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  #321 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 05:10 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

on top of all this? what percentage of sprint customers are sero? 1/2 of 1%? are they so damned worried about the data usage of such a small subset of their customers that they feel the need to burn them?

contrary to popular belief and contrary to what carriers want you to think DATA IS CHEAP. really really really cheap. EVEN CELLULAR DATA is insanely cheap.

the only time data becomes a problem is in tech rich dense populations (san francisco las vegas etc.. ie tech rich dense populations and tourist locations (used to be really hard to get data in the summer in myrtle beach

Seems like a really low class move by sprint. the downfalls are far greater than the increase (VERY MINOR increase) in profit.
  #322 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 07:05 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by nerys View Post
on top of all this? what percentage of sprint customers are sero? 1/2 of 1%? are they so damned worried about the data usage of such a small subset of their customers that they feel the need to burn them?

contrary to popular belief and contrary to what carriers want you to think DATA IS CHEAP. really really really cheap. EVEN CELLULAR DATA is insanely cheap.

the only time data becomes a problem is in tech rich dense populations (san francisco las vegas etc.. ie tech rich dense populations and tourist locations (used to be really hard to get data in the summer in myrtle beach

Seems like a really low class move by sprint. the downfalls are far greater than the increase (VERY MINOR increase) in profit.
A low class move? They are offering you the ability to have the BEST phones on the CHEAPEST plan in America. God you people are whiners. For 40 dollars a month, you are getting every single feature that any normal sprint customer pays 70 dollars a month for AND you get 50 more minutes. What makes you so special that this plan is not good enough for you? You are getting literally 43% off what everyone else in the country pays, and most likely you weren't even really eligible for the SERO plan in the first place like the majority of people who actually signed up for SERO. If you don't like it, stay with your current dumpy phone and pay the 30 a month or leave sprint altogether and end up paying at LEAST double what Sprint is offering you for anything even REMOTELY similar.
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  #323 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 07:11 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Again Shell is offering you the ability to put PRECISELY the same gasoline in your nice new lexus for ONLY a 25% premium over everyone else. Your not getting more gas your not getting better gas its not be served better THE SAME EXACT GAS.

but you should be happy your getting the SAME exact gas for 25% more because you drive a nicer car.

Its not ANYTHING off its 25% more. Period.

I signed onto sero when sprint made it PUBLIC for ABSOLUTELY ANYONE to sign up for it. I signed up my entire family.

Its not about me. Sprint offered me a deal. I took the deal they offered without modification. NOW sprint wants to change the game without just cause.

shit I am one of their MODEL customers. I never upgrade. I never ask for credits and I NEVER call support. hell today I am constantly getting error 67 data errors. will I call sprint? NO because they are well aware of the problem to a likely hood that approaches unity so there is no need to add MY call to the mix. I will just wait till its fixed.

I never ask for anything I never go over my minutes I never do ANYTHING to cost sprint any more money and yet they keep trying to burn me. This is the third time in the last 12 months they have done something hinky and unethical. First the BS about $5 if your on a SL (I never asked for that??) what the hell do I need a $1200 spending limit for a $42 account for? They finally fixed that as I was telling them to cancel the service (yes I would cancel service over a $5 "BECAUSE WE CAN" fee its immoral and I will not condone it)

they finally fixed that when they realized I was serious. (yes I would have canceled its a LUXURY to me not a requirement to have a cell phone I don't NEED it)

Then I got a letter say THEY WILL be not they need to not I should look into THEY WILL be changing my account to this new premium BS because I was using an 8330 without BIS. got that fixed REAL fast. BB's don't need BIS and the 8330 is FULLY compatible with my account.

Now this. $10 for the PRIVILEDGE of buying a more expensive phone that gives me NO SERVICE I do not already have not in a quantity NO GREATER than I already have now (SAME GAS nicer Car) and then want ANOTHER $10 for a service I won't be able to use in the next decade. (4g)

I am tired of "because we can" fees and you should be too but your likely a 14 year old punk who has mommy or daddy pay the bill and YOU WANT YOUR DAMNED EVO or whatever. So the rest of us suffer for that decision.

Wait till your paying all your own bills and see how happy you are about a $2400 increase.

So far all the new non 4g phones are a DOWNGRADE to my current phone but I see a day coming when I will be forced to choose stay or leave because no equal or better phone will be compatible with my plan even though NOTHING is incompatible with my plan.

HOW DARE you tell me what is or is not too much money. Last I checked I AM a normal sprint customer. They offered a plan I said yes.

When I said yes there were NO restrictions on the phones I could use that were not also in place on any normal plan. NOW they are fabricating a difference that has nothing to do with usage or technology.

AGAIN a pre will use no more data than my TP2 or my 8330

Last edited by nerys; 09-07-2010 at 07:18 PM.
  #324 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 07:16 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by nerys View Post
contrary to popular belief and contrary to what carriers want you to think DATA IS CHEAP. really really really cheap. EVEN CELLULAR DATA is insanely cheap.
When nerysPCS becomes available in the NYC area, I'll be the first to jump on board
  #325 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 07:19 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by nerys View Post
Again Shell is offering you the ability to put PRECISELY the same gasoline in your nice new lexus for ONLY a 25% premium over everyone else. Your not getting more gas your not getting better gas its not be served better THE SAME EXACT GAS.

but you should be happy your getting the SAME exact gas for 25% more because you drive a nicer car.

