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  #1421 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 05:09 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by makkonen View Post
Weird. Someone on the other forum (Connect-UTB) complained about the same thing. Just to confirm/maintain my sanity, last night I set up a new data.img with the absolute newest kernel+modules, rootfs, initramfs, and the 2010-03-01 XDANDROID package. Data worked out of the box without needing a single tweak.

I don't know if something's changed and people need to trash their data.img (I can't see what might've), but... data's working.

Those are unavoidable problems at this point. Battery's a dog. Can be helped by: turning off data sync; turning off wifi; turning down backlight -- but even so, it won't be good.

There is no way to desensitize the screen. I can't tell if it's better or worse in its current state than it was a few weeks ago. It's now less likely to report double taps, I think, but more likely to jump around. Quite vexing.
from what I read it seems like most of the power management stuff is kernel based isn't it? I'll keep looking around to see if there is anything I can come up with.
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  #1422 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 05:51 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Yeah. I mean, I guess it's complicated... usage affects it, so userland stuff is at issue as well, but the primary issues are at the kernel level.

There's a way to turn on logging for what's waking the device from power collapse (waking up too frequently is the main issue, I think), but I don't know what the actual steps are.
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  #1423 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 08:47 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

hey is there anyway you can post links to the newest kernel+modules, rootfs, and intrafms? im new and having issues with data, and finding those files
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  #1424 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 08:52 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

The links to all three are in the first post on this thread.

(Just added a link to the initramfs build service -- it rarely changes, and the included one works fine, but I thought I'd be a completist anyway.)
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  #1425 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 09:58 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

I've been away for a while, using my Touch on various Android builds from XDA. But, I've been checking in here, every once in a while. So, I decided to try out Android on my TP again. (One of the reasons I've been using my Touch, is they've got BT working on it, now. Also, phone and data "just work.") So, I formatted my SD card with gparted on Linux. Here are the files I'm using:

The bundle in the first post.
zImage and modules from 2-28-10
rootfs from 3-6-10

The first time I loaded it, I saw a screen calibration flash by as it was loading. I tried to hit the points. Sadly, once Android was loaded, the screen calibration was so off, I couldn't hit any of the boxes to configure my Google account. No problem, I figured. I shut it down, deleted the data.img and tried again. I realized I could do a lot of stuff just using the dpad. I fiigured I'd just find the screen calibration app after I got started. When I booted this time, I didn't screen calibration boxes. Once Android loaded, I was back to the same place as before. I finally was able to find the settings and the apps. But, no screen calibration setting or app. Is there a way around this? I used the STARTUP.TXT for RAPH800, in case you were wondering...Thanks for any help you can give. I should add that this version of Eclair looks very cool! I really want to try it out.

Also, there is a dev over at XDA that is working on getting a Donut build onto his wife's Diamond. I tried it on my TP, but no luck. It won't load at all. Her's is CDMA, as of course my TP is. Will let you know how that goes...
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  #1426 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 10:35 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

goto your sd card and delete ts-calibration
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  #1427 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 11:18 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

The android works well for me most of the time. the cdma data thing with the new release, would not work, but i wanted the microphone fix, from the new release (28th). so i deleted the module from the new version and put the one from the 18th in its place. now my internet works, microphone works! for sprint cdma data, when the newest release was out, it wouldnt connect using the generic or making a sprint APN, but when I switched out modules, i got the data to work with sprint by just creating a new apn, name it sprint and in the next field do #777. save network, and in a minute of two you should see the 3g symbol and be able to get online. with the newer post 2-28, it would show 3g on the generic or the sprint connection i made, but it would not allow data transfer. i hope my feed back helps! i cant wait till the camera, gps, etc get figured out because i will use it alot. I do amaze some of my customers though, cause i win mo 6.5 and android running on my touch pro at my leisure! lol! wifi worked great in the 2-18 release also! thanks for all the work Xandroid team! i will surely donate! =D>
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  #1428 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2010, 11:23 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Originally Posted by smarcin View Post
I've been away for a while, using my Touch on various Android builds from XDA. But, I've been checking in here, every once in a while. So, I decided to try out Android on my TP again. (One of the reasons I've been using my Touch, is they've got BT working on it, now. Also, phone and data "just work.") So, I formatted my SD card with gparted on Linux. Here are the files I'm using:

The bundle in the first post.
zImage and modules from 2-28-10
rootfs from 3-6-10

The first time I loaded it, I saw a screen calibration flash by as it was loading. I tried to hit the points. Sadly, once Android was loaded, the screen calibration was so off, I couldn't hit any of the boxes to configure my Google account. No problem, I figured. I shut it down, deleted the data.img and tried again. I realized I could do a lot of stuff just using the dpad. I fiigured I'd just find the screen calibration app after I got started. When I booted this time, I didn't screen calibration boxes. Once Android loaded, I was back to the same place as before. I finally was able to find the settings and the apps. But, no screen calibration setting or app. Is there a way around this? I used the STARTUP.TXT for RAPH800, in case you were wondering...Thanks for any help you can give. I should add that this version of Eclair looks very cool! I really want to try it out.

Also, there is a dev over at XDA that is working on getting a Donut build onto his wife's Diamond. I tried it on my TP, but no luck. It won't load at all. Her's is CDMA, as of course my TP is. Will let you know how that goes...
just delete the ts calibration file on the card. when droid boots back up, it will come with a new calibration test, press very lightly and only once(even though you think it didnt work, as long as the box moves, press lightly and only once til you see it move). and hopefully you are set, it is a bit tricking the first time or two!
hope this helps!
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  #1429 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 12:15 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Updating first post: Couple of nice improvements have come down in the last day.

Thanks to aatreya, we should have a fix for the weird + dialing issue that has caused Google Voice to fail for so many of you. Add north_am_dialing=1 to your cmdline in startup.txt and it should fix google voice. I'm not sure anyone has tried this yet.

And thanks to bzo, Bluetooth should now be functional. I don't know any of the details on this one.

To enable these two fixes, you'll need the newest rootfs and the newest kernel and modules.

I guess I should go test them myself, but... my phone's all the way in the other room.
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  #1430 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2010, 12:30 PM
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Talking Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Which kernel & mods file work best for the raph800??

Im just waiting on the battery fix and i will have everything that i need.. well except the camera n gps but w.e...

Thanx for the hard work guys!!! =D>
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