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  #261 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 03:22 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

Originally Posted by n8mack33 View Post
I have been getting the freezing the last few nights with the alarm on. Without the alarm on it doesn't seem to have a problem. I'll keep testing. Its funny though because sometimes you can see what time it froze. The other night mine froze at 11:30pm with a 7:30am alarm on.

Could it depend on the rom becuase I am using scrosler's 2nd rom (not the latest), but his first one didn't seem to have this problem. I can't be sure though because I don't remember whether I was setting the alarm. I will try his latest and see if I have the same problem.
Haven't changed roms yet, but I turned off the alarm and it hasn't locked up in the last few days. I'll try reenabling the alarm and I bet it will start locking up again at night.
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  #262 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2009, 04:40 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

Originally Posted by m1chaelmichael View Post
I used to have this problem but after hard resetting it went away for a month or so. Then it happened again last night.

Have people been contacting HTC about this problem?
Here's a web form you can fill out, hopefully if enough people speak up they will address the problem.

I contacted HTC and here is what they had to say on the issue:

Thank you for your inquiry about your Touch Pro freezing.

We understand that it is important you receive all the information to best utilize your device.There are generally a few underlining causes that would make your SPECIFIC DEVICE freeze.If the phone does not have more than 5MB of free storage space on the phone, it can cause your phone to freeze or slow down dramatically.Here are a few troubleshooting steps that may assist you in preventing your phone from freezing.To check to see how much free storage space is available on your phone, click on Start > Settings > System tab > Memory.If you have a lot of read message, either email or SMS, please delete the old messages from your phone.If you surf the internet on your phone, the browser may need to have the cache memory, history, and cookies cleared.
  • Open Internet Explorer, select Menu
  • Go to Tool, then Options.
  • Select the Security tab
  • Tap Clear Cookies
  • Select the Memory tab
  • Adjust the number of days for the history to a minimum, tap Clear History
  • Tap Delete Files
If you are still experiencing the freezing problem, remove any 3rd party programs that you are not using from your phone.After completing these steps, go back and check to see how much free storage space is now freed up on your phone.If the device is still freezing on you after completing these steps, you may have to do a hard reset.
  • Press and hold both the Volume Down and OK keys (the bottom key on the left of the phone and the center, circular key on the face of the phone).
  • Insert the stylus tip into the reset hole at the entrance of the stylus holding slot (as if you were doing a regular soft reset). Once the
  • Screen goes blank release the stylus.
  • When a prompt on the screen appears asking if you wish to clear all data on the device, press the Volume Up key as indicated by the prompt.
  • Allow the device a couple of minutes to fully restart and let all device customizations finish before touching any button or tapping on the screen.

I hope we have answered your question in detail. Feel free to contact us again if you have any further questions.

HTC Technical Support

I have plenty of storage space and I keep my inbox/outbox clear and I have my cache for Opera stored on my SD card. And I've already done a Hard reset.
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  #263 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2009, 04:05 AM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

The overheating issue is different from the freezing overnight issue...

a hard-reset does not fix the overheating issue, it is the radio, either the hardware or software...

I can say, that mine only froze at night when I had certain software running. I think at one point a program called battlog was causing it to freeze. With my stock ROM, with nothing but contacts, and email set up, I never once had it freeze on me.

I also installed a plethra of 3rd-party programs, and it never crashed once, on all 6 of my Touch Pros, ranging from 10/12/08, to 11/7/08...

I'm very interested to hear that HTC actually replaced the mainboard for that one repair.

I wonder if they just replaced it with the same dang board that came in the phone originally. I wonder if we can get some pictures to see if there is any difference.. That would be really awesome!
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  #264 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 12:23 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

Originally Posted by badmoon8081 View Post
Well it seems there is only 1 last option, well at least for me so far. I now charge my TP overnight and do not allow the screen to ever go dark. I unchecked both the "today timeout" and "Turn off device if not used for" as well in addition I unchecked a 3rd box, "Turn off backlight if device is not used for." This means now that when I charge overnight, my screen will always stay lit. It can't lock up if I don't allow it to. I have not had a problem since. Well "YET" is probably a better statement. I don't mind because It will still charge fully by the time I wake up. Stay tuned..................
this had been working for a couple days for me, but last night it froze again =[
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  #265 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 01:46 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

Originally Posted by Costas View Post
this had been working for a couple days for me, but last night it froze again =[
Two questions:

1) What ROM are you using, and what have you tried?

2) What software do you have loaded, and what software do you have actively running, (including ActiveSync,) when the freeze occurs?
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  #266 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 02:19 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

Originally Posted by ScrapMaker View Post
Two questions:

1) What ROM are you using, and what have you tried?

2) What software do you have loaded, and what software do you have actively running, (including ActiveSync,) when the freeze occurs?
Palringo, TorchButton, Google Maps, WMWifiRouter, and a few misc games, all installed onto the phones memory. In the task manager, nothing was running, not even ActiveSync. I had the alarm set to 8:30am, woke up at 8am with screen on the TP indicating 6:03am. Also had 3 text messages that came in overnight, but I was forced to do a soft reset and never found out what they were or who they were from. Wonder if there's a way to find out.
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  #267 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 02:34 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

oh yea I completely forgot about that issue since it hasn't happened to me since my moto q sometimes the notifications backup causing problems with the alarm since it functions as a notification. I cant remember the solution to that offhand though.
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  #268 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 02:40 PM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

Originally Posted by Costas View Post
Palringo, TorchButton, Google Maps, WMWifiRouter, and a few misc games, all installed onto the phones memory. In the task manager, nothing was running, not even ActiveSync. I had the alarm set to 8:30am, woke up at 8am with screen on the TP indicating 6:03am. Also had 3 text messages that came in overnight, but I was forced to do a soft reset and never found out what they were or who they were from. Wonder if there's a way to find out.
If you install DashWire, your messages are instantly uploaded. The ones you have missed already, are gone forever.

Some WM core builds have this problem where the messages don't stick. Sometimes if you soft-reset after getting messages, (within 5-20 minutes,) you can lose them, forever.

Other builds let you soft-reset instantly, and keep everything. The stock ROMs tend to be bad about this.
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  #269 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2009, 09:16 AM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

My TP locked up for the first time in months last night. Sigh.
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  #270 (permalink)  
Old 01-13-2009, 09:27 AM
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Re: TP Locking Up Overnight

i have had my alarm off the last couple of days and it hasnt locked up over night. Hopefully there is a fix soon. For now, Ill just use my old phone as the alarm.
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