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Old 11-02-2008, 04:04 PM
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Touch Pro Essentials

Update coming soon!

Here is the essential Touch Pro tweaking information I have gathered since the Touch Pro became available, some more common tweaks I've gathered over time using various PPCs, as well as information contributed by others in this thread. If I have missed something that you feel would be a useful addition to this list, either post it in the thread or send me a PM and I'll add it!

Tweaks and Fixes:
  • If your device is showing you random issues, such as speaker/ear piece being crappy out of the box, do a hard reset. Some have reported this simple task has solved their problems. You can do this one of two ways: either select clear storage from the system tab in settings (Start->Settings), or power off the device, hold volume down and OK, and hit the power button.
  • If your data isn't working, try this.
  • Disable SMS Sent Notification: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settin gs] Set SMSNoSentMsg to 1
  • Install the Picture Mail enhancement from Sprint - run PIE, and click "Click here to check for new updates." (if you changed your homepage, go to Sprint PowerDeck from favorites) Then download and install the cab file listed. This will have to be done after every hard reset. Still seems picmail doesn't like to work right, though.

  • Install new Audiopara for louder volume
  • Enable/Disable mute call when phone is flipped over - [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\PHONE] Set FaceDownMuteRing=1 to enable, or =0 to disable. Source
  • You can make your phone stop making noise when you enable/disable the radio. Edit [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\PhoneExtendFunction \CDMA\FlightModeOnOff] and change Sound_on and Sound_off to desired sound, or blank for no sound. source.
  • Issues with answering your phone when a data connection is open (answer buttons don't do anything)? Looks like a tweak messes up a registry key that affects this. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Planner\Settings], make sure SuspendResume is set to #777 (not anything containing GPRS). This issue seems to be related to Advanced Config. source
    Added 1/7/09:
  • Enable wake up on SMS - you can do this via DiamondTweak (possibly advanced config too), or [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL] DisableSMSWakeUpEvent=0 (to enable waking up). source
  • Set up Visual Voicemail on Sprint. More info here. THIS IS VERY YMMV.

  • This hack no longer needed on the latest version of WMWifiRouter - Disable temperature sensing in WMWifiRouter to get it to allow you to connect. Options->Configuration->Battery->Next->Next->Next->Select "Disable temperature detection"->Next. There is a bug, at least in my version, that shows "Enable temperature detection twice" however selecting the second one disables it.
  • Hack Internet Sharing to work: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing] Delete Extension key, set/create MaxCMCon=0 (decimal). [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\InternetSharing\settings] Set ForceCellConnection="Sprint" -- Cabified Version Here
  • Change "Reply All" in poutlook back to "Reply" - [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\HTC\BootLauncher\Servic es\OutlookEnhancement], set module to an empty string. TO revert, set module to "\\windows\\OutlookEnhancement.dll"
  • Information here on GeoTagging/Automatic uploading of photos using Shozu.
  • Change useragent in Opera Mobile to view full websites instead of mobile versions. Info here.
  • If you have issues with Gmail/IMAP and sending emails, Official fix here, or read this post
  • Make Pocket IE your default browser. How to here.
  • Skyfire now "works" on Touch Pro. It is not a real VGA version, just QVGA stretched up, so however crappy it may look it is the best flash solution for now.
  • New Opera Mobile from Touch HD here - May or may not perform better, some reports of issues/graphical glitches/etc.
  • Increase the maximum number of tabs in Opera - Close Opera and edit \Windows\Opera9\opera.ini and change the Max Allowed Tabs to the right number. thanks mclaser
    Added 1/7/09:
  • Set Opera to be your default browser for all items. source

