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  #1271 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 10:45 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

I actually like the back of the Sprint version more than the standard, and I'm a Verizon customer. We haven't seen the back of the Verizon TP2, but I honestly hope they did something similar.
  #1272 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 10:58 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

We've heard reports of stores/best buy having the units available in their warehouse, they are just waiting for the go ahead to sell them. Whether this is true or not, we can all take with a grain of salt. It just looks like the thing needs the FCC approval, and from there, it's all systems go. Although it would be nice if Sprint was a little more forthcoming with information. They could say "We are waiting on *insert reason here* to release the phone. " And post some kind of status update. Maybe, even get some test units into the hands of reviewers (phonedog, pocketnow, engadget, cnet, etc), so we can hear some reviews of the actual sprint device.

I'll step down from my soapbox now.
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  #1273 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 11:07 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by tokuzumi View Post
We've heard reports of stores/best buy having the units available in their warehouse, they are just waiting for the go ahead to sell them. Whether this is true or not, we can all take with a grain of salt. It just looks like the thing needs the FCC approval, and from there, it's all systems go. Although it would be nice if Sprint was a little more forthcoming with information. They could say "We are waiting on *insert reason here* to release the phone. " And post some kind of status update. Maybe, even get some test units into the hands of reviewers (phonedog, pocketnow, engadget, cnet, etc), so we can hear some reviews of the actual sprint device.

I'll step down from my soapbox now.
I work at Best Buy at the store level. I ask the BBY Mobile manager everyday if he's heard anything and he says no. Not that he would necessarily know what goes on in BBY's warehouse, but just thought I'd throw that out there. Yes, I agree Sprint is being stupid about this whole thing.
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  #1274 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 11:09 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

well if that's all it needs then a one month from now release doesn't seem that unlikely.
  #1275 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 11:09 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Originally Posted by ckeegan View Post
Kind of interesting that Engadget stated in a recent article, "Aside from the Touch Pro2 that'll probably never, ever land on Sprint, HTC has about a gazillion other rumored handsets on the horizon, but it's hard to know for sure which "product launches" are expected to be stalled."

Kind of interesting, but if HTC were stalling any handsets, it would only make sense for them stall handsets to carriers that already have another manufacturer up their butts. Apple in AT&T's, and Palm in Sprint's. I mean, seriously, why spend the $$ on distrubution, support, etc, when you know the guy in the store is going to be pushing the Pre or iPhone, and your floor placement is going to be off in some corner of the room. Obviously this is why T-Mobile is going to launch the TP2 before any other US carrier, which never ever happens.

Read the full story here:

I hope this doesn't actually happen, but from a business/fiscal responsibility standpoint, it totally makes sense.

if you even read the article I tink endgadget is being sarcastic I mean they link their on article....
  #1276 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 11:28 AM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Engadget is known for being quite sarcastic in just about anything they post.

They were not serious.
  #1277 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 01:24 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

Sprints just hoping you'll give up and buy a PRE
  #1278 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 02:15 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Thread!!

did y'all see the article on engadgetmobile.com they are talking about htc and have this to say.. "Aside from the Touch Pro2 that'll probably never, ever land on Sprint, HTC has about a gazillion other rumored handsets on the horizon, but it's hard to know for sure which "product launches" are expected to be stalled."
  #1279 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 02:15 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Release Date Sept 6TH Per Sprint Corp

lots of people might give up and go with another carrier.
  #1280 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2009, 02:35 PM
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Re: Sprint Touch Pro 2 Thread!!

Originally Posted by ill View Post
did y'all see the article on engadgetmobile.com they are talking about htc and have this to say.. "Aside from the Touch Pro2 that'll probably never, ever land on Sprint, HTC has about a gazillion other rumored handsets on the horizon, but it's hard to know for sure which "product launches" are expected to be stalled."
yeah and the article was being sarcastic basically saying they need to release the sprint version their sitting on since they link back to their own article about the tp2 found with sprint brand on it.
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