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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2010, 02:37 PM
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Re: wm fails me again!

It would be better to compare a G1 to TP2 since they both have comparable specs. Either way it's apples and oranges...
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2010, 04:15 PM
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Re: wm fails me again!

I'm sorry but a small a$$ screen on the TP2 or any phone for that matter is not made for work.
I have a TP2 and used an evo and both served me well, evo served a bit better because i do not get those 30 secs freezes thanks to sense. The only work related item i do on my phone is getting my email through the exchange server and very rarely trade. If i need to do work it would be 500x faster to just walk over to a real computer and do it. Doing web searches is also 500x faster on a computer then on a phone.
Trying to order a freaking train ticket online to get me from DC to NYC was pain using any type of mobile phone.

Smart phones to me are nothing more then entertainment/informational devices. Trying to defend WM 6.x saying it is a better work phone is a joke.

Phone is a phone and defending it is dumb because at the end of the day most of you will have a different device by mid year.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2010, 06:29 PM
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Re: wm fails me again!

good point man, winmo def doesnt have either of those things!
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2010, 11:29 PM
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Re: wm fails me again!

u guys got this thread going while i was at work. thx for replying.

boredandtattooed -- i used to think just like u, just turn the other cheek and forget about it, look for another alternative. but thats not what i want to do. u can how there is a lack of support for this os. if they can have it why cant winmo.
we all have different needs and since im not home mush and an app that can track my intake on the go is awesome. its not what i eat its calculating the calories i eat. (no im not fat, im actually super skinny).
another thing i was just shown, an app that can calculate ur heart rate. and its crazy accurate. tested it with my heart rate monitor.
u can run anyother platform, yeah thats cool. but just go and tell any android user that ur winmo phone can run android too and they tell u, then y are u still with winmo. i havent heard any android user say "i wish i can run winmo on my device. cuz they dont want to.

ooxteme -- it fail me with 6.1, again in 6.5, failed with lack of support from apps, having to reset. memory leaks, the list can go on. and about an android or iphone running 2 or 3 os. why would they bother. it seems winmo users are the only ones trying to run another os.

WinMo = work
Android = Nothing more than a toy...
more like
WinMo = work
Android = Nothing more than a toy........... and work
u can have ur cake and eat it too.

as for as wm7 goes, how hard is it going to be to tell programmers to look back at Microsoft again. its going to be so hard to catch up. with the other 2 os going at it.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 11:13 AM
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Re: wm fails me again!

Originally Posted by yankees45us View Post
I don't remember the last time I reset my android phone. With my tp2 I have to reset it several times in a 1hr period. What is the point of running all those programs when the phone isn't stable?
Wow, several times an hour? I won't question you but I will say that there is something wrong with either your hardware or the apps you have installed, period. You can attempt to argue with me if you'd like but it'll be futile because I'm not going to rise to it (just giving you fair warning and a heads up because I'm not trying to bait you). Several times an hour is ridiculous and I'm sure you know it.

If your car quit running on you 3 times on the way home you'd take it in to the mechanic. If the lawnmower turned off several times while mowing the lawn on your .125 acre lot during a single mow session you'd get it looked at or get a new one (which you obviously have done re: your phone). Several reboots an hour is absurd. There are, however, tens of thousands of very satisfied users of the TP2 who DON'T reboot several times an hour, or day, or week or month for that matter.

I haven't had to reboot my TP2 since I got it replaced for water damage (they don't swim for crap, thankyouverymuch!) 2 months ago after re-installing all my "mods". Not unlocked, not 'hacked'.

Yes, YMMV. Yes, some work better than others. Yes, some devices are lemons, but the OP was posting due to application availability not hardware reliability.

Last edited by DarkLight; 08-26-2010 at 11:14 AM. Reason: clarified my comment on replacing the phone...
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 11:23 AM
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Re: wm fails me again!

Originally Posted by DarkLight View Post
If the lawnmower turned off several times while mowing the lawn on your .125 acre lot during a single mow session you'd get it looked at or get a new one
My lawnmower has been broken for almost a month because I am waiting for a part from homelite. That's what I get for buying an electric lawn mower. I bet if I get next years riding mower that's gas powered it will have double the horsepower and mow better....
(True story BTW)
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 12:10 PM
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Re: wm fails me again!