TouchFlo 3D / Manilla 3D
  • Add your city to the weather tab. Follow these directions making sure to use the modified copy of version 1.1 of the specified editor.
  • A better way - Install the cab from here and it will add all cities to the list for you, so you can just hit Add Location and find yours! Updated 1/8/09
  • Install flip clock if you want it. instructions here
  • Get some wallpapers
  • Wallpaper on every tab, transparent clocks and curtains. More info here
  • Optimize your music tab by removing the music store logo. Some Touch Pro specific directions.
  • Information on how to remove sprint Manila3D customizations and get an HTC Stock configuration here
  • Rename your tabs in Manilla3D. Tutorial and instructions here.
  • Remap Manilla3D to use Pocket Informant instead of the built in calendar. Complete information here
  • Increase TouchFlo's sensitivity, so you don't have to push as hard to scroll. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OEM\TFLOSettings] increase FingerPressure. Default is 16. I am having good luck on 128, I may raise it higher. Higher = more sensitive, lower = less sensitive.
  • Touch Pro Cleanup by GoodThings2Life - read this/download one of the cabs to automatically apply a specific set of tweaks/mods.
  • Action screen changes, customizable through registry edits. More here
  • Change the soft keys on the home screen. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Manila], change HomeLSKPath and HomeRSKPath. HomeLSKText/HomeRSKText = the text. More info here.
    Added 1/7/09:
  • Change software used by some TF3D entries with SSMaPa - This can be a complicated procedure. source
  • Boost TF3D Performance - increase file system cache to 8MB, file system filter cache to 131072, FAT cachesize to 32768 (you can do this with advanced config). source
  • Discussion about scrolling/tweaking of scrolling here
  • Revive the tab change animations! info, and source

Other Theming Topics
  • Get S2U2 to work: Make sure you install the VGA version, not the QVGA version. You can now use DirectDraw mode with the newer versions of S2U2. UPDATED 1/7/09
  • Get your battery icon with percentages here (old thread).
  • Battery/performance hacks if you're so inclined.
  • Turn it into your most expensive flashlight - Alternate program. Both work, nueLight v3.0 is what I personally use. UPDATED 1/7/09
  • Auto screen rotation with Gyrator 2, and Configure it to not rotate certain apps UPDATED 1/7/09
  • Fit more icons into your programs list with this tweak
  • If your text is too big, such as in text messaging, go to Start->Settings->System->Screen->Text Size and move the slider to the size of text you want. Alternatively, you can move your thumb in a circle around the OK button, similar to how you would use the click wheel on an ipod. This will adjust the font size too.
  • You can disable auto-wakeup when keyboard is opened.[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware\DeviceMap\Keybd] Create new dword "SlideWakeup" with value of 0 and soft reset. To revert, delete the key or set it's data to 1. Source
  • Get Old School word correction back (same as was on Mogul, etc) - Latest Cab here - Older Information:Updated information here and here.
  • Disable start-up sound / change it - [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\HTCAnimation] Rename both 'StartupGif' and 'StartupWav' to new values, or leave blank to disable. Source
  • Increase your screen's sensitivity. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\TouchPanel] change PressureThreshold. Default is 37 Decimal, it is reported 240 decimal is a good new value for this. source
    Added 1/7/09:
  • More Camera Modes! You can enable these in Diamond Tweak, there are options to enable Burst/Sport mode, videoshare mode, and increase resolution of sport/burst photos. source
  • Remove scrollbars: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GWE] change cyHScr to 0 to disable horizontal, and cxVScr to 0 to disable vertical bars. source
  • Enable sound effects for keyboard open/close, info here. source

