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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 02:52 PM
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Re: Verizon GPS Fix.....Phase I

Has anyone been able to get this to work using AmazeGPS other than using a Sprint rom? I am using Scott's latest rom and can't seem to get it to work. I have been able to get Google and Live Search working fine.

Using HTC GPS Tool, I didn't need to set the chip (just left it on SIRF) and didn't need to do anything with SetMode, just cold start under Mode.
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 03:04 PM
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Re: Verizon GPS Fix.....Phase I

So I just tried to use the QPST but it could find the base model. Any suggestions? I also just tryed to download the newer version from the first post it said that it could only be downloaded 10 times? I am using build 215. Is that the poblem?
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 03:05 PM
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Non Stock ROM Problems

I have been playing with 4 different ROMs and may have a pattern when there is a problem. (Stock and Scott's 'original' have almost perfect 1st time success)

Using other 20931 cooked roms, I noticed that when I change the Location Setting, it appears to take, but I dont think it was.

My symptoms are:
1. A 'wait' cursor that does not disappear when I change between '911 Only' and 'Location On'. (Choose whatever is not set and pick the other)

2. The 'Location' symbol on the dialer pad is not actually changing.


I noticed using regedit that the 'Location On' Reg entry was set to a 1 rather than a 0 as shown below.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\OEM\PhoneSetting\Locat ionSetting]
"ServiceDescExt"="but will not hide your general location based on the cell site serving your call. No application or service may use your location without your request or permission. GPS enhanced 911 is not available in all areas."
"ServiceDesc"="Turning location on will allow the network to detect your position using GPS technology, making some Sprint PCS applications and services easier to use. Turning location off will disable the GPS location function for all purposes except 911,"
"ServiceTitle"="Phone: Location Setting"
"ServiceName"="Location Setting"
After changing


I rebooted and still no success.

After running 'Advanced Config' and changing the 'Phone' to use the default Windows Dialer, then changing the 'Location On' (witout a waitcursor)

then reapplying the GPS patch steps finally allowed me to have success with my own and other ROMs.
some really old qualcomms > 3 different Startac's > qcp 6035 > qcp 7135 > Treo 650 > xv6700 > 6800 > xv6850 > tp2
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 03:51 PM
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Re: Verizon GPS Fix.....Phase I

It's working!

I want to post this for others in case they have similar problems as me. I am on the stock ROM with the phone locked. I followed the instructions in the first post and everything seemed to work except I wasn't getting any satellites fixed, just used. It seemed like the phone was always defaulting back to Baudrate of 57600 so i decided to try that. What do you know it worked! Satellites were fixed! I went into google maps and turned on GPS but to my dissapointment it didn't work. I went into the settings and changed the port to 4 and the Baudrate to 57600 and I got like satellites right away!

I know there have been a couple of questions if we need to run the GPS tool everytime. It seems like NO. I soft reset my phone then opened Google Maps and it worked!

So to sum it all up. Try Baudrate of 57600...

Thanks again Bored!!!
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 04:19 PM
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Re: Verizon GPS Fix.....Phase I

i found a version of QPST build 301 that worked for me.
also, my phone was com9
hope this helps

another thing i noticed is that i no longer seem be getting EVDO only 1X, anybody else notice this?

Last edited by cozmic; 12-21-2008 at 04:23 PM. Reason: find builld 301 here http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=46873
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 04:35 PM
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Re: Verizon GPS Fix.....Phase I

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
Yes, its a wonderful thing! I whish I had more money to donate to llllBOREDllll!!!! He saved me the bucks from buying a new phone (eventually)
I'll be sending a dontaion your way and also to bored when i get home from work..Your ROM is great and bored did a great job on this project...
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 04:56 PM
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Re: Verizon GPS Fix.....Phase I

Originally Posted by petewill View Post
It's working!

