How To: Set Up Visual Voicemail on your Sprint TP for Free(Working soon!)
Update: Check out sprints press release, looks like we will be able to do this again mid-November.
http://newsreleases.sprint.com/phoen...107&highlight= thanks cchris81 for the link... There has been a lot of discussion on this but most likely this is no longer working, because sprint is no longer allowing this to be done. However I am leaving all of the info up because after this cools down it may be possible again Wow, there has been a lot of questions on this, and I couldn't find a good how to thread that has it all wrapped up in one post, so here it is, if you would like to link it in the TP essentials, that would be fine with me. First thing you have to do is sign up with Phonefusion, and yes it is completely free. Here is the LINK Once you go through the procces of setting up, very easy, it will e-mail you your login and password, you then need go back to Phonefusion and log-in... It says it will send the download link to your phone automatically, but I had to request it to be sent to me. To do that, after you log-in, click on the "Fusion Voicemail Plus Destination" under the "Voicemail Options Plus" menu. Then scroll down and click, "send link" After you get the Link, install it to your main memory... Next thing you need to do is call the Sprint tier 2 tech Department at 1-877-654-9111 then press #2.....this is the awesome part, it takes you straight to the people who know what they are talking about ![]() Then you tell them you need to change your voice mail # to 813-200-0200, yes everybody will use this number... Next, tell them that they should have some options called No Answer, Busy, and Unavailable and they need to set them to CONDITIONAL, this is very important, if you have it set to unconditional you could get charged .20 a minute, so tell them Conditional, and then you are done! Now enjoy your visual voicemail!!! ![]() BTW THIS is where I found out about it, feel free to research it on your own... EDIT: For those of you worrying about getting a charge, this is straight from the Sprint call forwarding policy... " Calls that are forwarded by default to voicemail or mobile messaging are not charged the standard $.20 per minute rate. Calls received when you set unconditional Call Forwarding (*72), Call Forward Busy (*74), and Call Forward No Answer (*73) are charged at $.20 per minute. " As I promised here are the Screenshots ![]() ![]() ![]() And for those of you that need the VM cab, here you go ![]() Last edited by 04orgzx6r; 10-29-2009 at 12:36 AM. |
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Re: How to Set Up Visual Voicemail on your Sprint TP
Does sprint charge you for any of this, almost too good to be true? I didn't even know this option was available. On Verizon forwarding was completely free with my plan, but this is the first time I have seen this for sprint? I miss callwave quite a bit.
thanks for the post, Last edited by audyo; 01-06-2009 at 09:48 PM. |
Re: How to Set Up Visual Voicemail on your Sprint TP
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Re: How to Set Up Visual Voicemail on your Sprint TP
Although it is very enticing, I don't think it's worth $0.20 / min. I'll wait until Sprint wakes up and smells the coffee, because everyone else(if I can recall correctly...) has free call forwarding.
Re: How to Set Up Visual Voicemail on your Sprint TP
It is the same thing as your sprint voicemail, they just have to change the number. Your voicemail does this very same thing, do you get charged for it? I believe clearly stated that you have to have them change the default voice mail number to 813-200-0200, the rep I talked to did not have a problem doing this, neither did the second rep when I called back to confirm the settings were correct.... I stated it the way I did because I wanted to translate the terms as easily as possibly to you guys and the sprint reps... What happens on Sprints side is that they have to delete your default sprint voicemail service and they have to set up a new one.(don't worry because they can just redo it if you don't like it, I asked). Then they have to set up a new one going to the # 813-200-0200, when they do that, they have some options called No answer, Busy, and Unavailable, these have to all be set to Conditional because if they aren't then as you said, they will be automatically forwarded to that number, and for that you will get charged. Don't ask me how, because I understand it is technically doing the same thing after it goes through Busy, unavailable ect....but something in there system recognizes that that is for voicemail and you DO NOT GET CHARGED... SO yes this IS FREE AS LONG AS YOU Have it set up correctly!!! However, try this at your own risk, it is free for me and many others who have set it up correctly, and even if they somehow mess it up, the most it is not like the charges are going to be outrageous, just make sure you call tem, have it credited back and then fix it. |
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Re: How to Set Up Visual Voicemail on your Sprint TP
Short vesion, this is free the way I set it up but try it at your own "risk" ....
How do you think they do it on the instinct? Different program same concept... |
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