"ooxteme -- it fail me with 6.1, again in 6.5, failed with lack of support from apps, having to reset. memory leaks, the list can go on. and about an android or iphone running 2 or 3 os. why would they bother. it seems winmo users are the only ones trying to run another os".

6.1 was replaced with 6.5 and now 6.5 is soon replaced with windows phone 7, as os's get old they are replaced just like anything else in the world... and 6.1 had almost no leak and if yours did it was prolly caused by a program you installed, had it happen to me in the past. And yes we are the only ones that are running 2 or 3 os's, and why? CAUSE WE CAN!!!!!!!! But hey if you happy with another os then your happy and in the end thats all that matters, but when you come in to a winmo forum and complain about how bad of a experience you had after 30 or so post's your going to get some not so helpful responses. As for the lack of things you can do with it, care to state what you are trying to do that you think cant be done?

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Last edited by ooxteme; 08-26-2010 at 12:13 PM.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 04:35 PM
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Re: wm fails me again!

Originally Posted by cloudtp2 View Post
i have a tp2 sprint, my first windows mobile device. and it will be my last. sorry to be so negative but iv stuck with it for a year now and im done. the last straw was the lack of things i could be doing with it. an app came out for myfitnesspal came out for iphone and android, but no wm. what gives!! i would love to track my food intake on the go. also i been looking for a app for vevo to watch music videos, but failed again, iphone has it, and android will have it to. but no talks about wm. sad sad sad.
this isnt a rant about how mush better the evo is. i hate how big that phone is. ill be looking for something else in the android market. i like my touch pro 2, not a bad device, i just dont like wm anymore, it feels so outdated now.
Yea I dont think I can handle the TP2 anymore either.

It's too slow, buggy, and no one is supporting Windows Mobile anymore.

Fanboys will swear it is an awesome device, but all you have to do is using a Droid X in the Verizon store and its painfully clear that the TP2 is simply outclassed. The sluggishness, freezing, sleep of death, etc is just unacceptable.

The lack of software support is the nail in the coffin. NOTHING is being released for Windows Mobile anymore. Yes, you there are "alternative" ways doing things withouth those "Apps", but they usually suck. What's the point of having a full-featured smartphone type device if it sucks as being a full-featured smartphone type device?
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 05:16 PM
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Re: wm fails me again!

wow lots of android fanboys in this thread. hope y'all enjoy all the trojans and battery draining apps waiting on android. I used to have respect for android until its fanboy users came in to tp2 or any other wm related thread and started bashing it, we wm users don't do that and still probably won't when wp7 comes out. and it's not the os that sucks just because there aren't any apps for it. its the ignorant naco developers who are android and iPhone fanboys themselves, BB gets excluded too so its not just WM. oh and you don't see BB users complaining about this because they're satisfied or have more class and sense then to go on a forum and complain. if you don't like wm then don't post about it, and goto something else,plain and simple. entienden?
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 08-26-2010, 05:42 PM
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Re: wm fails me again!

Originally Posted by crazed_z06 View Post
Yea I dont think I can handle the TP2 anymore either.

It's too slow, buggy, and no one is supporting Windows Mobile anymore.

Fanboys will swear it is an awesome device, but all you have to do is using a Droid X in the Verizon store and its painfully clear that the TP2 is simply outclassed. The sluggishness, freezing, sleep of death, etc is just unacceptable.

The lack of software support is the nail in the coffin. NOTHING is being released for Windows Mobile anymore. Yes, you there are "alternative" ways doing things withouth those "Apps", but they usually suck. What's the point of having a full-featured smartphone type device if it sucks as being a full-featured smartphone type device?

did you even take the time to read what I said? Your trying to compare a 1 year + old device with to the latest and greatest... Nothing being released???? Really???? have looked over at XDA lately? There is new stuff there all the time over there... O and what cause's that sluggish, freezing, ect your talk about, answer HACKING/MODDING when you do this 90% of time its not going work perfect there will be a hiccup here or there. Sorry to rant but I hate these "android/soon to be android" people coming here and telling us how bad winmo is all the freakin time... Just wait for WP7...
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