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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2010, 03:23 AM
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Re: wm fails me again!

Originally Posted by crazed_z06 View Post
They even have a Palm version for Christ's Sake... PALM!

I doubt HTC is going to bother fixing the POS texting on the TP2 or even address the Sleep of Death.

People dont want a device that requires digging around on message boards................
first one just made me lmao

second whats wrong with texting on the TP2? never had an issue..

last, have you ever seen the User Guides that come with most BlackBerrys? theyre like Novels dude.. BB employees have to take training course on new BB devices that can be weeks long just to train to learn how to troubleshoot and such...yet BB flurishes just fine..

it should be apparent to everyone by now that MS knew looooooong before they ever told us that they were ditching winMO.. my guess 6.5 was just a curtesy.. MS started it and hyped it up by mistake, and the DEVS here and on XDA finished it easily 6months before MS released ANY public version.. MS just didnt wanna look stupid so they completed it anyways.. by the time they shipped something with 6.5 on it, WE were already builds ahead and in the early stages of 6.5.X even.. MS barely supported 6.1, they just needed to squash the hatred over MMS and GPS.. which probably wouldnt have happened had the Mogul not sold so well.. otherwise knowing MS, they probbaly wouldnt of even done that..

Companies making "Apps for everything" is new people.. sure youll find some winMO,BB,Palm stuff but with the last 2-3 years people didnt realize the market was there for it.. iPhone and Android are the latest craze, and will be for awhile, thats why companies are chosing those OS'..

Nokia and their OS is #1 overall in the world is it not?? I rarely see "get the symbian download here" anywhere really... Phones are just like Myspace and Facebook.. every buisness has a Myspace or Facebook page now a days, they didnt 2 years ago.. Handheld Productivity is really just getting started.. Since it took this long for the rest of the world to catch up to the technology age..

will WP7 or MS be apart of the future.. i honestly doubt it.. and i love winMO.. bet even in winMOs best years, it still doesnt look like Corps really took any interest in it.. and now MS might have fallen so far behind, nooone will ever really make the effort to fit winMO/WP7/MS in ever again..
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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