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  #101 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2008, 11:14 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Yes, putting tape under the battery cover makes it slightly harder to get the battery cover off.

Try this:
1. Have dry hands and a dry phone. No sweaty hands, and no phone that's been handled by sweaty hands.

2. You can take scotch tape and wrap it around backwards around your hand. This gives you a grip on the battery cover.

I ran into this issue and got scared, but now I know how to do it, and when I have no tape, I simply wash my hands and whipe the phone down with a damp paper towel and it's fine (or just rub you hands on your shirt.)

It's just snug, but it'll comeoff.

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  #102 (permalink)  
Old 12-10-2008, 07:40 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

I cabbed up the weather fix from the first post to add all US cities to the weather selection tab on TF3D in case anyone is interested.

Edit: fixed the cab to include cities in Washington and Louisiana in v2, sorry it took so long, I have been getting back up and running from switching over to Windows 7

Last edited by rsbrown69; 02-01-2009 at 10:14 PM. Reason: Updated cab to fix Washington and Louisiana
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  #103 (permalink)  
Old 12-12-2008, 04:23 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

I redid the Internet sharing cab, I removed all "extra" regedits (22 previously, now 3) that were in there before dealing with backlight, power button etc and now it only performs the regedits specified in the first post of this thread. The name is the same but the properties are updated so you can tell the difference. I also changed it to allow the user to uninstall this fix if you don't like it. All of your power and backlight settings will stay the same as you had set before.
Attached Files
File Type: cab Internet Sharing FIX.cab (1.5 KB, 288 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by rsbrown69; 12-12-2008 at 11:29 PM.
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  #104 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2008, 01:55 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

I saw clampi at xda, that he threw together a bunch of apps he had for his touch pro… well, I needed to organize my storage card, so I decided to do the same for all of you…
I don’t have too much, but some really good essentials… I didn’t wanna cluster you guys with too much.


I have organized into folders and subfolders:
2 MAIN folders, APPS and TF3D
---Klaxon setup
---Batterylevel (aka VistaHideBatter)
---Sdkcerts (to be installed first for % battery icon)
---FInixNOverBatter (install 2nd for % battery icon)
---Netfront 3.5
---Opera official beta 2
-Compact Framework
---.Net CF 3.5
---PocketCM 0.25c
---IPC Black Dialer ENG
---Flashplayer 7
---My Flash 3.1
---Death Drive
---Free Pong
---Touch Down
---Caver 0.5
---Confetti 1.0
---Diamond Cubes 2.0
---Diamond Beer 2
---Diamond Hologram 2.02
---Double Skill
---Flux Challenge
---Lightsaber 1.0
---Lunar Tilt
---NavTetris 0.2
---Pocket Video Pocket 0.4 beta
---Rush Hour 4.4
---Sensory Overload
---Smart Simon
---Esmertec Jbed
---SPB Full Screen KB
---Sunscape .4
---S2U2 1.30 VGA
---S2U2 1.35 VGA
---Throttle Lock .4
---Google maps 2.3 w/Street View
---Live Search WM6
-Media Related
---Pandora (does work, but doesn’t display properly on VGA)
---Diamond TV
---Kinoma Free Play
---Last.fm setup
---S2P 0.55 VGA
---S2P 0.58 OpenGL VGA (Diamond/TP)
---TCPMP .72RC1
---VGA Music ID 1.3.16
---NFL mobile
---Sprint TV
-PDF Reader
---Sprint Picture Mail
-Remote Desktop
---Remote Desktop WM6
---Ticker Tape
-Today Screen
---Point UI Home 1.02b VGA
---Point UI Home 1.51a.Wm
---Second Today
---SPB Pocket Plus 4
---Today Gif
---Ultimate Search
---TV Guide
---Gsensor Calibrator
---Advanced Config Tool 3.3
---Pocket RAR
---PHM Registry Editor
---SMS No Sent Message
---Total Commander
---Visual Tasks Setup
---3D Model Viewer
---Brins0net screen rotator
---Wifi Router
---Vito Weather