Its not ANYTHING off its 25% more. Period.

I signed onto sero when sprint made it PUBLIC for ABSOLUTELY ANYONE to sign up for it. I signed up my entire family.

Its not about me. Sprint offered me a deal. I took the deal they offered without modification. NOW sprint wants to change the game without just cause.

So far all the new non 4g phones are a DOWNGRADE to my current phone but I see a day coming when I will be forced to choose stay or leave because no equal or better phone will be compatible with my plan even though NOTHING is incompatible with my plan.

HOW DARE you tell me what is or is not too much money. Last I checked I AM a normal sprint customer. They offered a plan I said yes.

When I said yes there were NO restrictions on the phones I could use that were not also in place on any normal plan. NOW they are fabricating a difference that has nothing to do with usage or technology.

AGAIN a pre will use no more data than my TP2 or my 8330
Your comparison doesn't even make sense. The nicer cars CANNOT use the gas you are using now. They are simply not allowed. They are different cars, with different engines, which use MORE gas which has been documented and confirmed by several sources. Sprint is offering you a deal of a lifetime, to allow these nicer cars with the new engines to use the gas you are currently buying, for only 10 dollars more a month, which is 43% less than what every other American pays to drive these cars. And you are still whining. You aren't even required to pay the 10 dollar fee, because you can keep your old crappy car. You sound very entitled and arrogant.
  #326 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 07:19 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

"They are offering you the ability to have the BEST phones on the CHEAPEST plan in America"

NO they are not. They are offering me nothing. THEY ARE TAKING AWAY and then trying to "give back" what they took away for a higher price.

Lets make sure we have that straight. they are TAKING AWAY. not offering ANYTHING.
  #327 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 07:22 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by pjsnyc View Post
When nerysPCS becomes available in the NYC area, I'll be the first to jump on board
yeah our wonderfully bought for and paid for congress and FCC have made sure thats damned near impossible.

case in point. We are DTV now for one reason and one reason only.

not for better picture. not for better signal (its worse) not for more features (lot LESS features now)

they did that for ONE REASON ONLY

$20 BILLION for the spectrum they cleared up. that and ONLY that is the reason we went ot DTV. it had NOTHING to do with what was good for the consumer.

Corporations are by their very definition ANTI CONSUMER. That is why the founding fathers places such extreme restrictions on them.

We have allowed those restrictions to go poof and this is the kind of thing we get as a result.

Lets just hope metro and cricket can put the squeeze on the likes of the big three and force lower prices.
  #328 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 07:22 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by nerys View Post
"They are offering you the ability to have the BEST phones on the CHEAPEST plan in America"

NO they are not. They are offering me nothing. THEY ARE TAKING AWAY and then trying to "give back" what they took away for a higher price.

Lets make sure we have that straight. they are TAKING AWAY. not offering ANYTHING.
What are they taking away from you? No car bullshit, explain in phone terms.
  #329 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 07:25 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by muyoso View Post
Your comparison doesn't even make sense. The nicer cars CANNOT use the gas you are using now. They are simply not allowed. They are different cars, with different engines, which use MORE gas which has been documented and confirmed by several sources. Sprint is offering you a deal of a lifetime, to allow these nicer cars with the new engines to use the gas you are currently buying, for only 10 dollars more a month, which is 43% less than what every other American pays to drive these cars. And you are still whining. You aren't even required to pay the 10 dollar fee, because you can keep your old crappy car. You sound very entitled and arrogant.
I am sorry you are simply wrong.

there is no way in hell a PRE is going to use more data than my TP2 or 8330

it uses the EXACT same gas (same 3g) and it uses NO MORE OF IT than I already use.

this is not something you can argue with any sort of logic. you are simply wrong.

you sound very immature and naive.

what happens when there ARE NO MORE "crappy" cars as you call them. now its a FORCED upgrade.

are you people INCAPABLE of seeing more than 12 months down the road? can you even see beyond the edge of your own nose at the ramifications of this decision?

the 4g charge is bogus and you know it but when its REALLY out their its can be argued logically.

the $10 upgrade fee that "I" have a problem with is completely without merit.

and again your talking what a fraction of a percent of their user base?

try to inject some reality into your argument please.
  #330 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2010, 07:27 PM
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Re: New SERO Oct 1st

Originally Posted by muyoso View Post
What are they taking away from you? No car bullshit, explain in phone terms.
lets see

when I got my account I was permitted to use ANY TECH COMPATIBLE SPRINT PHONE I DESIRED.

as long as it was a power vision phone I was 100% able to use it. No guarantee sprint would subsidize it but I could always go out BUY the hardware and call up for an ESN swap on ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY ANY POWER VISION PHONE I WANTED TO USE.

now today there is a list of POWER VISION ONLY PHONES (not the 4g phones ignore those) that I am NOT allowed to use unless I pay an upgrade.

that is taking away by any definition I can think of.

what part is unclear to you?

you guys refuse or are unable to GRASP this very simple concept hence the Car and Gas analogies.
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