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View Poll Results: Should the SIM unlocker be free for one phone private use ?
Definitely 132 58.15%
yes but only to Elite Team donators 49 21.59%
No, you should have to pay for the unlocker 46 20.26%
Voters: 227. You may not vote on this poll

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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 06:25 PM
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Re: Unlocker finally releasing

Yes, the intention of this thread was not to enflame any current issues of unrest or impatience with the expected release and subsequent push backs from real or rumored release times of the unlockers. It merely was an honest attempt ,in a very simple manner to gauge the feeling of the community towards the requirements to get the SIM unlocker that Elite Team is supposed to have developed. I too have thoughts on this and probably agree with several comments here, but that is not the purpose of this thread / poll. By seeing possible results of a poll like this, it may make someone/people take notice that sometimes the majority isn't heard or taken seriously . Maybe it won't , but either way, it is a way to express your opinion on the question without stirring up the chaos that has been swirling around here. I have to say the Mod here (CozBoogie) was very unbiased and impartial in restoring this thread from a closed state. I appreciate his doing this and I hope everyone else can appreciate that some people at PPCGEEKS still seem to think that the noob or the lurker or a super hacka all hold an equal opinion. Thanks to all who have voted so far. I think the poll results thus far show a majority of people think alike. That is refreshing to see I think there could be some dangerous precedents set here if some people don't realize how a lot of people may actually feel.

Last edited by lefty11; 10-29-2009 at 06:29 PM.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 06:30 PM
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Re: Unlocker finally releasing

Idk, If I were a developer, the lack of patience and the animosity would go a long way in making me feel much better about charging for my services instead of doing it for free in order to benefit the same people who are expressing those ill feelings, whether they were justified or not..
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 06:31 PM
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Re: Unlocker finally releasing

Thank you Coz. As always, professional and unbiased. I really do hope things go back to normal around here, as you noted, once the unlocker is out. Whether I end up flashing to a custom ROM or not once it's out, for me the best thing about its' release will be the anticipation of this site going back to how it was...for the most part a positive and helpful resource for all PPC Geekers
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 06:38 PM
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Re: Unlocker finally releasing

hah, I really don't think we'll see unlocker tonight. It would have been here by now
  #55 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 06:41 PM
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Re: Unlocker finally releasing

Originally Posted by No1ustad View Post
Idk, If I were a developer, the lack of patience and the animosity would go a long way in making me feel much better about charging for my services instead of doing it for free in order to benefit the same people who are expressing those ill feelings, whether they were justified or not..

I would hope that developers who work with communities like PPCGEEKS do things for the whole and good of the communities , which is where they probably receive the best word of mouth , feedback, etc. I liken this to a communal type place where people help each other for the sake of helping each other have a more positive experience with their devices without having to be subjected to the constricting boundaries and parameters set forth by the carriers and manufacturers. Now I hope we can get this sucker back rolling on topic , which would basically be expressing your opinion with a vote. thanks again
  #56 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 06:42 PM
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Re: Unlocker finally releasing

Apparently still to buggy to release or i am sure it would have already been relesased
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 06:55 PM
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Re: Unlocker finally releasing

Originally Posted by CozBoogie View Post
Do not misinterpret censorship with site maintenance to ensure that everyone's browsing experience is as positive as possible.

The request was made by the OP (numerous times) to keep this thread on topic. Off topic posts have been deleted (which is done to maintain the integrity of this thread).

If you're looking to place blame on anyone then blame the members here who are finding it a challenge to stay on topic and to post constructive comments. Do not blame the staff for being forced to put out numerous grease fires.

And remember, that 99% of everyone's complaining and whining will be old news and everyone will be seeing rainbows and unicorns once the unlocker is released.


p.s., I posted this in the another TP2 Unlocker Thread:

Let me jump in here....in a conveinent list format:

1. I'm glad you brought this up....especially since you're a long time member.

2. The staff have not lost sight at all about the charter and direction of our site...in fact we are trying to contain the wildfire that is this topic/discussion. I'm not going to bore you with the details of site management....but know that it can be very consuming.

3. One of the toughest things to do is to maintain a site for EVERYONE. Someone will always feel left out or slighted. It is never our intent to do that purposefully, it just happens. When it does and when it's brought to our attention we try to correct it.

4. We closed A LOT of duplicate threads and merged a lot of duplicate threads. That is just a normal occurrence and part of the housekeeping process. We do this for you all in an effort to keep this place neat and orderly.

5. If you're ever disappointed or confused by staff decisions I do encourage you to pm any of us.

6. The staff and probably 99% of the members and visitors are also tired of the bickering. We get reports all day about the antics of a small minority of people and are forced to deal with them.

7. The release of the unlocker has never been labeled a "black sheep". The staff are trying to ensure that it's release and the members efforting it's release are afforded respect and consideration....as we do with all members.

8. PPCGeeks is probably the fastest growing PPC site on the internet. We are in negotiations with carriers, manufacturers, and software developers...as such we will always strive to present our best image and most professional image (see #3 above) as there are huge benefits to gaining these relationships.

9. The staff can only do so much...we are constantly involved in a triage effort to determine which issues we may have to deal with. Trust me, there is a lot on this site that we don't see...and generally the only time you (the members) see us is when a dumpster fire like this erupts.

10. To everyone, please do not hesitate to contact us with any concerns, suggestions, gripes, etc. Believe it or not the majority of the changes that are made to this site come from your suggestions and complaints....so please keep our inboxes full.

Coz __________

This is likely the best and clearest response I have read. Thank you.
  #58 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 07:27 PM
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Re: Unlocker finally releasing

Originally Posted by bishop0114 View Post
This is likely the best and clearest response I have read. Thank you.
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 08:14 PM
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Originally Posted by lefty11
Originally Posted by No1ustad View Post
Idk, If I were a developer, the lack of patience and the animosity would go a long way in making me feel much better about charging for my services instead of doing it for free in order to benefit the same people who are expressing those ill feelings, whether they were justified or not..

I would hope that developers who work with communities like PPCGEEKS do things for the whole and good of the communities , which is where they probably receive the best word of mouth , feedback, etc. I liken this to a communal type place where people help each other for the sake of helping each other have a more positive experience with their devices without having to be subjected to the constricting boundaries and parameters set forth by the carriers and manufacturers. Now I hope we can get this sucker back rolling on topic , which would basically be expressing your opinion with a vote. thanks again
i agree with ure points and hope ppcgeeks will be restored to as was in terms of community spirit..etc.

yet i think the button next to elite team members, should be changed from "thanks" to "paid" (this is strictly a METAPHORE! and not intended to insult). As, it is clear the community here as a whole benefits soley out of gratitude. the point, lets try keep it that way only or otherwise known as good o'l ppcgeeks .
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Last edited by dee91; 10-29-2009 at 08:17 PM.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 10-29-2009, 08:16 PM
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Re: Unlocker finally releasing

Originally Posted by delfin2003 View Post
hah, I really don't think we'll see unlocker tonight. It would have been here by now
Yep, already past 1AM in the UK. Hopefully early tomorrow morning... maybe... hopefully... please... while we sleep.

Seriously I'm just waiting. I'd rather all the problems be worked out and everything be smooth.
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