---Blue/White Clock
---Crystal Clear Clock
---Glass Clock
---Holy Clock (one of my favs)
---SemiTransparent (another fav)
---Blacy Icons and Slider
---iPhone Black icons
---metal icons
---Add Calendar
---Vista-Like Icons
-Manila Customizer
---Manile Customizer cab and update exe
---Programs extra curtains clocks icons and sliders
-TF3D Config
---Diamond TF3D Config
---Tweaks.xml (replaces the installed on in program folder)
-Theme Files
---Black Diamond theme
---Black Diamond Gears
---Diamond Gold Bling
---Fusion V2
---Space Djoub
---Blacy Theme
---Vista Ultimate Theme
---ZUL Clack with Custom Clock
---Zitoun BlackPurple with broken clock
---Zitoun BlackPurple with Original Clock
---Zitoun BlackPurple with Purple Clock
-Visual Tweaks
---Shade Gone (copy to \windows)
---mUn Background4ALLPages .02 (which works best for me)
---New Globe
---No Program back
---Pamas Analog Clock
---Pamas Transparent bg Bricks
---Pamas Transparent Slider
---Sprint Calendar Tab
---Transparent Bottom Bar
---SSMaPa (customize your calander.exe in TF3D and others)
---FixWeatherDatabaseEditor (custom weather cities in TF3D)

Credit goes out to everyone who created these apps and themes! I did none of it, all i did was compile what i had to help people who are just starting out and are in search!

Simple yet essential for me... i might have forgotten a few things, but hey its a start for anyone looking for a collection!

LINK: http://rapidshare.com/files/17315730...Collection.zip

If I helped ya or If you like my work, I don't want donations, I don't want coffee, but a simple THANKS
would do the trick!
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  #105 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2008, 11:34 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Originally Posted by syanni85 View Post
I saw clampi at xda, that he threw together a bunch of apps he had for his touch pro… well, I needed to organize my storage card, so I decided to do the same for all of you…
I don’t have too much, but some really good essentials… I didn’t wanna cluster you guys with too much.
Certainly an overwhelming list, lol, but a lot of good stuff! Thanks!

Two comments/suggestions:

1) As a matter of curiosity, what's the point of having multiple versions of some of these apps? The S2* apps come to mind as I glance over the list...

2) Because versions change so often and to give credit where it's due, I generally find it's more useful to link to the original source link for the installers rather than bundle and redistribute.
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  #106 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2008, 12:22 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life View Post
Certainly an overwhelming list, lol, but a lot of good stuff! Thanks!

Two comments/suggestions:

1) As a matter of curiosity, what's the point of having multiple versions of some of these apps? The S2* apps come to mind as I glance over the list...

2) Because versions change so often and to give credit where it's due, I generally find it's more useful to link to the original source link for the installers rather than bundle and redistribute.
1) some people find different versions more stable

2) this is mainly for people who ask "just got my pro, what programs should i get"... its to help em out... my goal is to show links to original posts when i have the time... its time consuming
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2008, 02:26 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Updated my thread with some extras

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  #108 (permalink)  
Old 12-15-2008, 06:37 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Originally Posted by MadlyAlive View Post
Oh god I hope I don't get yelled at...

I've searched for a good 30+ minutes trying to find the reg edit to increase the size of the sms text entry field to multiple lines. It's unfortunately one of the only tweaks I didn't have in my reg file I apply after flashing ROM's...HELP!
I would check this thread out...
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  #109 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 01:05 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Originally Posted by rushco View Post
What setting do you change so when you send a text message you can see 3 lines of text instead of 2?
sorry, but do u read.. its right here: if u arent reading then search

Are there ways to enlarge the sms typing area?
you can use the freeware "TOTAL COMMANDER" and edit the file thread_sms.html. You can do a search to easily find it...windows directory.

look for this part:
<inbox:content id="COMPOSESUBECT" width="98%" height=35 spell...

and play around with the number in height (in this case 35). change to 70 and get 3 lines for text replies. Just change the numbers and see what works for you.

*you need to soft reset after editing the file.

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  #110 (permalink)  
Old 12-22-2008, 02:57 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Originally Posted by chronster View Post
Can you show me where you saw this?

Also, It's listed in the first page of this thread.
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