I want to post this for others in case they have similar problems as me. I am on the stock ROM with the phone locked. I followed the instructions in the first post and everything seemed to work except I wasn't getting any satellites fixed, just used. It seemed like the phone was always defaulting back to Baudrate of 57600 so i decided to try that. What do you know it worked! Satellites were fixed! I went into google maps and turned on GPS but to my dissapointment it didn't work. I went into the settings and changed the port to 4 and the Baudrate to 57600 and I got like satellites right away!

I know there have been a couple of questions if we need to run the GPS tool everytime. It seems like NO. I soft reset my phone then opened Google Maps and it worked!

So to sum it all up. Try Baudrate of 57600...

Thanks again Bored!!!
I had the exact same results. Hopefully, that first post can be updated with this information.

In HTC GPS Tool, you just need to select COM4/57600. Don't worry about the GPS type.
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 05:11 PM
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Re: Verizon GPS Fix.....Phase I

Originally Posted by petewill View Post
It's working!

I want to post this for others in case they have similar problems as me. I am on the stock ROM with the phone locked. I followed the instructions in the first post and everything seemed to work except I wasn't getting any satellites fixed, just used. It seemed like the phone was always defaulting back to Baudrate of 57600 so i decided to try that. What do you know it worked! Satellites were fixed! I went into google maps and turned on GPS but to my dissapointment it didn't work. I went into the settings and changed the port to 4 and the Baudrate to 57600 and I got like satellites right away!

I know there have been a couple of questions if we need to run the GPS tool everytime. It seems like NO. I soft reset my phone then opened Google Maps and it worked!

So to sum it all up. Try Baudrate of 57600...

Thanks again Bored!!!
Ok, here are a couple things i know... Yoiu haved to change all settings to ruin on Com4. I run google maps, TT7, and live search and hgave a-GPS fixes everytime with my ROM. Same should be said for stock. My ROM has differnt drivers than most Custom ROMS because I ripped the drivers straight from the stock ROM. No one else did that. Maybe GC, but he just came out with it and havent hadtime to play with it.

You must activte usiong *22899 then apply fix on my ROM and reboot again. THEN TUrn on location setting.

I noted it really does matter WHEN you turn it on. You have to play the toggle on off game if you turn it on too early, like before the second PRL puupdate.

Another thing about it workgin on my ROM; MY Rom clears PPST each time it hardrests with the VZW PRL. THis means you are reverted back to Stock PRL each time you hard reset. You are applying the Bored PRL fresh on my ROM each time. Then when you apply the fix per posted instructions you will have a GPS lock in under 30 seconds. I am mroe than confident my ROM is letting it use aGPS as well as the stock ROM.

I am posting a simplied set up of this fix in my ROM. llllBoredllll and i came to a mutual agreement that I would package up his technology in my next ROM so all users would have a garunteed simplified install. I am alomst done so if your struggling to get this to work I haved a one size fits all solution. I just need to confirm it works on multiple flashes so I will be flashing it a few times then posting the instructions in a sep thread if anyone is interested. I need to ruin and get breakfast though... Hehehe... long night working on this last night.

Its nothing super special but it makes this easier and its perfectly reproducable.

Donations always accepted but never expected!
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 05:12 PM
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Re: Verizon GPS Fix.....Phase I

Originally Posted by kyle4269 View Post
I'll be sending a dontaion your way and also to bored when i get home from work..Your ROM is great and bored did a great job on this project...
Thanks, I have teamed up with Bored to introduce a new ROM with the technology built in for ease of use. Stay tuned!

Thanks again for the donation! Im SURE bored will feel the same!

We didint get along too hot last week but now our products make a dream team ;c) How ironic!

Oh and with my ROM you will not need any primer or any GPS Tool. It just works! ;c)

Last edited by scrosler; 12-21-2008 at 05:14 PM.
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  #130 (permalink)  
Old 12-21-2008, 05:20 PM
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Re: Verizon GPS Fix.....Phase I

Do you do donations through paypal? How are donations done?
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