PST Tweaks:
  • First thing you must do is get your MSL. I wrote an app to make this very easy for you, more info on it here. If you have problems getting your MSL, put your phone in flight mode and try again.
  • You can tweak your Slot Cycle Index (SCI) to make your phone poll the tower more often. This makes your texts and phone calls come through quicker. This setting is a trade off between lag (most noticeable when receiving calls) and battery life. The default value on our phones is 2. Every step of 1 adds 1.28 seconds to the poll time, so at a value of 2 it is only polling every 5 seconds or so. Most people lower this to 1, so the phone polls every 2.5 seconds. This won't affect battery life much in areas of good coverage, but may impact it noticeably if you're in a poor reception area. Your Access Overload Class (ACCOLC) determines your phone's priority on the cell tower. The higher the number, the lower the priority. Do note that 0 and 1 are reserved for emergency service uses, so DO NOT use these. You can ACCOLC's of 2-9, default on Sprint should be the last digit of your phone number.
  • Now that I've laid down the basic groundwork of the two main mods, here's how to change them. Don't mess with settings in here unless you know exactly what you're doing, as phone performance and usability will be affected. To enter programming mode, open your phone screen and dial ##778# (may be ##778 on some devices, if that doesn't work, run EPST.exe from \Windows). Click edit, type in your MSL, and hit OK. Now choose View Info in the lower left corner, and hit NAM settings. On this page you can change your ACCOLC (remember, don't use 0 or 1). Now, switch to the Modem Settings page to change your SCI (default is 2, valid values are 0-7). Now accept the changes and soft reset, and you're updated!
  • More information can be found here

Useful Downloads:
Custom ROMs and Tools, Low Level Stuff:
Video Cables:Other:
A handful of these items have been tested by me, however not all. If you find something that does not work or that needs correction, let me know. When reported items are added, it is assumed the reporter knows the item to work. In cases where this may not be the case, there is a note added.

Thanks to all who have contributed. When I add your tips, I will thank you as well. More info may be found in the Official Touch Pro FAQ as well. I will attempt to keep on top of all new tips/tweaks/developments, however as noted, if I miss something, don't hesitate to let me know.

Check back often for the latest updates!

Also, please be sure to hit 'Thanks' if this post was useful to you!

Last Updated: 1/8/2009, revision 0901.03


baf.cc | GPS Toggler | Touch Pro Essentials | Got MSL?
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Last edited by Baffles; 05-17-2009 at 07:16 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 07:07 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Hey- here are the "touch pro specific" instructions for removing the sprint music page banner link: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...6&postcount=21
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Old 11-02-2008, 08:51 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Originally Posted by freeza View Post
Baffles, i tried the flashlight app and don't like it.

Is there a simple flashlight app like the one someone had made for the mogul "flashlight.exe" open it once, light comes on, open it again, light turns off.

small, compact, hardly any footprint, no interface, just simple, to the point, and works?
Not guaranteed to work on the Touch Pro yet, but you could try nueLight -- http://www.nuerom.com/BlogEngine/page/nueLight.aspx
--Someday, bringing GoodThings2Life will become a Paradigm!--
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Old 11-02-2008, 09:58 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Torch Button, flashlight app, I know you have one, but this one just turns light on or off as you press it. Set to long press send key in buttons and it will toggle the light. Works perfect on my Sprint Touch Pro.

On On U of K!!!! Sammy GS4 - ATT - Clean Rom - Xposed Mod
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Old 11-02-2008, 11:32 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

A guy made a cab for the internet sharing fix. Wasn't me but works great on my TP.

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Old 11-02-2008, 11:43 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Set the cache for Opera to the internal storage. ? Help..

Thanks T M Z
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Old 11-02-2008, 11:54 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Only other gripe is why the damn text is so big when making text messages and reading them. Anyone know how to reduce? I poked around and couldnt find it.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2008, 11:55 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Try: Start->Settings->System->Screen->Text Size and move the slider to the size of text you want.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2008, 12:26 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

Originally Posted by hsanchez View Post
i have a no message sent cab, but i cant upload it. the forum doesn't let me.
Option available in Diamondtweak. To upload add .zip to filename at end.
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Old 11-03-2008, 01:08 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Essentials

[*]Information on how to remove sprint Manila3D customizations and get an HTC Stock configuration here

this is AWESOME...I just unloaded tf3d, copied the files into the windows folder, soft reset, then turned on tf3d and it is so FAST...the slider has never been this fast on my tp or on my prior diamond even with the juicy rom on it...

and whatever program that says start that shows up in the running programs, I just excluded it so I don't see it and you would never know the difference...sweet man
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