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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 12:50 AM
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Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL brought to you by CDMA Raphael Elite Team

UPDATE: VZW SPL posted. (there will be an all-in-one unlocker later, but until then please read the instructions and decide which file is for your device.)

CDMA Raphael Elite Team (see: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=41345) presents exclusive Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL to you!

SSPL, HSPL, relocker made by cmonex, Wrappers by olinex, SD flasher and relocker (coming soon) by no2chem. thanks to NexVision (btw I'm really sorry), zule/Shadowmite and no2chem for testing!!!

there are three HSPL's now (for the non-verizon ones it is a similar scene to Diamond_C).

1. 0.25.MFG for Sprint/Alltel/Telus/Bell, for hackers only, because otherwise, it is too old, apparently has splashscreen issues and only 128MB ram. but it has mw, it has rtask, etc. etc.

2. 0.37 for Sprint/Alltel/Telus/Bell, for other people, this has no screen issues but no MFG commands.

3. 0.35 for Verizon touch pro's ONLY.


first, if you have GSM Touch Pro/Raphael (NOT CDMA, NOT SPRINT/VERIZON/ALLTEL/TELUS/BELL), this will brick your device.
to download a compatible hardspl package for gsm touch pro you can go to forum.xda-developers.com.
but if you have CDMA Touch Pro/Raphael, then you have to use this hardspl, not the one at xda-developers!!!

preparations before flash:

1) make sure you have .NET framework installed on your PC! if not, get it from http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...DisplayLang=en
2) if you have vista, WMDC update is recommended: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsmobi...ce-center.mspx
3) now decide which Hard-SPL you want to flash. if you have Verizon, flash VZW package (from verizon attachment). if you have Sprint, Telus or Alltel or Bell, flash default package (Raphael_CDMA_HSPL_037.zip).


1) download Hard-SPL package from attachment, extract to an empty folder.
2) you must Have Phone Synced with PC in Windows Mobile!
3) run HardSPL exe that you downloaded before.
4) follow steps in the RUU, and check on the device for prompts after PC shows loading bar.
5) it should go to tricolour screen now and say 0.25.C-SSPL or for Verizon devices it should say 0.35-C-SSPL.
6) SPL flashes, device automatically reboots, job done.
7) to confirm you got it installed, go into bootloader mode (tricolour screen!) and verify the screen shows 0.35.CMONEX or 0.37.CMONEX (or 0.25.CMONEX MFG).

NOTE: you will not see the SPL version during normal boot, that is the OS version, not SPL!
to enter bootloader mode to see version: with the device turned on, press and hold the volume down button along with the power button, then press the reset button with the stylus tip, then release the volume down and power buttons when bootloader tricolour screen appears.

NOTE 2: anyone having problems with the device entering SSPL automatically, please copy SSPLManual.exe from the SSPLManual.zip attachment to the device and run it. then once the screen is in SSPL, run RUU manually. i.e. you run the RUU on the PC, if it isn't obvious.
make sure to get SSPL-Manual specifically for Verizon phones from the verizon package.

NOTE 3: this is unsigned Hard-SPL. no limitations on flashing ROMs or radio packages. also, this has overwrite protection, if someone needs to revert to stock SPL for warranty reasons, a stock SPL downgrade package is also available here.

NOTE 4: do not use this RUU to flash anything else! this is only intended for flashing the Hard-SPL.

NOTE 5: use Relocker *only* if you need to return the phone for warranty. only use it as last step - after reflashing stock OS and radio. Default relocker is for Sprint etc, Raphael_CDMA_VZW_Relocker in the verizon package is for Verizon touch pro's.


Finally, Please Donate to the CDMA Raphael Project Team - http://shorl.com/frastijeketrebo - Thanks!!
Main device: Athena (x7500)

Other devices: Shift, Kaiser, Diamond (GSM version), Universals (Qtek 9000, Vodafone VPA IV) + non HTC ones.

Donations To cmonex

Last edited by cmonex; 12-07-2008 at 11:57 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 12:51 AM
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Re: Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL brought to you by CDMA Raphael Elite Team

(reserved for SD Card edition)
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Old 11-01-2008, 01:05 AM
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Re: Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL brought to you by CDMA Raphael Elite Team

you guys you are the best.
Thank you.

donation on its way.

Last edited by gatolsf; 11-05-2009 at 12:31 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 01:15 AM
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Re: Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL brought to you by CDMA Raphael Elite Team

Thank you to all the ELITE TEAM.... sending nice donation tomorrow
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 01:17 AM
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Re: Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL brought to you by CDMA Raphael Elite Team

thank you guys but im a noob at this, the instructions seem pretty thorough too. one question...

what is the "hard-spl"?

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 01:18 AM
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Re: Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL brought to you by CDMA Raphael Elite Team

to go with it, i might post nueROM-S for Touch Pro, Stock+Updated WM, sometime tonight.... =), until the custom roms flow anyway..
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 01:33 AM
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Re: Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL brought to you by CDMA Raphael Elite Team

best news EVER!!!!!
Im seeing Juicy Rom for TP in the near future!

Last edited by benjio123; 11-01-2008 at 12:55 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 01:43 AM
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Re: Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL brought to you by CDMA Raphael Elite Team

Originally Posted by chedda_chez View Post
thank you guys but im a noob at this, the instructions seem pretty thorough too. one question...

what is the "hard-spl"?


its needed before you can flash custom images / roms / switch radio images to other provider's
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 01:46 AM
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Re: Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL brought to you by CDMA Raphael Elite Team

thank you thank you for answering my question. im a quick learner so i will pick up fast on this.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 01:59 AM
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Re: Touch Pro CDMA Hard-SPL brought to you by CDMA Raphael Elite Team

Too damn cool. You guys rock.

A couple of questions:

I know we should always assume when flashing anything that it COULD hard-reset our devices, so we should have our data backed up first, but should I assume this will hard-reset my phone? Is that expected?

As for the second post, is that a version that will allow us to flash from SD, suggesting that the current version won't? And will it likely support SDHC like the previous notes from no2chem have mentioned? Any rough timeframe on this one? I might as well wait, since I was always a big fan of flashing from the card.

As for nueROM-S ( ), will it have all stock software, but merely be an updated build of WM?
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