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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 01:32 PM
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How to revert back to stock ROM (Sprint)?

Hi, I was trying out a Sprint CDMA ROM from above, but I felt that overall in the end that most of the custom ROMs wouldn't suit my everyday needs. That said, I think it was awesome to just preview it.

This will be my first time going back to Sprint Stock ROM so I figured I would get the clarification.

The last thing I noted before HardSPL flashing +Task29'ing from my PC was that I was running : WM 6.5 Professional, CE OS 5.2.21889(21889.5.87).

On the following link : there seems to be 2 Sprint versions there.


I see the link provided here but which file would I exactly need to get it back to its original state? (i.e. to the version I last noted on my phone excluding the PRL update which I will have to redo)

I don't need to relock the phone or anything as I do not plan on selling it (eventually just use it as a wifi device) -

Lastly, the steps I need to go back to my phone's "original state"?

1. Run Task29 from PC
2. Run Stock Sprint ROM from PC?
3. finished? is there anything I need to do afterwards?

I will be doing a PIMbackup/restore before and after via SD card.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 03:53 PM
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Re: How to revert back to stock ROM (Sprint)?

nope there's no need to do anything else unless u want to relock it of course. the stock 6.5 rom is very buggy and problematic (hence the existence of so many custom roms) so im going to provide u with the link to the more reliable yet not as good looking stock 6.1 rom.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 04:22 PM
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Re: How to revert back to stock ROM (Sprint)?

Thanks Eric - question : what features or functionality would I be losing from a downgrade to 6.1?

Where do I put this .exe file? Just run it after task29 (connected via USB to PC)?

When I purchased this phone from Sprint, it came with the 6.5WM OS preinstalled.

There are some features that some of the ROMs are missing or haven't worked out that I need on a consistent basis -but no major complaints but for me, it seems the stock would give me the most reliability.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 05:28 PM
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Re: How to revert back to stock ROM (Sprint)?

Originally Posted by vancomycin View Post
Thanks Eric - question : what features or functionality would I be losing from a downgrade to 6.1?

Where do I put this .exe file? Just run it after task29 (connected via USB to PC)?

When I purchased this phone from Sprint, it came with the 6.5WM OS preinstalled.

There are some features that some of the ROMs are missing or haven't worked out that I need on a consistent basis -but no major complaints but for me, it seems the stock would give me the most reliability.
To answer for eric .. lol . Yes just run the EXE after you ran task29 and are now in bootloader mode .

As for what your loosing .. personally , i would say nothing . Just a little finger friendlyness is all . nothing too major , its worth losing a little bit of nothing to gain for stableness . I no longer use 6.5 i personally am on 6.5.x . My own custom ROM .
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 09:23 PM
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Re: How to revert back to stock ROM (Sprint)?

Thanks elesbb

I just installed 6.1WM - okay a lot different in appearance compared to 6.5.
That's okay, as long as I can get some features back that I couldn't find in the custom ROM

1. where's the phone lock? pressed start (upper left) but no lock seen to prevent me from accidentally pressing anything.

2. how can I remove the camera link at the bottom lower right to something else or nothing?

3. I just tried to post a message from 6.1WM TP2 using the opera browser - and I couldn't tap or click on the text field box at all - Somehow a few letters came through but then I couldn't get the field active again with my fingers or stylus. Was there a better browser to use for this OS build?

4. Battery meter display? I swapped to have the clock display in the title bar for all programs and the battery disappeared. - But if I press near this area, (in 6.5 - the battery would be displayed there with a %) - it doesn't show in 6.1 by default when switching out for the clock. Any way of getting the battery to display somewhere?

5. Tried the "windows update" menu option - but there seems to be nothing happening with that.

Last edited by vancomycin; 06-28-2011 at 11:34 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 04:28 AM
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Re: How to revert back to stock ROM (Sprint)?

Originally Posted by vancomycin View Post
Thanks elesbb

I just installed 6.1WM - okay a lot different in appearance compared to 6.5.
That's okay, as long as I can get some features back that I couldn't find in the custom ROM

1. where's the phone lock? pressed start (upper left) but no lock seen to prevent me from accidentally pressing anything.

2. how can I remove the camera link at the bottom lower right to something else or nothing?

3. I just tried to post a message from 6.1WM TP2 using the opera browser - and I couldn't tap or click on the text field box at all - Somehow a few letters came through but then I couldn't get the field active again with my fingers or stylus. Was there a better browser to use for this OS build?

4. Battery meter display? I swapped to have the clock display in the title bar for all programs and the battery disappeared. - But if I press near this area, (in 6.5 - the battery would be displayed there with a %) - it doesn't show in 6.1 by default when switching out for the clock. Any way of getting the battery to display somewhere?

5. Tried the "windows update" menu option - but there seems to be nothing happening with that.
1. for phone lock u goto start>settings>all settings>buttons>End Key then choose which u want the end key, if its the quick list the lock option will be displayed in the list or u can set it to lock when u press/hold the end key

2. use THIS

3. yea the opera 9.5 was very buggy for text entry, i used internet explorer.

4. there is a cab that will allow the battery and time to display on the taskbar , search for it or someone else will up load it

5. yea for some reason MS was going to release periodic updates but that idea fell through which is why it was removed in 6.5 and some 6.1 custom roms
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 04:50 AM
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Re: How to revert back to stock ROM (Sprint)?

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
1. for phone lock u goto start>settings>all settings>buttons>End Key then choose which u want the end key, if its the quick list the lock option will be displayed in the list or u can set it to lock when u press/hold the end key

2. use THIS

3. yea the opera 9.5 was very buggy for text entry, i used internet explorer.

4. there is a cab that will allow the battery and time to display on the taskbar , search for it or someone else will up load it

5. yea for some reason MS was going to release periodic updates but that idea fell through which is why it was removed in 6.5 and some 6.1 custom roms
cab/s for #4

Last edited by darren.wlsn1; 02-14-2012 at 12:11 AM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 02:47 PM
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Re: How to revert back to stock ROM (Sprint)?

@Eric + @darren - thanks for the clarifications and links
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2011, 04:46 PM
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Re: How to revert back to stock ROM (Sprint)?

Originally Posted by vancomycin View Post
@Eric + @darren - thanks for the clarifications and links
not a problem, eric is tp2 goto guy for questions and i got cabs. lol
think you may like these threads for lots of cool tp2 gear.
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