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  #2001 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2010, 01:42 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

As a reply/question am I sopposed to put (or extract) the contents directly into the root and run the exe from the root of the MS? ie. "x:\haret.exe", The other ver. I have runs from "x:\andboot\haret.exe" which would explain some confusion if this AIO build is to be put at the root of the MS and in fact doesn't run from within a folder.
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  #2002 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2010, 01:47 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Also as for the mobile web/DATA for CRICKET, could one possibly put the web data settings (WAP) into the startup.txt or could some kind of config file like the arksoft cabs for WINMO be ran to get the web to work? Or am I too ignorant to know that this is hard coded and that until a bunch of other stuff gets cleaned up it'll be a long time before this gets fixed.. I'm pretty much stuck on wifi and it sucks.. If that worked I would stick to Android instead of WINMO
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  #2003 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2010, 01:54 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

I don't believe that anything regarding data settings (ppp username/password) can be put into the startup.txt. I'm not entirely sure if it can only be read from the filesystem (/etc/pap-secrets and /etc/options.smd1) or if it can be taken from the APN settings as well. There was discussion of adding it, but I don't know whether it was done or not.

The system can be run equally well from /sdcard/ or from /sdcard/andboot/. I prefer the latter, as it keeps the sd card looking a bit cleaner. The only time you might have a problem is if you have an andboot folder, but are trying to run from the root of the sdcard, the system will get confused, and try to load things from the andboot folder, even if they're not there. (i.e. if /sdcard/andboot/ exists, it will look there for files to the exclusion of /sdcard/).
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  #2004 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2010, 02:03 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Makes sense.. I renamed the older working copy I got to "andbootold" to allow me to try both copies side by side.. I have been able to get the username and password to stick on the APN settings as well as port, proxy, and names.. the 3 digit numbers however reboots the system if I change those and apperently I need to change those. I found on wikipedia that Cricket uses 016 I beleive where as the OS was built with 995 in there.. I think that is why I get the 3G icon and data is going UP but on the wrong network (or it fails the passwork on the wrong network)
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  #2005 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2010, 02:07 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Nah, near as I can tell, the MCC/MNC are not actually used. (They're a GSM only thing, but they show up for us since we're using a build that was made for GSM phones originally). Our phones always report 310/995, and if you change that, the phone no longer thinks that the APN applies, so it stops showing it.

Have you tried the instructions from this thread? Something in there might apply to cricket. If you're getting constant reboots on data connect, though, that's a separate, as yet unfixed, issue. (Reboots on changing APN settings happen to all of us -- might be from the same cause, but they don't mean you can't get it working.)
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  #2006 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2010, 02:31 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

No I have not tried those instructions in that post, yet.. I'm sure I'll be board tomorrow and give it a go. Thanks for the link. Also per this page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Network_Code cricket is listed as
310 016 Cricket Communications Operational CDMA / EV-DO 1900 1700 2100
which makes me beleive that if I can get the 016 to stick, without resetting, all will be well.. The only time the OS resets is when I change this the MNC to 016.. After changing the other settings I can see the 3G and somewhere under the APN menu I can register to a network..
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  #2007 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2010, 02:45 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Found some info somewhere else, not sure if it works but I'll try later and post back on here...

NOTE: I have a revised and simplified version on post #127 http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...&postcount=127

Got it working, thanks to eval- for posting the info. I did enter in by cell phone number and not the ESN. After further research it must be the MSID which happens to be the users phone number in some cases. I had problems being able to enter in a ">" so I did something different than what eval- posted. Here are my alternate steps...

1. Downloaded "EStrongs File Explorer" from Market
2. Downloaded "Command Executer" from Market (also tried "Android Terminal Emulator")
3. Opened EStongs File Explorer
4. Pressed the "/" button at top left
5. Selected the "etc" folder
6. Selected the "ppp" folder
7. Press and held on file "pap-secrets" and selected copy
8. Pressed the "Home" button at top left (looks like a house)
9. Pressed the physical Windows key
10. Selected "Operations" button and then selected "Paste"
11. Pressed the "/" button at top left
12. Selected the "etc" folder
13. Selected the "ppp" folder
14. Press and held on file "options.smd1" and selected copy (Not the .smd file)
15. Pressed the "Home" button at top left (looks like a house)
16. Pressed the physical Windows key
17. Selected "Operations" button and then selected "Paste"
Note: I changed a setting to what program to open with, but it was NOT the HTML option.
18. Select file "pap-secrets" and open as "Text"
19. Enter in MSID@uscc.net * MSID (Example: 6414251234@uscc.net * 6414251234) MSID can be found by dialing ##000000 in WindowsMobile
20. Press physical Windows button and select "Save"
21. Select file "options.smd1" and open as "Text"
22. Enter in user MSID@uscc.net (Example: user 6414251234@uscc.net)
23. Press physical Windows button and select "Save"
24. Open up Command Executer
25. Select Super User
26. Enter in "busybox cp /sdcard/pap-secrets /etc/ppp/pap-secrets
27. Select "Execute" button
28. Enter in "busybox cp /sdcard/options.smd1 /etc/ppp/options.smd1
29. Enter in to Air Plane mode then turn off Air Plane mode.

Now it should work.

I went back in to EStrongs File Explorer and opened both files in the /etc/ppp/ folder to verify the changes were there.

An overview of what is going on here is I first made copies of the files and placed them in the "home" location of the SD card. I edited these files with the changes then copied them back.

Hope this helps someone.
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  #2008 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2010, 04:15 AM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Trust me on the fact that the MCC/MNC of 310/016 is not the culprit. 310/995 doesn't even exist -- it's just a placeholder, and we happen to be making use of it.

Saving/confirming APN settings can cause a reboot (I'm not sure it's a kernel panic). When you change the MNC and it moves that APN out of your choices, that probably triggers the same thing.

Those instructions sound good. Of course, you'll have to find your own username/password.

And I believe the 3G icon will come up, and you'll see upstream data, but not downstream, in the case of a PPP authentication failure.

Good luck. I wish we had the whole ppp thing more sorted out.
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  #2009 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2010, 06:51 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Is it possible to get haret built into a start menu icon??? That would make it much easier.. I think I saw someone on XDA talking about it..
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  #2010 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2010, 07:06 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro (RAPH800)

Yeah, it's very simple. Using file explorer, copy haret.exe from its location on the storage card, and paste shortcut in /Windows/Start Menu/. (You can rename it to 'Android' or whatever if you like.)
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