. After I got it to the house i notice the left screen edge was raised pretty good. I took it back to the sprint store just to let them know this was like this out of the box. Keyboard on it worked fine. I've read on here for hours about bad keyboards and just coulndn't believe people could have that bad of luck.

Well low in behold, an hour ago my keyboard has started acting up. If I reset my phone and start typing a text, it will work for about 10 keystrokes, then skip the next 4 characters i type, then print out about 3 more, then its done. The keyboard will not work at all. i can bring up the onscreen keyboard and keep typing. That works fine. Until I reset, the keyboard will not function in any app. So aggrevating!!!!! I guess I'm headed back to the store.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 04:15 PM
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Re: Bad Replacement Touch Pro

Well, this time, I went to a corporate store. They gave me a brand new one in the box. It seems to be working fine. I almost hope that the keyboard dies on the 8th, or whenever the arrival date is for the TP2. As soon as it drops, I want to be able to ask for a WEL replacement. This hardware is lemon worthy. We paid for the most expensive phone in the store and got jacked. Yes, it is a fun phone, when it is working. But, my old sanyo M1 gets way better phone service and this keeps breaking down. I average a replacement per month that I have had it. That has never happened to me, with any other phone, since I got with Sprint, over 10 years ago.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2009, 04:16 PM
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Re: Bad Replacement Touch Pro

Originally Posted by buggerritt View Post
Well, this time, I went to a corporate store. They gave me a brand new one in the box. It seems to be working fine. I almost hope that the keyboard dies on the 8th, or whenever the arrival date is for the TP2. As soon as it drops, I want to be able to ask for a WEL replacement. This hardware is lemon worthy. We paid for the most expensive phone in the store and got jacked. Yes, it is a fun phone, when it is working. But, my old sanyo M1 gets way better phone service and this keeps breaking down. I average a replacement per month that I have had it. That has never happened to me, with any other phone, since I got with Sprint, over 10 years ago.
like I said before
just use the phone
it will break and usually it breaks fast (even new ones)
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